Bilateral breast cancer

I would like to chat to anyone that has bilateral breast cancer lots of surgery a year down line still coming to terms with it all im 54 years old with one side masectomy reconstruction nipple sacrificing skin sparing with silicone implant always painful and pulling

  • Hello Knackered

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with the results of your surgery. It sounds as if your reconstruction has left you quite uncomfortable. If you've not already spoken to your breast care nurse or the surgeon about things then I'd encourage you to get in touch with them to discuss things. 

    We do have quite a number of ladies here on the forum who have had different experiences with breast cancer. Hopefully some of them will post to share their experiences with you. 

    You might also find some posts of interest by using the forum search function to look for the term "reconstruction". 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses for some advice and support you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I do hope that things improve for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi! 

    hope you are doing well. I also have Bilateral Breast cancer. I have both mastectomy. Hope you doing ok 

    I am sorry to hear your experience and I hope you ok. 

  • Thankyou for your reply do you have reconstructions on both sides my left side was tumour removal and made smaller that side is ok it's the right side it was multi focal breast cancer with 2 positive nodes a shock to say the least how are you coping do you have implants ? My armpit always hurts and swells it's radical surgery isn't it I hope your ok ive just had some physio for shoulder blade pain but don't really know what's safe to try I hope your ok

  • Hi! Nice to hear from you. My lymph node was negative but I am still have some sharp pain occasionally from that area. I found the after surgery exercise help a little. I haven't had the reconstruction. My cancer also on my left breast and my right was high grade. I am under chemotherapy and will follow by radiotherapy. Have you done all that yet ? Did you do the reconstruction at the same time when you remove the tumor ? 
    I tried to asked my friends who had lymph node removed. I remember one of friends of mine had it. And she had to regularly doing exercise to reduce the pain and swollen issues. I think if exercise can substitute drugs. I would preferred exercise

    my friends asked below questions 

    1)Your right side was multi focal with 2 positive nodes. Do you have done clearance to remove all your right side lymph nodes? 
    2)My friend N who underwent clearance 11 years ago has armpit hurts, hard feelings and swelling until now. N has to protect her affected hand from blood pressure measurement, blood test and IV cannula insertion in order to prevent lymphoedema. Does your CNS give you the same advice?

    Please let me know and I hope you do well

  • hello my surgery was in dec 2019 i had four tumours in right breast er positive her2 negative one tumour in left i had full lymph node clearance in right side and the implant was done at the same time as tumour removal they took all 15 lymph nodes in a seperate large incision under my arm and took seven nodes from my left side also i have a lot of intermittent swelling under right armpit found out recently have many small clips in axilla where they clipped together blood vessels !! arm aches a lot but no swelling as yet hopefully never your friend gives me hope 11 years after surgery i presume for positive nodes thats great my cancer was high grade also stage 3 my armpit aches and is tender a lot of the time shoulder blade pain also its crap isnt it ive just started seeing a physio hope it helps i had chemotherapy and extensive radiotherapy up to collar bone i think some of the pain comes from that ive been told scar tissue fibrosis and nerves they have to cut causes a lot of pain problems its nice to talk to you any help you want just ask the radiotherapy is not as bad as chemo just uncomfertable with position your in arms ache a lot

  • Hi!

    I am having my third chemotherapy next week. Did radiotherapy burn your skin ? Did you have to put lots of cream before ? 

    I hope the physio can help you to relief the pain. If I hear anything from my friend. I will let you know.

  • Hello I didn't use any creams at all through my radiotherapy I don't want anything to cause a reaction I just waited until I'd finished I had some redness on chest but no blistering it took about 2 weeks to clear take care

  • Thanks for your reply. 
    I think one of my other friend of friend who did swimming and exercise to reduce her pain and swollen issues. I am sure some regular exercise could help. Don't know if you are base in London. My friend did foot massage and reflexology below link. Hope you find it useful.

    oh! I want to ask did you do Genetic test ? Does your family have breast cancer ? 

    take care !