Chemo Brain



I was diagnosed with Breast cancer Jan 2016. Had lumpectomy,  6 x rounds of FEC chemo, 20 x radiotherapy and have been on Tamoxifen since Nov 2016. At the moment everything is clear and I just have yearly check ups.  The problem I have is I still got chemo brain. It not as bad as it was during chemo, but my memory is worse and I have problems remembering names of people, objects, places etc. Has anyone else experienced this. For example, the other day I was at a work's meeting and we were talking about the cronovirus and I mentioned I read that there might be a vaccine next spring, but I couldn't remember the word 'vaccine'. How daft is that. My colleague had to fill in the gaps. I haven't told them I've still got chemo brain, they must thought I was a right idiot.  NHS says I should be back to normal within 9 months from chemo, but I am not. I feel alone in this as everyone seems to return back to normal after treatment. 

  • Hi dodgychick. 

    Sometimes chemo brain is permanent. 

    I had mine over four years ago, still have word problems something like i want to say table and chair comes out instead. I realise as soon as I say it, before chemotherapy i could to sums in my head now i have to use calculator and struggling to press right buttons. 

    I go to buy three things from shop only two minutes away when I've got there I've forgotten what I want.. Some days are better than others and loads of people on the forum have same problem hopefully others will join you soon. 

    Remember you are not alone anything you want to talk about you are welcome here. 

    Best wishes... Billy 

  • Your so not alone. I had ALL around 13 years ago and have constatly struggles with my memory issues. Like you I am terrible with names and cant find the right word when im talking to somone, somtimes I say a different word without even knowing it. I find it gets worse when im tired like in the evenings. I find it really fustrating as I feel stupid when it happens in front of people who dont know my past. I also struggle with concentration and zoning out constatly throughout the day. 

    My memory is also effected. I have issues with recalling events and since my treatment it all becomes a bit foggy remembering the past.

    I hope this gives you comfort that your not alone, Ive never really felt im back to my 'normal' self since cancer treatment.