Letrozole Availability

I have been on letrozole for about one year and, as many other people, find side effects vary greatly between brands. I've found that Teva are by far the best for me, with Sun being the worst. However I struggle every month to ring or visit pharmacies within reach of me to find Teva. It would seem that regardless of what I and they ask for, the wholesalers send whatever they want to send, so having prescription for a particular brand doesn't solve the problem...the only solution seems to be the Great Monthly Letrozole Hunt. I went to London... 70 miles and £38 by train... one month. Managed to find one pharmacy with one remaining pack of Teva. I felt triumphant but the following month wished to avoid the trek. So I emailed Tevas helpline and got a reply saying their letrozole was back in stock and could be ordered by pharmacies again! Problem solved! But only for one month.

Am now trying to find more, with a 3 month's prescription in hand. I can't decide whether it's coronavirus making pharmacies too busy or another shortage, but I can't find one to order me Teva or my second choice, Accord. Am wondering if this is going to be my monthly challenge for the next few years? All I've been offered this week is Sun, which effects joints so badly I can't sleep and struggle to walk, and gives me 20 + seriously bad hot flushes every day. Is there an answer out there? I understand pharmacists are busy just now, but being forced into trailing shops or taking something with crippling side effects is really not what we Need. With shops to busy to answer phones we must increase our risk of catching the virus by visiting one pharmacy after another, or/and worsen our health by taking the brand that makes us poorly - which will make us less able to fight off coronavirus if we catch it while out searching for our prescription... Seems silly after all the effort that has got us this near to survival!

Rant over. But any suggestions welcome! 

  • Poor you Elaine54, 

    This must be so frustrating and I can imagine that in the current climate it must be even harder to get the medication you need. It seems like you are doing everything you possibly can and it's such a shame it is proving so difficult for you to get hold of Letrozole. I can't believe you had to go to London by train once to find your medication; obviously not something you can easily do at the moment. I was going to suggest that you try and phone all the pharmacies around you to see whether they can help but it sounds like they are not picking up the phone at the moment. Keep trying to get in touch with them by phone if you can to avoid unnecessary trips out or perhaps a friend of yours who may be going to a pharmacy anyway could ask on your behalf? Or maybe you could try and talk to your GP and see what options you have? Do mention for example that the only medication you have been offered gives you severe side effects and whether they have any advice for you or tips to help you find the Letrozole you need. Some pharmacies may also have delivery options to save you having to actually go there to pick up your prescription.

    Our nurses may be able to give you further guidance so don't hesitate to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to  5pm.

    Good luck with the Letrozole hunt especially in these weird times! I really hope you manage to find some soon.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • I had the same trouble finding teva I discussed with my surgery's pharmacist and I agreed to try another brand reluctantly as I've tried other brands in the past and side effects were making me give up altogether  I was given accord and like you I could tolerate it as well as teva then I went to get my next script and it wasn't available  but thankfully teva was back ‍♀️