Wanting a tattoo

I have had a lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed and have just finished 15 sessions of radiotherapy. I know I am not allowed any blood pressure taken from my arm and no needles however I am wanting a tattoo of the breast cancer ribbon and would like it on my hand on the side of the cancer. Silly question but, am I allowed to have this tattoo on my hand?

  • Probably best to ask your care team to check, do you have a named specialist nurse you could email? Good luck!

  • I would ask your team but be prepared for them to say no. The lymph travels from the hand up your arm to the nodes in the arm pit. As you've had some of these nodes removed it's sometimes been known for tattoo ink to enter the lymph or blood stream and travel to the dissection area, causing a problem such as infection.

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • I had a similar issue hun and my team said no. I ended up getting a pheonix with the breast cancer ribbon making up part of its body and tail done...and decided to do it between my shoulder blades... as its the other side if where my cancer was...love it so much! Best decision I ever made

  • I asked my oncologist this she said no I cant have anything done on my left side where I had the nodes removed from. No blood taken from that side which sucks because the veins in my right arm where the chemo was pumped in ended up shocking, I got phlebitus and the veins were hard and shrunk. They have to take blood from above my thumb and it's a pain. Sorry it's not better news, apparently it's a big risk for infection and the nodes are what fight off infections. I had 42 removed 7 had cancer my arm is still stiff 6 years on. 

  • Morning,

    thank you for your reply, I know what you mean regarding no needles or blood pressure in your arm, I have a bracelet to say it just in case, I'm actually having a hip replacement this week and have told the hospital not to touch my left arm but going to wear my bracelet too to be on the safe side.

  • Hey Georgie


    how are you? I did send you a message private but nor sure if you got it? Everything is getting worse mum finally got the results they have said tall cell breast cancer stage 1 we have never heard of it she now has to have lymph nodes removed I'm so scared I feel broken no one to talk to and I can't find any info

    on this cancer they said they haven't seen this before xxxx

  • Hi Laura,

    this message is different than the private one so replying to this one too, stage 1is good tho babe,  I had some lymph nodes removed when I had my lumpectomy, I think it's quite common it's just to check if the cancer has spread. Please don't look on the internet for answers cos I know when I was looking it scared me ***. Leave it to the hospital, they will look after your mum and you. I am always here if you need to talk babe

    georgina xx

  • Hey Georgina 

    How are you? So mums full pathology said stage 1 grade 2 invasive mammary tall cell breast cancer. They said it was rare and hadn't come across it before which is why it took them 5 weeks. I'm scared as they will take lymph nodes but what if there's cancer in there will this change the stage? And we have to wait again after to know. I'm scared it's come from somewhere else now. They always said pre cancer in situ so now cancer and it's spread I'm so worried I just feel like everything they say keeps changing. Mum will have radiotherapy I don't know how she will feel after all this and I worry as she helps me with little baby and I don't want to put any pressure on her. I don't know what to expect and it's scaring me xxx

  • Hi laura

    im good thank you improving daily. I know you are worried but they will look after your mum, like I said before it's stage 1 which is good, I had stage 1, if it makes you feel any better my friend had stage 4, she had chemo and is absolutely fine. I don't honestly know about what happens if it's in her lymph nodes, it might not be but they will do a thorough check. It's natural to think it's come from somewhere else, I know I'm always worried I get secondary, I think it's natural to always look on the dark side. I felt absolutely fine during and after radiotherapy, I think everybody are different with their reaction to it, you must remember that radiotherapy is done to kill the cancer completely. I know you're scared but the hospital know what they are talking about and are there to help you through the whole journey. Is your mum having a lumpectomy if so when?

    georgina xx

  • Hey Georgina 

    i am good your doing well xxx mum had her lumpectomy on September 13th and we only got the results this Thursday they said a few weeks ago they didn't think it was a cancer that's why it was taking so long only to be told it wasn't the pre cancer they said in the beginning but now stage 1 invasive but this rare type invasive mammary tall cell cancer they called it. So they want to do another operation to remove her lymph nodes. I guess having been told so many things I find it really hard to stay positive. They said they will operate within 4 weeks hopefully and then we wait again for the results of lymph nodes. If they thought it had come from somewhere else would they have known by this pathology report on the tissue they removed? Sorry if I seem so negative I'm just worried and can't understand all the medial terms and procedures xxxx