Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Sue
Sending best wishes and big hugs your way and will be thinking of you. Focus on that relaxing bath and hope the day goes smoothly. Jules xx
Thanks Jules, nearly there now. Was up at 4.00 so looking forward to the enforced sleep later on!! Sue xx
Hi Jules,
So pleased you had a great weekend topped off with the news of your son, congratulations to you and your family. Sorry you got wet; I do fee sorry for the organisers and those who took part like yourself for I know the hard work th at goes into organising it. Unfortunately we canot control the weather.
I also have had good news. My son won not one, not two but three gold medals at his archery competition, winning the single, double and the treble longbow part of the competition. And thats without using his new bow which has a lot more power. Me and Mrs B are so proud of him. Photos of medals attached.
I have written another 1034 word short story yesterday and I read it to our nextdoor neighbour this morning as her eyesight is not that good; she has cateracts. She liked it and said each one gets better than the last but maybe shes just being kind. This is the 11th one I have done and now I must try and see if I can find someone interested in publishing them. I find them a little harder than the longer ones as you can only put so much detail in them but it does concentrate the mind. I will post one on of them on here before Christmas.
Hope you didnt get wet this morning going to work. It's just clearing up here and I can see a small patch of blue sky. Hope the weekend staff have not left you too much backlog to catch up on. I am glad I retired when I did. Most of my life I worked five and a half days per week with Saterday being the busiest. Mrs B is glad too even though I do wind her up at times ha ha. :devil:
We have a carnation just come into bloom in our garden woth more following. In November ??????? When I buy Mrs B some, she often find a shoot which she plants in the garden and most of them seem to take. I shall have to start calling her Greenfingers.
Sending best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Brian
Fantastic results for your son, many congratulations. I am sure the inter family rivally with his daughter helps with his results!! Will be watching for news of more success once he has set up the new longbow.
Well done on your new writings and do hope you find a way to 'get them out there' and look forward to seeing your Christmas offering for the forum.
Well the good news keeps coming and I am now allowed to spill more beans. I am to become a granny for the third time. My son and fiance are expecting (scan today confirmed all is well) and so, all being well, we will be welcoming a new edition to the family in May next year. This has been an amazing few days and considering she was told it would be hard for her to conceive at all (she suffers very badly with endometriosis) they have been absolutely delighted with this news. Wedding plans will have to go on hold for a little while but it would seem we now have to accommodate a ' little extra' on our family holiday next year - so exciting and hubby would have been overjoyed too. Her 30th birthday dinner this coming weekend will now be joint engagement party too.
No rain here today so dry commute and increasingly busy in shop and the town in general. Still does make the time tick by that bit quicker. We are trialing a new system for book replenishment so plenty to keep me occupied. An extra pair of hands on the department today which makes all the difference.
Sending best wishes to you, Mrs B and congrats on your son's achievement. Take care Jules x
Goodmorning Jules,
Thanks for sharing your good news on here and congratulations to you, your son and his fiance. You must be thrilled and lets hope the good news keeps coming. Glad you had help at work today it must have made life easier for you.
I lost my internet connection for the later part of the afternoon and all evening but overnight it seems to have sorted itself out thank goodness for I was getting quite frustrated as I had several things I wanted to do.
My son tried his new bow out last night and said it has so much more power. He has yet to try it out at the 100 meters as he is only able to shoot indoors on Monday evenings but was very impressed so far. Thank you for you kind words regarding his acchiements.
Just has an e-mail from my sister in Canadad and her husbands brother has just died and also a distant relative has also died. So she now has two more funerals to go to. Mrs B has decided to make her owm diabetic mincemeat as the shop she used to get it from has stopped stocking it.
Hope your visit to your mum goes well this morning and also your visit to the gym afterwards. I am hoping to take Mrs B to a garden centre this afternoon as she saw several item there last time.
Take care Jules, sending best wishes to you and your family, Brian
Hi Sue
Hope your op went well and that you got some pampering at your Mums though I have no doubt you will be happy to get back to your own home. Have been thinking of you and really hope that your recovery will be swift and that the pain block worked favourably. Best wishes and hugs, Jules x
Hi Brian
No surprised to read that your internet was playing up. With the heavy rain and high winds that hit here last night my internet was 'in and out' and equally frustrating! You get so used to being able to log on and its infuriating when it's taken away! Hope all well in your neck of the woods. Dry and breezy here today.
Well you asked for more good news and am happy to report that my weekly visit to see Mum was an uplifting one. Arrived as she was have an eye test (all residents being seen on one day by visiting optician) and she needs new prescription so all in hand. She was pretty chatty and absolutely delighted to hear our latest family news which seemed to lift her spirits a little. I spent over an hour and a half there (then she was off to lunch) and during the afternoon they were due a visit by the Mayor and Mayoress plus local press as one of the residents turned 100 yesterday. It was so nice to have a mainly positive visit.
Hope you got Mrs B to the garden centre and she found what she wanted. Very dangerous places as far as I am concerned ha ha but very rewarding to. You mentioned Mrs B planting up 'carnation shoots' and my Mum used to be very successful at this. May well give it a go myself when I buy them in future - something for nothing comes to mind. I still have passion flower, fuschia and the autumn flowering nerine bowdenii (?sp) doing well and the Japanese maple has only just started to drop its leaves - amazing.
Sorry to hear about your sister in Canada's losses; the family all experiencing a sad period just now. I have had a invitation (via funeral directors) to attend the yearly memorial service at the local church for all those who have passed this year. Am in two minds as not a regular church attender and to be honest remember hubby every day - will sleep on it.
Hope you and Mrs B have a peaceful evening. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules, this is my third attempt to send a message today. The first one wouldn't sent because it was just as they were adding back the Private Messaging, which is great so no complaint from me. The second one went though and was definatlely there, but now isn't, so here's another go...
Was delighted to return to see your wonderful family news, especially as you can now shout it from the rooftops! What a fantastic tripple celebration for you all this weekend. I am so happy for you.
Good news as well about the extra help at work although I should think so too as you have the trial system to grapple with! Hope it went well today?
My procedure went ok although I did not have a pain block so it was stiff and sore as soon as I woke up but, hey ho, it would have only deferred it anyway so may as well get it over with. They were very good about not using my arms for any needles or blood pressures which was one of my concerns so all in all good stuff. Am doing the exercises and it seems to be easing now so it looks like the "just a few days" was correct!. Although the hospital gave me two weeks off I talked the GP into sending me a revised note for just this week and will be going back to work on Monday and will then see how it goes. Fingers crossed that's another thing tick off the list. Am going to try driving tomorrow as I want to get to my therapy appointment on Saturday since, as feared, all this "mucking about" has caused more swelling and it will be nice to calm it all down again. I only stayed with my Mum on Monday night in the end as they have a busy week and would not be around much anyway (I did manage a couple of baths though which were lovely). We stopped off for supplies on the way back so I have been fine and, as you say, it's nice to be home.
Brian, congratulations to your sone for all his medals at the weekend but am so sorry to hear of more sad news from Canada, it really has been a hell of a few months for you all, hasn't it?
Like Jules, I look forward to reading one of your stories soon and hope you get the other published too.
Take care Sue x
Hi Sue,
Third time lucky and lovely to have you back on with us 'all sorted'. I had not realised that PM was back ;it has been much missed by many and will be a welcome return(need to catch up around the forum!!) but did notice that my post on another thread has gone through twice so those reading will be seeing double ha ha.
Thanks for the congrats, it has been a lovely few days and all family and friends suitably excited. There will be some surprised faces at the birthday/engagement dinner on Saturday when the forthcoming birth is announced I am sure but for all the right reasons. Though the end of the year will still be rather emotional with the anniversary of hubby's passing just after Christmas, new life brings with it new hope and I am so very pleased for them.
I am impressed that you are doing well without the promised pain block and really hope you continue to cope well with recovery. Hope the return to work goes okay (there will be less catching up to do too!!) but you know your own limits and am sure you will not overdo it and rest when you are home. As much as I enjoy the odd break with family and friends there really is nothing like being able to relax in your own surroundings. Hope Mrs Yappy give you some peace or that may just be wishful thinking ha ha. Hope the driving goes okay and that you make it to your therapy session and now you will be able to keep it up and hopefully improve that side of things. Do you have to have any further treatment?
Lovely day at work as due to technical problems we were unable to do all the 'admin' side of the job and could not do our usual promotional changes as info not available up to when I left. No doubt this will have a knock on effect for others during the coming days but it meant that I was able to offer 'real' customer service in a less rushed atmosphere (just like in the old days when I joined).
Be kind to yourself and take care. Jules x
Hi Jules, how nice for you to have a good "old fashioned" work day yesterday, what a refreshing change from all the technical stuff!
Just come back from dropping my keys off with the roofers ready for Monday and the drive was a bit sore but doable so looking forward to my therapy tomorrow. Because the releif is so temporary after each session I am going to ask her to show me the technique so I can do it myself from now on as I think a daily go will be more beneficial in the long run, and I can always book more sessions if needs be.
Mrs.Yappy returned on Tuesday afternoon but left again yesterday so hopefully a peaceful weekend in store? I put a note through her door at the weekend about the roof work but haven't heard anything back so fingers crossed (have warned them about the difficut neighbour though just in case she decides to have one of her tantrums!)
Hope you are having a relaxing day today and I look forward to hearing all about tomorrow nights celebrations. Take care Sue xx