Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Jules, I think I'm losing my mind!!! I just checked my thread on this subject, (radiation and kids) and there it is, your post. It must have had a delayed reaction. LOL I tried all evening to get on the forum and to see if my response to you showed up, and it didn't. I think I need another cup of tea.
Take care.
Hi Sue,
I think you need to see your GP; you might have picked up a dose of Brianitus. Jules came up with this phrase somewhile ago and several people on here caught it. It is quite contagouse. My case got so bad that things I like fell of the top shelf in the superstores into our trolley untouched by human hand. Mrs B kept blaming me for this especially after she caught me taking some nuts off the bottom shelves and hiding them under other items in the trolley. I tried telling her she must have been seeing things but all to no avail.
Hope you have a restful weekend and like Jules wish you all the best for Monday, Brian
Morning Jules, :D
It is raining here this morning and is also a lot cooler than of late. I have bought not one but two lots of chestnuts this week as I am now making of for lost time ha ha. Some from Mr Tesco's and some from the local Market on Wednesday. Very tasty they are so Brianitus has returned big time:D
Mrs B's diabetes seems to have evened out now thank goodness. Hope the prune stone doesnt cause any problems. Having waited in all week our sons new longbow finally arrived yesterday. It should have been delivered late Monday but somehow mistake after mistake was made and the bow was sent all round the country. My son had paid £35 for a 48 hour gauranteed delivery which is at least being refunded. But he needed it on Monday so he could set it all up and get some site marks on it as he has an all day competition this Sunday. So he cant use it now and he is not a happy chappie over it.
My youngest grandson insisted on making me up a story this week complete with action, bless him. Our woodclub meeting went well; we asked member to bring in the items they had entered into our show back in September and to give a short talk about them. It made a very interesting evening. Hope your shoping trip goes well and you dont get wet walking there and back.
Wishing you a peaceful weekend, sending best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian
Brianitus, eh? That would certainly explain some of the mystery items appearing when I get to the checkout. Will have to keep an eye out for that in future as I hear it can drive some people really nutty. and I am clearly half way there already!!
Did my spring cleaning today (yes, I know it's November but I am either very late or very early!) and as part of that I am defrosting the fridge so will just have to reward myself with a Chinese takeaway later, any excuse will do..
Thank you for your wishes for Monday and I am glad to see your son finally go his longbow, albeit too late to try out tomorrow. Take care Sue x
Hi Sue,
Brianitus is giving me good times at the moment; the Portugese chestnuts I bought from the local market are the best I have had so far this year, very big and very tasty. Hope you got and enjoyed your chinese takaway after all your hard work spring/winter cleaning yesterday; you deserved it.
Bet you will be glad when tommorow is over and done with.Take care, best wishes, Brian.
Hi Sue
Great day out with my daughter at the BBC Good Food Show today. Lots of naughty and then healthy free tastings and a couple of great demonstrations (Mary Berry with Paul Hollywood and then James Martin). Has been quite a weekend with my son caught up in the Gatwick closure yesterday (6hrs stuck airside on arrivals after an 11 hour flight but great 'safety first' by the authorities so no complaints). They did make it to me for evening meal and delivered the wonderful news that my son went down on one knee and proposed whilst they were on holiday - so happy for them both - we were like excited kids for a couple of hours.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending bigs hugs for a great outcome and quick recovery. Take care Jules x
Me again Sue,
Prune stone caused no problems thankfully (really must remember to buy 'stoned' prunes ha ha). Hope you enjoy some of your Mum's home cooking whilst you recuperate. I have just had some of the naughty treats that I bought at the Show today (honeycomb dipped in salted caramel) so will need to do a few more gym circuits this week to compensate. Well done for early Spring cleaning and am sure you feel good when you walk back into the room afterwards (I love the smell of new polished furniture now where did I hide that duster ha ha). Chat soon Jules xx
Hi Lorraine,
I will join you in that cuppa as same thing has happened to me in the past - then I put it down to my age and being a technophobe!!! My daughter is planning to come round (without grandchildren in tow so we can concentrate) and sort out a few things online for me - an excuse for a girlie chat too!!
Had great news last night when my son and other half visited as he popped the question to his long term girlfriend whilst they were on holiday in Tobago (apparently he had been planning it for months and was very nervous - ahhh). So her birthday dinner next weekend will now be a double celebration - so very happy for them both.
Hope you doing okay, take care Jules x
Evening Brian
Really pleased to read that Mrs B's diabetes levels are much better; a relief to your both I am sure. I also see that Brianitus is on the up again so has to be good news. Though of you today as they were roasting chestnuts on one of the stalls at the Good Food Show today and also Kent cob nuts were available - shame on me did not buy either!! I did buy some ...............cheese as well as some cider (put away for the festive season) and a few sweetie treats. Atmosphere was great and lots to 'sample' and watched a couple of demonstrations. All in all a good day out. Both my daughter and I were on a high having had the news of my son's engagement whilst they were away on holiday. All in all a wonderful weekend.
Am not surprised your son somewhat miffed regarding late arrival of longbow especially as he had planned on using it today. Hope he did well anyway.
Managed the shopping in the dry (amazing) but got absolutely soaked when supporting gym staff performing at our local Fun Day during the afternoon. Still was worth it as they had put so much effort in their 'Bollywood' themed 'turn'. Felt so sorry for all the stall holders and fun fair rides as it really was a total washout but as they say the show must go on and it did; all credit to them.
Hope you have had an enjoyable and peaceful weekend. Best wishes to you, Mrs B and the family. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules,
Wow, what a fantastic weekend! Many congratulations to your son and his fiance, no wonder you were all so excited, that's great news.
I hadn't realised the Good Food Show was so soon but glad you both enjoyed a lovely day out (have a bit of soft spot for James Martin so very jealous!)
Managed to do the whole house top to bottom on Saturday (it's only small so not that impressive) but it certainly looks a whole lot better now and for a short time will not live up to it's name of Cobwebs!
Up early today as you can see but that gives me plenty of time for numerous cups of coffee before the 7.30am deadline. It's going to be a long day I suspect but am looking forward to a lovely warm bath at my Mums tonight (only have a shower at home so really miss having a good wallow). They have made all sorts of plans for themselves this week so I will probably come home either tomorrow or Wednesday morning for some peace & quiet.
Sorry you got soaked at the Fun Day, what a shame, but well done for supporting them. We've have lots of strong winds here but not much rain. The roof men are coming next Monday weather permitting so finally after all this time I am looking forward to being watertight again. Dread to think what Mrs.Yappy will make of all the disruption (I have warned them about my difficut neighbour!) She is away at the moment but I did put a note through the door to warn her about it so no doubt she will have a rant or two when the time comes!
Take care and I will catch up again in a few days time, Sue xx