Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Good Afternoon Sue
Glad you managed the driving experiment and that your roof work will soon be underway. Will be good for you to know that the roof will be sound over the coming winter months.
Hopefully your therapy appointment will give some benefit and if she shows you how to 'do it yourself' with advice as to how often you can do it without causing problems then this will be a bonus (and a saving!).
Had to laugh to myself when you said you hoped I was having a relaxing day. So far I have done the weekly walk to the supermarket, unpacked it all, walked to the gym, put the washing on, mowed the lawn (can you believe it's nearly the end of November and the grass is still growing grrrrrrrrrr). I decided to sit down to catch up on mail and will then have lunch and face the ironing. Once it's done it's done. Other than the dinner tomorrow evening have no set plans (other than a haircut) for the weekend so will fit in a 'feet up' moment somewhere but if I keep busy I owe myself a treat he he.
Good news that Mrs Y is away again and wish you peaceful days ahead; well, at least until the roofmen are overhead. Take care of yourself. Hugs Jules x
Hi Jules, I did say relaxing with a slight tongue in cheek as I know you are always on the go..!
In contrast, having had such a quiet week myself, it was good to get out this morning and I have also managed to clear away some pots etc from where a small bit of scaffolding will be placed next week so that's good. Sorted things out ready for work on Monday and even gave myself a mini DIY haircut this morning (not too disasterous!). Have gone off hairdressers for the moment as last time I went the person washing it was so vigorous I came away very sore (didn't have the heart to go into the gory details as it might have upset the poor lady!) No ironing for me though as I am still wearing soft t-shirts and cotton jumpers which dry flat.
I have to say that I have been very grateful for this week off, despite the shoulder thing. I hadn't realised just how much I needed a break, which I know sounds odd given how much time off I've had, but it has all rather taken it's toll one way or another so it's been good to recharge the batteries again.
Take care Sue xx
Hi Sue
Glad that you are re-charging those batteries. I think it's all too easy to forget that we need 'breathing space' to recuperate (physically as well as mentally). I am going to be taking it easy today as apart from a walk to get hair cut (not surprised your experience put you off somewhat). Its quite strange as its the only time I have a blow dry as always just let it dry naturally when at home (short style takes care of itself inbetween trims). My own hairdresser has been 'missing' due to personal problems for my last two visits so one of the other stylists has stepped up to the plate and taken on extra workload. If he does not return soon I may switch to a salon closer to home but he has been doing my hair for many years (he also owns the business so do not like to walk away just yet).
Hope the therapy session goes well today and that post op recovery going well. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules,
Will try again as I have just lost all I had wriiten to you.
Mrs B has finnally persueded me to make her a new top shelf for the fire place I made he a few years ago. She wanted it a bit longer and two inches deeper. I had no problems shaping this up but when I applied the water based stain it was a differnt thing. I had bought it a few years ago and I know it was cold in my garage when I painted it on the underside and the edges but it has taken three days to dry. I ended up bringing it indoors and finally I have been able to put a coat on the top part of the shelf. This time I laid it on some paper which I put under a radiator in our back bedroom so hope this drys quicker. Keeping fingers crossed.
Sorry to read you have picked up a cold but I suppose its one of the drawback of serving customers. I used to often pick up colds when I worked at the wood yard, curtesy of customers. When I went round to make our next door neighbour her usual morning cup of tea, it was raining and mixed in with it were two or three flakes of the White stuff. Not what I wanted to see. It's funny you should mention about your hairdresser having problems, for Mrs B's hairdresser is also having problems. She has had to have another girl cut her hair but she has told me she much prefers this new girl. I am getting annoyed with the curser on this laptop as it keeps jumping about and I find I have just inserted text into another part of what I have written earlier Grrrr.
I took Mrs B to the garden centre the other day and she saw lots of nice things she wanted. Cost me a small fotune I might add, but like the add says, "She's worth it". I got a load more chestnuts on Wednesday and like the last batch, they are the best lot of nuts I have ever had. So Brianitus is alive and still going strong. The man on the stall has got to know me and now just aske's how many pounds of chestnuts I want ha ha.
Hope after having your haircut, you manage a peacefull and relaxing weekend for after the hectic week youve had, you like Sue need to re-charge the batteries so to speak.
Take care my fourm friend; sending best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
Good afternoon Brian,
Hope the woodstain dried out ok and am sure Mrs B will be very pleased with the end result -more owls to fill the longer shelf???
We had a little of the white stuff mixed in with rain early yesterday but soon disappeared thankfully. Heavy frost this morning has at last finished the dahlias off so will lift the bulbs later and get them sorted ready for replanting next year. Have some wallflowers that can go in their place.
Last night was a lovely celebration and loved the venue my future daughter in law had chosen. The food was amazing(you should have been there for the cheeseboard alone!!!) and the service discreet so there was much conversation around a long table (about 20 of us altogether). A bit emotioanlly charged but all expected and it was lovely to see others reacting in much the same way. Still, wonderful to be making happy memories to add to those already stored and I know hubby would have been so proud of our boy and his lovely girl. Her parents are overjoyed too and we will all get together at some point over the festivities (they live about 5mins drive away from me!).
Hairdressers was a bonus as when I arrived my usual chap was back and on good form so decided to have a slight re-style and its now about as short as it can be without me turning into a hedgehog ha ha. Easy to look after though it was a little chilly around the ears on the walk home!
Hope you and Mrs B tucked up in the warm. I have just returned from Xmas shopping and will celebrate with a bowl of soup in front of the fire. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Jules x
Hi Jules, delighted to hear you all had such a good time on Saturday, great venue good food and, most importantly, lovely people to share it all with. I am so glad that there were happy tears amid the sad ones and that hubby was very much in everyone's thoughts.
Good to hear your hairdresser was back for you too.
Take care Sue x
Evening Sue,
How did physiotherapy pan out on Saturday? Hope you managed some relaxation afterwards and are not too shattered having returned to work today. Take care.Jules x
Good morning Jules,
I was so pleased to hear you had a good time with your family. Fully understand your comments about the emotional aspect and you must have had both happy and sad feelings at the same time. But good memories to keep for the future.
I am just about to fit Mrs B's bigger shelf and your probably right about the owls ha ha. Have just had five magpies in the back garden but they will keep chasing the smaller birds away. You made me laugh re your comments about your new hair style and the hedghog; love your humour. Had to go to the dentist yesterday for a check up and luckily dont have to go back for ten months. Not a job that has ever appealed to me; looking in peoples mouths all day.
My sister in Canada has sent me a card from dads funeral which had two pictures of dad, one when he was quite young and one taken a few months ago. Even though he was ill he still looked good. .
Hope you dont get wet on you walk to see your mother this morning and I hope when you tell her about your get together she responds.
Take care Jules. Sending kind thoughts and best wishes your way, Brian.
Hi Sue,
Just a quick post to say I hope you are okay and that work and driving are not taking too much out of you. Just take care, best wishes, Brian.
Hi Jules,
Just sending a picture of Mrs B's fire surround with the new shelf. You were spot on;she has four owls on the shelf and two more on the electric fire. She is very pleased with it allthough I wish I could have got the finish better. But by the time Mrs B has got all her ornaments and the owls on it, theres not a lot of shelf to see ha ha.
Incidently after I took the photo, I couldnt find it on my laptop. It turns out when the battery went flat the other month, the date reset, so the one I took today was shown as being taken back in January. Took me ages to find it ha ha.
Take care, Brian.