Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Good morning Jules,
The owl now has another two friends to keep him company and yes I have enjoyed getting back out to my woodwork. Have had to go to the tip today to empty my sawdust bins, most of it from last year I might add. It is amazing how much sawdust one small turning produces.
It's nice weather for your walk to your mothers place and you may even be able to spend time in your garden. Glad to hear you had a small win at the bingo on Friday evening. Have you regained you concentration for reading yet? I can undersatnd it as when I lost my mother, I had difficulty in concentrating on anything for a few weeks.
Tommorow evening I have our next woodclub meeting when we are going to annonce the names of the companies giving discount. I have got to print up a little booklet to show our members and will then ask how many would like a copy for a small sum to cover printing costs. Tommorow I will start to make to make up a jig for turning oval frames. This is going to be a challenge even though I have drawn up a rough plan. It's going to be very much trial and error but I am determined not to be beaten..
Hope you have a peaceful day, Take care, Brian.
Hi Brian
So you are adding to your owl family (Mrs B will be delighted and you may have trouble getting them out of the house ha ha). I am sure with your 'I can do it' philosophy you will succeed with the new jig and hope also that you have a lot of interest in your 'discount company booklet' after the effort you have put into it - am sure you will.
The walk to Mum's was lovely and so many front gardens brightened up with spring bulbs. Felt really relaxed when I arrived half an hour later. To add to my pleasure Mum was on a good day and we had a real happy chat for an hour and she also asked (and got) a manicure by the 'activity lady'. She was off into enjoy fish pie for lunch followed by a trip upstairs to the hair salon (hairdressers come in two days a week). I do try to make the most of these visits. Will be going in again on Sunday morning before being 'treated' to an afternoon of tea and cakes by my children and their other halves.
The little win at bingo will be added to my holiday pot so something to look forward to. Have a peaceful day with MrsB. Kind thoughts sent your way. Jules
Hi Jules,
I have something I would like to share with you regarding my youngest grandson. As you may remember he has to go into hospital on Friday for his operation. My son has told us about something that was said when he was in for his pre op last week.
My greandson was asked if he wanted to wear a hospital gown or his pajamas when he has his op. He replied, "If you mean that gown where your bum falls out the back, I would sooner wear my pajamas. I'm not showing my bum to anyone". Needless to say, all the nurses and doctors fell about laughing and others came to see what all the laughter was about.
Hope you get a big a laugh about it as we did, take care, Brian.
Hi Brian
Your grandson is a marvel and as with lots of kiddies has 'an old head on young shoulders' and a wonderful sense of humour - definitely following in grandad's footsteps I reckon. I do so wish him all the very best for Friday as he really deserves a break. Thanks for cheering me up no end. Jules x
Hi Jules,
Thanks for your reply and kind wishes. I ent to se my grandson last night before going to the woodclub. He told me he is reading The Hobbit Book and has got up to page 85. My son told me he has alrready told the hospital he is taking the book in with hin in case he gets time to read any more.
With regard to the ad on Facebook I was pleased to be able to help. This site has helped so many so anything that brings more members has to be a good thing. I managed to mow the front lawn but the back one is still to wet as yet. Enjoyed the meeting last night as it was about a local group that go aroung repairing all the styles on the local footpaths. On Saturday I have another cancer meeting so still keeping busy.
Have also been to my local nut shop and have stocked up. Made the staff laugh as I told them I was concerned when I found the old shop closed. But found out they were just moving round the corner. So while writting this I am feasting on some cashew nuts.
Hope you have a good few days off now and that you have a good night out tommorow night. Take care, best wishes, Brian
Hi Jules,
Just a quick update on my grandson. He went in very early this morning and his op went okay and he is now home, playing on his ex-box. He had the camera down the throat and they were able to zap the infection with a laser so do hope he will feel more comfortable shortlu and that he wont keep feeling sick all the time.
Attached is a photo of him taken by my son this morning.
Thanks again for your kind thoughts and words, Brian.
Great news Brian and think he did a good 'nose job' too. Such a brave lad and probably be running around at school soon!! Full of bouncebackability for sure.
Lovely day here so have managed to do a couple of hours in the garden (clearing deadwood from my shrubs) and will have to prepare containers soon as son picking up large bags of compost so I can plant up the dahlia tubers. Have some wildflower seedmix to sprinkle around but need to prepare the ground first and still rather heavy! May take myself off to the garden centre early tomorrow (get discount for oaps if shop before 11.30) as need some fine netting to protect containers from digging cats once newly planted.
Been a bit of a mixed day as regards emotions as have begun to clear out books hubby used to read. Bagged up and ready to drop into charity shop (he loved sci fi and I am not a fan!!). Am half way through a thriller but only managing a few pages at a time before mind wanders (not always sure where its going) - hoping once the weather is kind enough to let me sit outside will get concentration back. Have also recieved formal letter of apology from the Registrar's Dept so suppose not surprising feel a bit 'rocky'.
Will be going out this evening and hope that will blow some 'happy vibes' in my direction. Hope you and MrsB have a peaceful weekend. Off to put the kettle on and plan dinner. Take care.Jules x
Hi Jules,
I have not been on the forum in a long time, and I noticed your new thread. I am very sorry to hear that your husband passed away earlier this year. I hope you are doing as ok as can be expected and that you have a good support network. Sorry I did not send this message earlier but I have been so busy, which seems to be my way of coping and carrying on. Take care, Beaker.xxx
Hi Beaker
Thanks for your kind message. As you know grieving is an emotional rollercoaster but I am very lucky in that I do have great support of children and close friends and grandchildren keep me on even keel. Still working part time and, like you, finding ways to keep myself busy does help a great deal. Looking forward to better weather as enjoy being in the garden and have managed to snatch a few hours here and there. Hope you are managing too and looking after yourself. Jules xx
Good morning Jules,
I've just replied to you on my thread, and once I'd hit 'post now' I looked back at previous posts and realised I'd missed to reply to your message posted Feb 14th! I'm so sorry! - not sure how I missed it as I get email notifications! It is most likely that I read it and didn't respond immediately and therefore I 'forgot' . I'm finding that if I don't do things straight away, I seem to miss all sorts of things to do! Replying to texts is another one of my downfalls!
Well, although it was a good few weeks ago, I hope your children's birthday celebrations went well!
Hope you had a good evening last night and manage that trip to the garden centre this morning - bet all garden centres will be busy this weekend with Mothers' Day tomorrow.
Take care, Jules and enjoy your weekend - fingers crossed for some spring sunshine!
Jo xx