My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules

    Hope you had a lovely walk yesterday and bet you enjoyed it.

    I actually managed to have a proper bath yesterday the first since my problem started. I really savoured it. My arm which I fell on at the start meant I couldnt get out of the bath but it has recovered enough now for me to get out okay. So another step back to normality

    Today I am going to mow the back lawn as it has grown so quickly. We had the plumber come the other day as our toilet wouldnt flush properly and he spilt some water which got into an electrical socket and triped our mains electric. He had to get the electrician to come and sort it out. I had wondered why my internet had stopped working.

    I had a psa test when I had my staples out and it has gone down from the last one and is still very low so I am very pleased about that as last test for some reason had gone up quite a jump.

    Walked along the road with Mrs B to get my prescriction from the chemists yesterday I was going to go on myown but Mrs B wouldnt let me.bless her.

    Is this weekend your farmers market? If so I bet you might be tempted by the cheese ha ha.

    Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian


  • Hi Brian,

    Good news about your psa test (maybe the previous one was a 'blip') and know Mrs B will be keeping her eye on you (and you her).  

    Still managing to hold on to the sunshine here (though a few drops of rain late yesterday afternoon). I did indeed enjoying my three hour walk (after the gym) yesterday.  Just half an hour from the gym I entered our local woods and then through to the lido (peaceful side ha ha). Evidence of the changing season approaching though a surprising number of baby ducklings having fun in the shallows.  Just find it so easy to switch off from day to day stresses as I wander  with my camera.  Stopped for a quick coffee and picked up some nyger seed before returning home to the garden.

    You are definitely showing great resolve and that you are a quick healer. I m sure there must be much relief within the family (and yourself) that all is now as it should be.....whatever normal is!!!

    No farmers' market this weekend (1st and 3rd Sundays of the month) and I will miss the next one as staying with friends for a few days.  However still buying local cheese at the supermarket and eating too much of it ha ha.

    Signs of Autumn in the garden centre now with all the bulbs coming in and they have 'ready to go' planters with hardy plants so think I know what I shall spend my garden vouchers on (birthday present from my workmates).  Just going to wait until they have their next 20% off for club members to get best value for money!! (and will need a taxi to get them home unless I opt for home delivery!!).

    A little cooler start for my garden breakfast today but nice to have two robins and a great *** join me.

    Will be off out again shortly and maybe see my daughter and family briefly later as they are just round the corner to collect their rescue dog 'Orton' from his Foster family. No doubt they are all very excited as something they have all wanted since moving to their own home. Will  be interesting to hear how he gets on with their cat (and vice versa!!).

    Hope you have a pleasant day with Mrs B and that mowing your lawn did not leave you with too many aches and pains.  I love newly mown grass and the satisfaction that goes with getting it done!!

    Take care of each other.  Best regards Jules 


    4.55 pm  Guess who has just realised it is the 1st of the month today...............missed my cheese opportunity ha ha.  Senior moment AGAIN!!

    It did mean, however, that I got to meet the new member of my daughter's family...four month old dog from a rescue charity.  They called in just after they picked him up from his foster family and stayed an hour or so.  He was as good as gold and they are now settling him in back home (with their cat apparently playing hide and seek with him already!!  Jules


  • Oh, Jules, I just decided to pop into the site and was so sorry to read about your mum.  As you say, she is now hopefully at peace, bless her.  My condolences to you and all your family, sending a big, big hug.  

    Also, congrats on your 65th!  

    Take all care, thinking of you. 

    Hazel xxx

  • Hello Brian, I have just been reading your posts and am so sorry that you have had such a catalogue of problems!  Pleased you are on the mend after your fall, your poor head, back and arm!  And on top of that the news about dear Mrs B!  I hope the appointment for her op comes through soon, I can understand that she just wants it over with, bless her, think we all feel like that at such times.  

    Sending hugs to you both, take care.

    Hazel xxx


  • Hi Hazel and Jules.

    Thanks for your kind words.

    Mrs B has her pre-op tommorow, Monday she has to sign the agreements Tuesday sha has to have a wire inserted to show where the cancer is and Wednesday next week she will have the op itself which they hope she will be able to come home the same day so it will be my turn to look after her then.

    I am about 95% back to normal now (Not that I was ever really normal in the first place)I do miss the car though as I am not allowed to drive for a while. My diabetes is even better than before as I dont have to take quite so many tablets now.

    Hope you are both keeping well, best wishes, Brian



  • Bless you Hazel, many thanks for your condolences and the hugs, always appreciated.. Hope you are well and nice to see your post. Hugs definitely sent back.  Take care.  Jules x

  • Hi Brian,

    Good to know that things are moving for Mrs B and hopefully be this time next week she will be back home and have her turn at a bit of pampering. Am away for a long weekend but will be thinking of you both nonetheless. Glad that your diabetic levels are also improving  and you are as near normal as possible (no one needs to be perfectly boring would that be ha ha).  Wishing you both a pleasant weekend.  Jules 

  • Fingers crossed for Mrs B, hope you are managing to get to and from the hospital okay without your car!  Will be thinking of you both next Wednesday, hope all goes well.  

    I am am doing okay at the moment, thanks - had a lovely week in Rustington (down your way, I believe?) last week with brother- and sister-in-law and their doggie.  Now have blooming mammogram to look forward to on Monday!  

    Take care both, Hazel xxx


  • Thank you, Jules.  I am okay at present, had a nice holiday last week and now back down to earth with mammogram due on Monday.  Ah, well, needs must I guess.  

    Keep safe.

    Hazel xxx

  • Hi Hazel.

    Glad youenjoyed your holiday

    Mrs B had her pre-op on Thursday

    On Monday she has to go to Brighton and again on Tuesday and then on Wednsday she will have her op at our local hospital. We are have to use the bus which luckily goes to both places. Know she will be glad when its all over. It will then be my turn to look after her. Know she will want to carry on as normal so will have to hold her back. She has taken the news very well indeed. 

    Take care and thanks, Brian