Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Jules,
Had a phone call from my son telling me one of our localgarden centres was selling off some mini led lights for £1. (Reduced from £8.99) So I took Mrs B after lunch and have bought two sets of 36 battery powered chasing lights, (red and green) and two sets of 18 lights in white and am very pleased. I will find a way to fit them permanatly on my stand. Might just buy a few more next week as I pay more for the battery holders which take 3 No 1.5 volt AA batteries with switches.
It has been raining here all day but at least we dont have the snow like you've had. You were brave to go out in that weather.
Take care Kind thoughts being sent to you and your family, Brian.
Many congrats to your granddaughter, Brian - I'm sure she'll make it as a writer if she is anything like you!
Glad to hear that Mrs B's check up was okay, too.
Full steam ahead now for all your new woodwork projects - once it's warm enough to get out to your workshop! Look forward to seeing the results of your efforts in due course Brian.
Hazel xx
Hi Brian
Sounds as though our garden centres are doing much the same offers as the Chrismas area in our local store has had everything reduced but not quite as low as £1 - a great bargain and I bet you and Mrs B both enjoyed your visit. I will be re-visiting soon to top up on bird seed.
Luckily the snow was short lived as it turned back to rain later and has been pretty wet since. The crocuses in my front garden are now in a pretty sorry state but the daffs are standing tall and in good bud. Hopefully a sign of Spring. My neighbour has a lovely display of snowdrops (always does better than me with these but then I had problems with a pesky squirrel who seems to take a liking to my little bulbs!!
Pleased to say that at last I am managing to read some more and yesterday picked up three books for £6 at work as our clearance continues. As I never used to read at night I tried this as a way to 'concentrate' and it has helped. Currently on a new title by David Baldacci. I also now take a book with me when visiting Mum as with no conversation from her it makes the time spent there a little more comfortable I tried asking her if she would like me to read to her but she shook her head.There appears to be only one carer that she will have the odd word with now. Having said that she was sitting up in bed eating her porridge when I went on Tuesday so that was nice to see.
Looks like dry and cooler for my commute today but once work out of the way have an evening out with a couple of friends for a 'catch up curry' to look forward to.
Hope you and Mrs B have a relaxing day. I must finish my 'healthy breakfast' as am trying to be 'good' and get fit for my Spring break. Had my assessment at the gym on Tuesday so am re-focussed with new exercises set up for the next ten weeks or so (subject to three weekly reviews). No need to go mad but would like to shift a few pounds that I put on in the build up to Christmas. It's like the 'neverending story' ha ha. Take care. Jules
Good morning Jules,
Weve had so much rain our back garden is vitually water logged. Like you we have some daffs in a pot which are in tight bud and some primroses which have been flowering most of the winter. There is something eating the flowers and I cant find out what is doing it. I do know we have a little mouse we see occasionaly out there and wonder if its him or her.
Mrs B was surprised on Wednesday when she had a small package turn up. It was a Roy Orbison C.D. she had been looking for for some while and I had found it on a well known sitebut didnt tell her as I wanted it to be a surprise for her. After all she does have to put up with me and my aggravations. As I write this she has started playing it while she is doing the ironing
I did spend a few hours out in the garage the other day and altered my stand so I can quickly clip on my four spotlights. Others in our club have to clamp a bit of timber on their stand to fix their lights on but I cant be hasseled with this. Its supposed to be warmer on Sunday so will probably try and fix those small lights icluding the battery packs permanantly on my stand. I do need to spend a day out there tidying the workshop up again as it has got in a bit of a mess.
I have managed to lose about three pounds I put on over Christmas but still have a few more to lose to gat back to where I was. I want to get it even lower this time as I did feel better for losing those extra pounds. It will help when I can get back in the workshop again once it has got a little warmer for I wont be sitting about so much.
Glad your mother is still eating okay even if she isnt very talkative. Hope you enjoyed your meal last night with your friend too. Pleased you have started reading again for I know how much you enjoyed this pastime. I have a couple of books by the author you metioned and good ones they are. I have two stories I am writing at the moment but have come to a bit of a standstill on both for the moment as have had other things to do.
Bet you are pleased work is over for a few days and have the weekend to look forward too. I have had hints about picking up the new Argos book tommorow from Mrs B so will probably pick up some of my frozen chestnuts at the same time ha ha.
I wish you a pleasant weekend and am sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Brian,
Well the drizzle has set in here but I managed to get to the garden centre in the dry this morning so 2 mile walk achieved; I cheated and caught the bus half way back though! Just stocked up on bird food there and grabbed a coffee in the little cafe (managed to stay away from all the other goodies this time round ha ha).
I am pleased that MrsB was delighted with her surprise CD. My parents used to like Roy Orbison (back in the day of vinyl). I think the last CD I bought was a hit from the musicals and these days just tend to have the radio on rather than the CD player which sits on one of my shelves. Every so often I do load it up (it takes 5 cds) whilst doing the housework.
Am planning to take part in the RSPB Birdwatch count this weekend but no other plans at the moment. Will see what tomorrow's weather brings as it is supposed to be the better day.
Sounds as though you are doing well with your 'lights' set up and bet you enjoyed being able to get into your garage. It's one of those things that as fast as you clear up one lot of mess made, then you are working to create more ha ha but you always have such lovely goodies to show for it and I am sure Mrs B knows you far too well to worry about it!
Like you I am hoping to shed a few more unwanted pounds in the coming weeks............it would be great if you could buy willpower off the shelves as easily as you can get everything else. Still my mindset is a little healthier just now so hoping for the best and once the weather improves hope my legs will carry me for a few more miles (hip still giving me a few problems but nothing a couple of painkillers cannot control from time to time).
I am sure if you get the chance you will be picking up that catalogue for Mrs B and she can spend a few hours here and there planning her spending!! I no longer bother with the paper format as have got into the habit of 'googling' when I am planning a purchase. I hope soon to be having more work done indoors which may well lead to a shopping trip or two.
Hope you have and peaceful weekend and enjoy those chestnuts if you manage to find the frozen ones. Regards to you both and the family. Take care. Jules
Well Brian, Mrs B knows you very well and you cannot pull the wool over her eyes ha ha. So you have squirrelled away your new supply of chestnuts but doubt they will be in frozen hibernation for long. Enjoy!
My special offer today was two for the price of one on mealworms but I wont be adding these to my diet:D
Have a good day. Jules
Hi Jules.
I buy lots of mealworms for my mates up the drive and mix them with peanuts the robins love them as do the tree rats and crows I have fed wild birds up the drive for many years cannot feed anything in my garden her next door has three cats..regards to you all lol, George
Hi George
Feeding our wild friends is a lovely pasttime and as I do not have a pet find it very relaxing to watch the birds and the odd squirrel in my own garden. Here are a couple I managed to 'snap' in the past few days.
Hope you and the family and doing ok my friend. Jules