Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Oh Jules, you sound bit down. Like you I spent NYE alone watching the telly and reading, just as I have also spent the last three Christmases and New Years since my Roy died. Oh, I have phone calls and texts and presents, but it's not the same. I shall be thinking of you on Wednesday, my very good friend. Sending a big hug.
Love Hazel xx
Hi Hazel,
Bless you, thanks for the hug. I think I am not so much down but reflective. Also having been with all the family and had the fun of Christmas through the little one's eyes New Year felt a little flat. I usually spend New Year on my own (just like other normal days really) but because of the miserable weather have not been able to get walking as much as I like and really miss walking for pleasure. Roll on Spring ha ha.
Took myself into town yesterday even though quite a few of the shops were closed and I gave my place of work a miss!! Did pop into Debenhams and found a couple of bits for this year's April holiday break so that was a bonus. Silver screen cinema not running this week so not sure what to do today but determined to get out despite the fact that it is now raining. Gym first I think and then perhaps a coffee in the High Street. I also need to take down the Christmas decorations and get them stored once again
No new year resolutions to stick to (I always break them so decided against making them ha ha) but will need to get back on the good eating bandwagon. Always eat more when stuck indoors...........so naughty.
I am looking forward to meeting up with my friend on Friday; hard to believe we first worked together over 40 years ago and e mail keeps us in touch now. She moved to New Zealand many years ago and has had her own ups and downs but is now happily with a new partner who I will get to meet for the first time.Would be great if it could be a dry day so we can enjoy London sights for the couple of hours we have. I need to be home by mid afternoon as my son in law is picking me up. Spending a couple of days with them and taking my daughter shopping as well as looking after the children Friday evening so they can have a meal out together for a change (they got some restaurant vouchers for Christmas and are really looking forward to it).
Just been out to re-fill the bird feeder at the end of the garden (two doves polished off the contents yesterday!!) and noticed some daffodils coming through! Very mild so only a raincoat for me when I go out.
Stay cosy and appreciate being able to chat with understanding friends. Look afer yourself too. Jules xx
Bless you Hazel, heartwarming to have messages when I logged on this morning.
The not so great news delivered via tv was that due to a tree on the line no underground to work!! Hey ho will walk for 25mins to bus depot and hope the roads not too bad (still dark so cannot see what last night's storm has done to the garden!!). I do know that it kept me awake for a good part of last night so perhaps a bit more bleary eyed than usual. Could well resemble a drowned rat by the time I get in.
Stay safe Hazel and thank you. Jules xx
Oh, not what you need for a journey to work, a long walk in the dark in rotten weather before you even start! Mind you, I had plenty of those when I had 7am Sunday starts for work at the hospital, no early buses! Good job we like walking, eh? Hope you managed okay, and get home safely too.
Take care, Hazel xx
Hi Hazel,
The walk to the station was an experience in 'dodgems' which started with getting round a fallen tree at top of the road! Two felled trees and many fence panels later was pleased to find trains were running as 'tree on the line had been quickly cleared'. Thankfully by 7.20 a,m, the rain had stopped so not as bad as it might have been and just hope no-one hurt when things started flying about (local shopping centre lost quite a few shop signs so think this must have been a 'corridor for the high winds'. Contractors had cleared my road by the time I got home this afternoon and just heard there were gusts of plus 73mph just down the road.
Stay safe. Jules xx
Hi jules glad u home safe wasn’t good weather in going out 2day hope the worst is over 4 u. Been wet and windy last nite here and this morning. The wind have died down and it’s stop raining thankfully only 1 of my fence panels blown down not 2 much damage here . I hate the wind it’s not nice when u got 2 go out in it . Hope u been ok I have been thinking of u all sending u hug take care x
Hi Gemini,
All OK with me thanks though many of my neighbours lost fencing and a couple of trees uprooted. Was very thankful to get home safely from work and feel very fortunate that no damage to my property either (could not check it out before I went to work as it was still dark!).
Stay safe and warm. Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Hope you enjoyed meeting your friend and also your shopping with family. Its nice to meet up with old friends and catch.
When my grandfather was alive, I hade to go to a sawmill in Wiltshire not that far from where he lived. So I took him with me and later in the day I drove him to the very small village where he used to live. As we drove down the street, he was telling me who used to live in each house. We turned around and drove up the other side till we came to a house which he didnt say anything about. So I asked hin who lived there and he said it was his best friend. He added he doubted if he was still alive. I saw there was someone in the garden so I persueded him to go and investigate. It was his best friend and it was so heart warming to see them meet after so many years. We spent about two hours there so he could cathch up on all the local gossip He did enjoy that trip, so much so it was all he talked about for weeks and weeks afterwards. I promised him one weekend I would take him and my mother down there for the day but before I could arrange it he died fron a heart attack. It is one big regrets in my life we naver got to make that trip
Last November I gave two talks which lasted about an hour and a half. I was asked by one of the ladies present if I would give the same talk to her group. Well it has now been confirmed for early Febuary and I am also due to give a slideshow presentation on trees in September for the group I visited in November plus the same one for our wood club at some stage. I enjoyed doing the last one and am looking forward to doing these. My sister who lives about an hour away from me runs a gardening club and If I can get a projecter I may be doing one for her club too. On another note, we had a large garden not that far from us which closed to the public several years ago. My sister has informed me it is re-opening in April and her club have booked a visit there in May. I will meet her there and go round the garden with her and her friends. I shall look forward to this.
Looking forward to when the weather warms up so I can get back out in my man shed and do some more turning. I do miss not being able to get out there. Gives Mrs B a break from me winding her up as well ha ha. Though she will probably moan at me when I leave wood shavings in the carpets. I try telling her they are top quality hardwood shavings but it doesnt have any affect. Some people just have no appreciation for quality and I still end up with bent ears ha ha.
Take care and sending best wishes to you and your family, Brian.