Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Jules,
I have just come in after finishing both tables. See below. Very pleased with them and know they will be a lot better than what I have been using, I had to change a couple of things but it has been for the better in the end. I can now concentrate on my turnings for I have a two day show at the end of this month, The new lines will be one of the first things to concentrate on.
I hope you have had an enjoyable time in London today and hope you have a great meal tonight. You made me laugh when you wrote about going to the gym first of all. That sounds like hard work to me ha ha. Take care; sending hugs to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Hazel
Thank you I had a great day out in the City of London. Warm and dry and the cloud cover during the middle of the day made for easy walking conditions!! We covered 6.5 miles and visited both the Bank of England Museum and the Museum of London which were both very interesting and free entry an added bonus. We bought sandwiches and ate them in the park as well as enjoying a couple of tea/coffee stops. Headed back about 5.30 and then joined my friend's husband at local pub for a meal to round of the day.
Lovely morning here whilst I walked to see Mum. During the past week she has agreed to sit in the chair on a couple of days and still eating okay. They are hopeful that she will agree to have the hairdresser to her hair on the next visit too.
After my visit to the gym I am now set up in front of the tennis for the afternoon whilst the washing dries.
Hope you are doing okay and enjoying the weather. Take care, Jules
Well done Briam, the tables look great and am sure they will be an asset for your next event (as well as showing off your skills). I now look forward to seeing the new lines that you have in mind in readiness for the end of the month. Lovely day here again today; warm with sunny intervals so hopefully you will be comfortable as you work.
Had a wonderful day out yesterday and despite growing up and working in London there are many parts which I have not explored. You will see in my post to Hazel (so wont repeat myself) that we did indeed fit a lot in and my gym visits are only half an hour on resisted tension machines so not as hard work as you are imagining but still a great help both socially and as an exercise routine. Meal out with my friend and her husband when we got back was an enjoyable way to end the day and we now have a list of other things to do when we next go up town!
Hope you and Mrs B are having a pleasant day. Jules
Hi Jules,
Got out into the garage early today before it got too hot. I have turned 5 more penquins. The way I tried one of my new lines turned out to be a failure so will try another way; I wont be beaten. I have got to glue up some timber for two more lighthouses and turn some more trinket boxes including a couple of owl ones. My hoover is now back working okay ; there was some sawdust I had missed so had to take it apart again yesterday and gave it a really good clean this time. One of my club members came round today as he wanted me to cut a bit of Lignum Vitae for him which his saw woulndt cut. This is the one timber which is so heavy it wont float on water. Another bit of useless information for you ha ha.
Glad you enjoyed your trip to Lodon. I havent been to London for a few years now. Hope your mother was okay yesterday. Take care, Brian.
Hi Brian
Very sensible to get the jobs done early and I know your perseverence will pay off as regards your new ideas - good fighting spirit to make it work. I love haring about the wood facts and you never know when something you have mentioned may pop up in a quiz or corssword. They say you learn something new every day so you have just ticked that box for me!
Busy morning at work and was glad to escape home to the cool of my lounge (and a choc ice from the freezer!).
Mum continues to eat well and they have managed to coax her into a chair a few times this past week. Sadly I doubt there will be any overall improvement and both her physical and mental illness has taken its toll but at 91 she has done well bless her and I think she listens to my chatter even when she keeps her eyes shut (mind you when she snores I take the hint!!).
Have my son coming over on Saturday as we are hiring a van to get rid of unwanted rubbish and some broken items so I will be able to re-jig my bedrooms and free up some space. With my daughter and family now a bit further away I am hoping to be able to sleep them all if they come and stay but needed to make space to fit a double bed. Fingers crossed no trouble with offloading at our local Refuse Dump (they can be a bit picky at times and you have to prove you are not 'trade' when going in with a van plus several pieces of ID to prove you are a resident.
My poor son in law had his clutch go on the way to work this morning so is waiting to hear if it is ready for collection. If not he will go home by train as they are away for Family weekend with the Cubs on Friday and there is much packing up of all the gear to be done. Thankfully they can go in my daughter's car if needs be.
Take care of yourself and Mrs B during this hot spell and best wishes to you both and the family. Jules
Hi Jules,
It's too hot to work for long in my garage again so have just put another coat of button polish on my two tables. I had a big pot of button polish some one gave me years ago and its something I hardly ever use so rather than buy a tin of laquer for the tables decided to use this and I have just about enough.
I had to phone three of our woodclub members to let them know I have now got their parking passes as I have organised our clubs attendance at an afternoon craft show this month at a local village fair. They only had room for three of us in the W. I. marquee so I decided not to take part on this one as I have two others coming up. Have also sent out the reminder e-mail to our club members that its the next meeting next Wednesday when we will have a chap talking about woodturning so should be intersting.
Took Mrs B shopping yesterday as she wanted some cards and I wanted some frozen chestnuts. Well, she got her cards but I didnt get my nuts as they were out of stock. So I went to the NUT SHOP and bought some peanuts instead. ha ha Brianitus is still alive and well ha ha. She also bought a small roller blind for the bathroom which I have put up for her this morning. Then in the afternoonI managed to persued her to go for a drive all down country lanes. It was nice hearing the birds singing and saw some lovely views.
Have managed to lose another couple of pounds and now weigh less than I have done since having had the prostate cancer. I feel so much better for it and want to loose a few more pounds yet. The trick is going to be working out how not to put it all back on again as Mrs B has reminded me.
Hope you enjoyed your day yesterday and your walk this morning. Hope your son in law got his car done in time and it didnt cost too much. Have an enjoyable day today, Brian.
Hi Brian
Still managing to keep busy despite the heat in your garage I see. You must wonder where the hours in the day go (feel that way myself some days I must admit). Good to hear that Brianitus is still going strong and despite not being able to find your frozen chestnuts you had a replacement! Well done with your weight loss efforts and no doubt with your limited diet this is not easy for you to achieve. Feeling better for it is great motivation. I had a more controlled eating plan over the weekend so just need to keep on track and should be able to reach my goal (by my birthday) and at least get me back on the downward trend. Think perhaps the warm weather is helping.
Have just heard the forecast that we could at last see some rain in my neck of the woods so once back from exercise and shopping I think I had best mow the lawn. Will be sorry to see my clover carpet gone but probably only temporary (bees will have to move to the new plants put in for my summer outlook (directly outside patio doors and in view from where I sit).
Have a peaceful and pleasant Monday with Mrs B. By the way how did your son's foot consultation go?
Take care. Jules
Had a lovely busy weekend with family, walks and garden centre visits. On Saturday whilst at my son's local garden centre I spotted a cute water holder and last night I had my reward with the return of my prickly friend.
Hi Hazel
Absolutely delighted to see my prickly friend back. Of course it may have been in and out of the garden and I just had not been aware!! If I know it's about I put some food down for it and he/she made short work of the small handful I gave it (not too much or it wont eat my slugs ha ha).
I had a small old dish down before (bird water feeder is up high on a hook) before as like to think ground drinkers have some access especially in this hot weather. Had a voucher for the garden centre and saw this prety one and it just popped into the basket.
Have finally cut the lawn and the bees were not too happy at being disturbed from their clover carpet. Still it will no doubt soon be back looking pretty again. Have afriend popping here in about an hour and as Wimbledon is full flow have made up dishes of strawberries (she does not eat cake!! though bakes beautifully). Thought of you the other day when one of the cakes in the local bakery was a rainbow (inside and outside colours) - very pretty it looked too.
Hope you are keeping okay. Take care, Jules xx
Haha, so it just popped itself into your basket, eh?
Did my back garden early this morning - cut what's left of the poor grass after all this hot weather, and chopped back a few shrubs (got covered in spiders' webs and despite a good wash have felt itchy ever since)
I have a hardy fuchsia that's looking a bit sick for the third year running, so if we get any rain to soften the soil I want to get it out and see if I can salvage it in a big pot - would like to keep it really as it was put in by my mum. (Gosh, now I think about it, no wonder it's a bit sad looking, that must have been over 50 years ago!). Then when that's out, I intend to grass over the bare spot later in the year. That's the plan, anyway! :-)
I like the sound of that rainbow cake, a feast for the eyes as well as the belly.
Take care and enjoy your strawberries.
Hazel xx