Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Thanks Brian, yes a great outcome for my daughter and family and now nervous anticipation and excitement as the rest of this week will be a packing frenzy and lots of cheerios to be said. Hubby would be so proud of them for holding on to this dream and emotions are still running very high as we wish he could have celebrated with us. For me it is a case of helping as much as I am able and then going with them on move day to keep the grandchildren out of the way whilst the removal men get on with the job! Also now having to get train timetable on my phone so I can get home in time for work the following day!
Anyway back down to earth today as I go into work and routine. Also have an appointment afterwards followed by a meal out with a friend.
Hope you and Mrs B are enjoying the pleasant weather. Have the sunshine back today following a blip yesterday with a period of cloud and drizzle. Still the lawn to mow but may have to wait till Friday now when I have some free time again.
Take care and I thank you and all my forum friends for putting up with my mood swings as I continue to battle through the ups and downs of day to day life without my rock. Jules x
Hi Jules,
I am in total agreement with what Hazel has said.
Have spent the day packing all my new lines and printing the price labels as it so hot in my workshop. The trouble is the dust sticks to me and I come indoors looking like a plank of wood ha ha. I am now all ready for loading the car tommorow ready for setting up on Friday night. I take my own homemade tables with me but am going to re-make them in the near future so they pack easier in my car and with the new design I have done will mean a lot less items to take. Have also picked out our woodclubs banner to hang up at our exhibition. Have also printed information about our woodclub as I hope we may pick up some new members.
Hope they soon get that new lift organised as it must be hard work taking piles of books upstairs. Its surprising how heavy they are. We have our own book library for our woodclub and have a large cabinet to keep tem in and even though it has wheels, It is not easy to move beacuse of the weight.
Hope you are able to get to spend some time in the garden. Bet your daughter and family are busy packing. Its always difficult as you need to leave certain things until the last moment. I bet the boys are excited but also are having mixed feelings as are you perhaps as they will be further away. Will the boys have to change school?
I may not have time to post much over the weekend but will do my best.
Take care and hope you have a great weekend, Brian..
Thanks Brian,
Life brings its ups and downs but have to say being part of the forum community hasbeen a great help.
I am sure you must be exhausted having to do all the organising and packing for your exhibition this weekend and will be perfectly understandable if you have to have a bit of a time out from posting. I hope all goes well and it is a roaring success for you and the other woodclub members.
Another hot one forecast for tomorrow and I will wait until the garden is 'shady' before heading out there at some point. Have done the washing ready to hang out in the morning before I go to the supermarket.
My grandsons had their last day at their current school today and after the half term break the eldest will join his new school (they are moving over 50 miles away so definitely had to change!!) Little Zack will go to a local pre-school until he begins full time education (they run slightly differently in their new location as he is was in school nursery for half days here but will get 15hrs free placement until he goes into mainstream school. Eldest boy has already visited new class (back in April when the first exchange on the property was supposed to go through) but apparently emotional goodbyes said at the school gates this afternoon. Both his Mum and Dad went to collect him for moral support and think they were just as upset bless them. The parents are all going for a goodbye social evening on Saturday so I am childminding for them. Life does take some strange turns as they are moving to the town where my hubby used to work (just a few miles from the Engineering Company headquarters) though my son in law will continue to commute for his work. I am sure the delight at having their first foot on the property ladder will soon help them settle down and I know my way around up there quite well (hubby there for over ten years!!!) though not the residential area yet!
Wishing you success for the weekend and hope you, Mrs B and the family are keeping well. Jules
On Sunday we are going to a BBQ at my sons for Darcey's 1st birthday so all in all a busy week ahead.
Thanks Hazel,
I know I am being silly but cannot help thinking that there are so many lovely people here going through so much more difficult times than myself and there I am wittering away! It is lovely having the continued support and just want to let you all now how much it is appreciated.
Hope you are relaxing and enjoying the garden whilst the weather allows. I really should mow the lawn but am enjoying the buttercups in it ha ha. Maybe tomorrow! Take care and hugs. Jules x
I sure am - I'm sitting in the garden now under my new parasol after a traipse round the shops for a new one, my old one gave up the ghost this morning! (No doubt next week the weather will change now I've bought it)
Enjoy your buttercups - I love them and daisies, such a pity they mean the grass is too long, it would be nice to keep them.
Take care, Hazel xx
Hi Hazel,
Well I still have the buttercups..............the mower blew up on me this morning. New one being delivered tomorrow but seems I might be dodging showers hmmm. This must have been fate as I had been to the coin sorting machine at the supermarket to get rid of allmy change (money boxes are a hobby of mine). I then took some old fivers to the bank (how did I forget I had these!!!) along with some Scottish notes. Was nice to have some cash (£90) but now most of it spent on the new mower ha ha
On a much happier note my daughter and family now have the keys to their new home and are starting the process of moving in. They now have a garden all their own and guess what? they had just been and bought a mower when mine broke. Is there something in the air do you think? Of course we are all absolutely delighted and my son says they will break open another bottle of champers tomorrow (Darcey's birthday party) in a double celebration. How hubby would have enjoyed this moment but the butterflies are flitting around so perhaps he is letting us know he approves!
New parasol sounds lovely. I still have not got mine back out of the box yet but now have some shade in the back garden so dinner out there later perhaps. Take care and lots of hugs. Jules xx