My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Trying to play catch up again. First the good news for me at least. I had the results of my PSA test on Friday and was told it was 5.40; a big increase. I felt sure the receptionist had got it wrong so when Mrs B saw the doc this morning I asked him and he said it was 1.11 which was about what I had expected, so feeling better know I know she made a mistake. I have been spending time in the garage getting my turning up to date. I am trying out several new items and am pleased with the results so far. I have come up with another idea today. Mrs B bought a pot of hand cream purely as it was in an owl shaped plastic pot. So Jules in the next few days I will try turning one in wood as a mini trinket box. I love trying new items which I know none of our other wood club members do. I look on it as a challenge and love creating something out of waste timber. 

    I have another cancer meeting tonight so am being kept busy. Love the shot of your Lilly of the Valley. We have some too but in our back garden. It smells lovely as we come in the gate. My youngest grandson has now taken up archery and according to my son is doing very well.

    Well had better press on as I want to post on my other threads. Hope your mother is okay and your daughter has good news regarding her proposed move. Take care, sending best wishes and kind thoughts your way, Brian.


  • Hi Brian

    Brilliant news about your PSA levels once the confusion over the results was ironed out. I know you must be thrilled to bits at this.

    You are doing very well at keeping busy with all your wordturning and love that you are constantly thinking up new idea and putting them into practice.  Hope the next show event brings lots of interest in your workmanship and that of other club members.

    Unfortunately it rather looks as though my daughter will not be moving after all as due to red tape and a difference of opinion between the council and mortgage lender everything has collapsed once again. It has been a difficult few days for the family that only a miracle can resurrect this time.  I suspect after a few more days they will be house searching again.  Has taken a toll on us all with my son in law suffering a severe chest infection and stress, the poor seller stuck in limbo (having already moved to her new property and now looking like she cannot sell to anyone due to the clause causing the problem in the lease) and very poorly and everyone feeling extremely let down after over four months of negotiations going down the pan:(>:)

    Have several appointments to keep myself busy next week but have Mum's 91st birthday to get through this coming Friday and a cinema outing with the grandsons on Sunday morning to fit in as well.Keeping busy really does seem the only way forward just now though feeling pretty low again in myself.  My son in law'scurrent phase 'onwards and upwards' is wearing a little thin even to him now!!

    Hope your latest cancer meeting went well and that your and Mrs B are managing okay.  I love the fact that your youngest grandson has now taken up archery and both his Dad and you must be very proud of him.  Take care my forum friend.  Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Sorry I have not rreplied before but have been spending time in my workshop and coming in feeling rather weary. But I have really been enjoying myself. Hazel has sugeested I try turning some wooden Sammies and not the eatable kind ha ha. I still have sever more new lines to try out including a stork that has a small pair of scissors in his beak that make it look like hes wearing glasses. Plus a squirell if I can find something for its tail, Plus mice and pigs. With regard to the bird turnings, I am now burning the beak area slightly and this seems to be another improvement. I have had to update all my price labels to include all the new lines. I read once, there is always room for improvement and its so true.

    I am so sorry to read about your daughters problems regarding her proposed move. I can understand how stressful it is for all concerned including yourself.Hope something better comes along soon. Hope you enjoyed the trip to the cinema this morning.What did you go to see? Hope it relived the stress for a few hours at least. We have had quite a bit of rain so have not had to water the garden. It neededd it as it was so dry. Mrs B's strawberries are coming on and most of her roses are either out or will soon be.

    Thank you for posting some wonderful photos on the forum lately and have to say your getting better and better. and you were allready good before. You have posted some great action shots which I have really enjoyed so thank you for them. Have mowed both lawns today

    Take care. , sending hugs, Brian

  • Hi Brian

    So pleased  you have been enjoying time in your 'man cave' and the resulting wood work is a pleasure for us to see so thank you.  Hope you come up with a 'Sammy' seal and well done to Hazel for suggesting that one as he is a friendly regular feature so why not make him into something permanent!

    Visit to the cinema was enjoyable though we did have a hitch as my daughter had inadvertanly booked for the wrong sunday! We were due to see 'Sing'  but as this was fully booked we were  lucky my son in law was able to book for another film just an hour later (the Boss Baby) so the boys were not disappointed.  I am going to get Sing on DVD and they can watch it during half term. We had lunch afterwards before returning to my garden for fun and games whilst my son in law watched his beloved BTCC.  Did a 'picnic tea' before they took two tired lads home for bed.  always nice to spent quality time with family.

    Been out walking this morning as the weather is lovely and maybe after seeing Mum tomorrow I will mow the lawn though such a shame to take the heads of the buttercups and daisies!!

    Thanks for your very kind words about my recent photos.  I am enjoying taking the camera along whenever I go out now and beginning to get a bit more patient over waiting for the right shot.  Hopefully the holiday in a few weeks time will bring some change to the usual flowers and birds!!

    Hope you and Mrs B are keeping well. Take care and have a pleasant week.  Jules

  • Hi all,

    As you will know from my ramblings over the last couple of months the family has been on an emotional rollercoaster as far as my daughter and son in law's property issues are concerned.  I am therefore absolutely delighted to share the good news that all problems have been resolved and they were able to Exchange on the property this morning.  Completion by the weekend with moving next week so now all systems go and much happier emotions for us all to deal with.

    Hope everyone is keeping well and you have the sun that we have lost!!  Jules

  • Marvellous news, Jules - at last!!!    I bet you are all walking on air at the moment, despite the overcast weather (no rain here, tee- hee, YET!)  :-)

    Here's hoping the move goes without any hitches!

    Hazel xx  (Thanks for the healing hugs!)  




  • Great news Jules so happy 4 u all wishing u daughter all the best :) 

  • Thanks Hazel. I am going along on moving day to help out with the boys (just to make sure they do not trip up the removal men ha ha). Will be a flying visit for the day and home on the train as at work the following day.  My gym friends said my face told its own story this morning and am just so very pleased for them. Walking on air sums it up nicely.

    Loved your garden pics on the other thread and your pansies have done very very well.  The few that I have left are definitely on the way out now but it has been a good winter/spring for them.  The bit of drizzle has now passed us by and blue skies are back so hopefully still time for the washing to dry!

    Be kind to yourself my forum friend.  Jules x

  • Thanks Gemini, it is lovely to be able to share a bit of good news but has been a very emotional journey.  My son in law's favourite phrase has  been onwards and upwards all the way through and this will be a lovely new start for them.  I will soon get used to regular trains rides too though have my holiday to get through first.

    Hope you and the family are doing okay and that your Mum is being kept comfortable.  Take care.  Jules x

  • Wonderful news, I am so happy for all of you...  Sue xx