Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hope your madcap sis is home now and raring to go again! What a pair you are, eh?! (Sorry, would have replied sooner but missed your last posts somehow)
Keep well, keep smiling, take care.
Hazel xx
Afternoon Jules, I will have to wait until my appointment next Monday for results I guess, but thanks for your thoughts on one of the other threads - can't find it now but know you wished me well.
The wedding seems to have come round so quickly, doesn't it - don't know where the blooming time goes! Still, good that you have all the presents sorted, one less thing to think about.
Take care, Hazel xx
Hi Hazel
The waiting for appointments (and results) is an edgy time but think you are right in that I am sure you would have had a call before now should there have shown a difference. Does not help with the nerves though!
Yes, once Christmas and New Year had passed the wedding seems to have come around very quickly and of course the family chat nearly all leads in that direction as well as the possible move of my daughter and family. Lots going on in my head (and theres I am sure)!! It also looks highly likely that Darcey will be crawling by then so that will add to the fun as I doubt she will enjoy sitting still ha ha, It has been nearly ten years since the last family wedding (my daughter) so must make the most of happy celebrations and very excited for them both. Just waiting for the bride to be's parents to get back in one piece from their skiing trip (not really the best timing!).
Hope you are keeping well. I am about to set off in the drizzle for work which will keep me occupied. Take care. Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Hope your journey into work was not too wet. Our garden was absolutely waterlogged. How was your visit to you mother yesterday? Your talk about feeling emotional at the wedding, just brings home to me how powerful our emotions can be. Plus the fact is we have no control over our emotions. It also stike me as funny how when we are feeling very happy, often it leads us to cry. I wote about this in one of my books. In it a young girl asks this guy why he's crying when he says he's really happy. So he tells her it's all to do with emotions; something you cant see but only feel. He tell her everyone has a happiness bowl inside of them and when that bowl overflows, it shows as tears.
I wouldnt worry about it Jules as most of the other people will be feeling pretty much the same. Its just a pity your hubby couldnt be there.
I am due to take my son to the hospital again tommorow morning so am hoping for good news again. I have had my first attempt at using my new hobby drill and learnt a lot. Mind you I need to learn a whole lot more ha ha. Have just sent out this months newsletter and have had two of the committee congratulate me on it. Next month it will be a year since I took on the rols of newletter editer and am still enjoying it and I have learnt so much along the way too.
Take care Jules, sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Brian
Seem to have been lucky rainwise as journey to and from work was in the dry and we have sunny intervals now I am home. Thanks for your considerate words as regards our emotions all of which are very true. Am trying not to worry about it too much and you are right in that I certainly will not be the only one having such feelings. My over-riding emotion is one of happiness for my son and his fiancee and as a family we will be mutually supportive as always. The happy couple have decided to hold a 'guess the length of the speeches' fundraiser for an asbestos charity in memory of hubby which is a lovely idea. Of course it would have been great if hubby were able to enjoy the celebrations with us (and so many other things too) but know he would have been delighted so will carry that pride for the two of us. It will also be good to catch up with relatives I have not seen since his funeral.
Vist to Mum was an hour of sitting beside her as she dozed. She answered my hello and then kept her eyes closed until I said cheerio. Unfortunately I do not think this will change now but at least she can be well cared for and the staff will let me know if I am needed.
Hope your son gets more good news; poor chap has had a long haul with this recovery.
Good that you are practising with your new hobby drill and I know you will not give up until you get the results you want and then we can all enjoy seeing the results of your labours when you have new products to offer at your events. I expect too that your Wood Club will soon start meeting again after the winter break and am so glad you enjoy the newsletter side of things too. Never a dull moment I suspect.
Hope you and Mrs B are keeping okay, take care. Jules
Good morning Jules,
My sons wound on his ankle is nearly skinned over now so they have put a differnt dressing on. He was told in a few weeks he will have to have radical pysiotherapy to try and get some movement back. Dont envy him that. After dropping him at the hospital, It took me longer to find somewhere to park than it did to drive to the hospital. By the time I got there I only had to wait a couple of minutes and then had to ga back and get the car to pick him up again. Brighton is getting worse and worse for parking.
As soon as Mrs B goes out into the garden to put the bird food out, the little birds congregate on the television ariels and start chirping away as if their saying hurry up Mrs B. They dont even wait for her to leave the garden before they are swooping down. It make her laugh to see this, and like you she gets a lot of pleasure from seeing them.
Yesterday when I looked out the window I surprised a pigeon which flew towards our hedge and this black and white cat suddenly sprang out from under the hedge and nearly had him. The pigeon is now minus several feathers. Bet he wont come bck for a while.
Sounds like we are in for a wet and windy night.
Sorry to hear your mother was in a non responsive mode. It must be hard for you as I've said before, but as you say given her problems it's understandable. Like you, Mrs B wants to get out into the garden to tidy things up and is frustrated as the ground is so wet. Our lawn must have been under water the other night we had so much rain. Yet my son saw on the TV our reseviors are only about half full so we do need the rain. We have so much building going on all round the area yet they have not increesed the water storage at all.
I wish you a pleasant weekend. Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian
Hi Jules,
The photo attached is my very first attempt at wood engraving and is on a scap piece of timber. It is far from finished yet and is still in a rough state and needs a lot more work on it yet, but just wanted to show you the sort of thing I hope to do with my new hobby drill. It will be a steep learning curve but I will get there. I cant do much indoors as it does produce quite a bit of dust (Mrs B has allready bent my ears ha ha) I am so looking forward to leaning the new skills needed to produce the quality of work I feel sure I can do given time.
Its only taken about ten minuites so far and allready I have learnt that by using differnt cutters, I could cut that time by half.
Have a pleasant day, Brian.
Hi Brian
Should have read your messages here first as had just asked how your son got on when on another thread!I am pleased that there is continued improvement and anything they can do to bring back movement wil be wonderful though I am sure it may be somewhat uncomfortable period. He must be itching to return to work too.
The new hobby drill is in good hands and in so little time you have already achieved a great deal. I know you will perfect it over time and in the meantime will enjoy both the challenge and your hobby. A shame your garage is too cold to work in but then I am sure Mrs B would miss you too much if you spent all day out there!!
I have not needed the heating on this last couple of days but they say it will be another cold spell next week. I was sorely tempted to mow the lawn this morning (we have obviously not had as much rain as you) but in the end decided to do the shopping and visit the gym whilst the weather was sunny and dry.The wind has now just started to pick up and it has clouded over so am glad to be tucked up indoors.
Like MrsB I have been keeping the feeders well stocked and have had the added pleasure of watching a field mouse climb up the bird table (still not caught the little devil on camera!!). Always amazed at how quickly the birds zoom in and the robins sit calmly in the hedge as I fill up and are always treated to a small handful of mealworms. In the better weather they will sit on the arm of the chair and occasionally feed from the hand. I do currently have quite a few pigeon feathers in the garden but think this was the fox which passes through pretty regularly.
Tomorrow morning I have my eldest grandson coming whilst Zack has his eye test and then we are going out to lunch. My son in law is away for the weekend on my son's stag do. I will no doubt be playing a board game or two but will be lovely to see him as usually he is at school when I catch up with my daughter and Zack. The next time I see them it will be during half term and then at the wedding celebrations. Time now seems to be flying by.
Hope you and Mrs B have a peaceful weekend and it is not too stormy a night in your neck of the woods.
Take care. Jules
This ain't bad for a first attempt, Brian and I bet it will look good once you've done all the finishing - though shouldn't you be carving chestnuts instead of acorns?
So glad your son had good news at last, thank goodness.
Take care, Hazel xx
Good morning Jules,
I have just recieved a new twin pack of cordless phones that has call blocker installed. I have got so fed up with these cold callers. Ive had one caller that has phoned several times recently who really anoyed me. She tried telling me I was paying a charge each month for maintainance on our telly and despite me telling that wasnt the case she just kept on and on and wouldnt believe me, so I'm afraind she got put straight and ended up hanging up on me. The cold called probably was a lot warmer when id finnished ha ha. Mind, I did give her quite a broadside so I hope these new phones will bring an end to these darned cold callers. My mother used to have an old police whistle and when she got a caller who anoyed her, she blew this whistle as hard as she could. bet that hurt their ears ha ha. She told ne she never had them phone back.
I have ordered some more cutters for my hobby drill; ten pieces for £!.99 and free postage as well. Dont know how they make them for that price. I have found a nice wooden box which wasnt being used for anything much so I shall convert this into a box where I can store and arrange all these little burrs and cutters neatly in proper rows.
We didnt get much wind in the end. My sone tells me it was only for about 30 minuites. I'll have to take his word as I slept all through it ha ha.
I hope you enjoy your usual Sunday walk. Is the farmers market on this week? I resisted going to get any more chestnuts this week. So you can blame me for the bad weather ha ha. I have allready lost about 3 pounds in weight so far and would like to lose a lot more.
I hope you enjoyed your lunch out and the visit from your grandson.
Enjoy what is left of the weekend, Take care, Brian