My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Sorry Jules, meant to ask you to pass on love to Sue!  Thanks.

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel,

    Hope you managing to keep warm during this chilly spell.  At least we have beautiful sunshine.

    I am sure the waiting for results plays on everyone's minds but as you have heard nothing to call you back I am hopeful, like you, that all will be well. Sending hugs.

    Build up to the audit not too bad though I am sure the staff undertaking the audit itself tomorrow/Monday will be shattered as a lot of lifting and moving involved.

    Mum's situation is sad and I have to be somewhat grateful that she receives good 24hr care.  To be honest my emotions are somewhat mixed as we have never known a close relationship and her own opinions mean that  she welcomes any thoughts of an early demise and all visits end with her usual wish for life to be at an end.  Her GP sees little point in discussing the cancer prognosis with her as her wishes are written down and have been for many a year. I do hope she can at least be kept pain free, comfortable and I will be there for her  unless she requests otherwise (she often requested no visitors when in hospital).  It is so very sad that her situation is made even more difficult with her mental frailty.

    Will, of course, pass on your best to Sue when I can.  She is trying to get her computer sorted and is not able to access internet readily.  Needless to say she is not a happy bunny being besieged by the gremlins again.

    Look after yourself.  Jules





    Take care of yourself.  Jules xx

  • Good morning Jules,

    Didnt find time to post anything yesterday as I had my new litle hobby drill arrive. I am now just waiting for more cutters to arrive. I have looked at several video links which show these tools bieng used for relief carving and engraving. So yesterday I found a place where I was able to download some black and white line drawings of owls and animals plus other items. The idea is to print these out on clear adhesive backed paper, and then stick it to a piece of wood and then cut the outline of it with the hobby drill. The paper is then peeled off and you can then carry the detail work on it. Dont know if I will be any good at this but its something new to try and if it works a completely new line for my craft fairs. The good news is the hobby drill isre-chargable so I may be able to take it to my craft fairs to demonstrat it as demonstrations always draw a crowd round the stands and help sell the products.

    My ear is no longer painful, but still can not hear properly yet. My son says his ankle is feeling a bit better so I hope we get good news on Friday.

    Have you managed to sort out the problems you had with your computer before Christmas Jules? I know you were talking of buying a new one at one stage. Hope your mum is okay and still pain free when you visit today and you are able to have a two way conversation with her. It must be very difficult for you when she is not very responsive. Must seem like your talking to yourself. Any news on the proposed move as yet?

    Take care, sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian

  • Hi Brian

    Well, firstly am still using my old laptop and/or tablet and phone for posting.  Laptop seems okay at the moment and is not overheating unless I leave it on for hours (which is rare these days).Decided not to get a new one unless it fails completely but have taken the precaution of transferring precious photos to a memory card and at the same time reduced those I had stored so feel quite pleased at the moment.

    Glad the pain in your ear has gone and no doubt your hearing will soon be back to normal too as that must be very frustrating.Also pleased to hear that your son is reporting an improvement in his ankle so hope its good news at his next check upand recovery is on the cards without more surgery.

    Had a good weekend and was also updated with regards to my son's wedding plans. As expected emotions were tested and needed a tissue but am not surprised by this and know there will be many of us attending who will feel very happy on the one had and then sad that his Dad will only be carried as a memory.  Happiness walking hand in hand with sadness in the wings but am so very proud of him and my soon to be daughter in law.  We are just over three weeks away from their wedding and just want everything to be  wonderful on their very special day (and hope not too much blubbing though my son will be  more relaxed once the speeches are done.......  they are having them at the beginning of the wedding meal so hoping everyone can enjoy their food without anxiety/nerves!!). As hubby will of course be spoken off no doubt their will be a few wet eyes (have made sure my mascara is waterproof as its the only precaution I have control over).  The more I think about it the more emotional I feel and though perfectly natural I do not want to spoil their day so am trying to think of a way to keep control even though I know we all have mutual understanding of how we all miss his presence on a daily basis and especially at such special family celebrations. I suppose weddings often bring tears of happiness too so probably be a few of up teary eyed.  Any hints and tips from my forum buddies will be well received.

    Paid my usual visit to see Mum today and she was polishing off egg on toast and tea so still eating regularly but very little conversation though on a positive note she asked to go up to the hairdresser and was on her way as I left.  Added a new picture of her great grand daughter to her photo board in her room too which keeps her up to date with things.  You are right about one way conversation in that is is not easy but when she is in the lounge the other residents usually chat to me too which helps a little.  Am back there tomorrrow evening as there is the usual quarterly relatives meeting when we talk about general concerns (if we have them) and how the home is continuing to be run. On a personal level Mum says she has no complaints as they cannot be held responsible for how she feels about life in general and she is happy enough with the care she receives.

    Wishing you a MrsB a peaceful day and hope your new ideas with the hobby drill lead to some exciting new products and demonstrations at this year's craft fairs.  Good luck with the trial runs.  Jules

  • This fella could not get any closer to my patio doors just now! :-)[[ ]]

  • Hi eveyone, just when you thought I'd disappeared for good, here I am, and delighted to be so! No idea why the gremlins struck or where they have gone now but I look forward to chatting again later. It's great to be back

    Take care  Sue xx

  • Welcome back Sue, glad to see you posting just before I switched off my technology.  Looking forward to catching up and hope  you are keeping well.  Jules x

  • Wow, he'd be inside if he could, I bet!  Bet you were holding your breath scared to move, weren't you?

    Thanks Jules, great photo as usual. 

    Glad your mum is as well as possible, nice that she still cares about her appearance at least.

    I can't suggest anything that will help with the emotion at the wedding, except perhaps the mentions of hubby are kept short but heartfelt.  I think I would be a blubbering mess, but even if you are I don't think it will spoil the day, everyone will know how you feel I'm sure.

    Be careful in the morning going to work if it's slippery again, don't want any mishaps this close to the wedding!

    Take care, Hazel xx



  • Yay, hi Sue, welcome back!  :-)

    Hope you're doing okay, missed you!

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Jules and Hazel, it's so lovely to be back, I really missed all the great chat, pictures and general day to day goings on of my forum friends. Haven't a hope of being able to go back over a months worth of conversations but just reading the last few days:

    Hazel, will have everything crossed that you get your results soon and that they are good news, thank you too for your messages while I have been off air. 

    Jules, I hope your Mum is as comfortable as possible and that your son's upcoming wedding brings many tears of joy to make hubby proud of the ocassion.

    Brian, all the best to your son for tomorrow.

    Am off to admire some of the many pictures I've missed but, as I said at the beginning, it's lovely to be back.

    Take care all

    Sue xx