Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
This is a very nerve racking time for you and the family Brian but I am so pleased that currently the news is looking good and hope the next hospital move is not too far from home so that you and the family can visit easily. As always my thoughts are with you all. I know it will be hard but hope you and MrsB manage some sleep tonight and that news continues to be good as your son continues to receive treatment. Hugs from Jules
Dear Brian, I am so sorry your son is having to go through such a horrible time and I have everything crossed for him, you and all the family that this operation has helped to solve the problem as hoped.
Look after yourselves too won't you, will be thinking of you all. Sue xx
Hi everyone,
Just an update on my son. The specialist looked at my sons ankle today and she has told him, they cant do the plastic surgery just yet. Apperntly there is a big hole in his ankle so there is nothing to anchor it to, They are hoping it will regenerate by itself. If not they will have to take a lump of skin and flesh from his thigh to fill the hole but have said this is major surgery and they hope it will not be nessesary. But which ever they have told him it will be a long haul.
It also sounds like he wont be home for Christmas.
Thanks everyon for all your kind thoughts, Brian.
Hi Brian that's just terrible that he is probably not going to be home for Christmas. Such a terrible time of year for all this to come about. Take care and I hope he will be okay -Diane x
Hi Brian
It really does sounds as though your son has a long period of rehabilitation ahead of him. With an open wound and possible further surgery planned it is perhaps best (though not what anyone would want) that he can be monitored in hospital. Having been a patient myself over a Christmas period know how disappointed he and the family will all feel but know you will spend as much time with him as is possible. Hope the hospital is not too far away for you all and suspect his hospital diet will be somewhat supplemented by some home cooking along the way. Sending you all my very best wishes and know that your forum buddies will be thinking of you all no matter where we all are at Christmas. Look after yourself too. Big hugs to you and Mrs B. Jules
Hi Jules,
We have just has some really good news. Our son has been told he will be allowed home for a few hours on Christmas day. I will pick him up and take him back but at least he will be able to spend some time with his wife and family. Mrs B is really pleased as am I
I am glad you got tosee yourmim and will talk again soon, Brian
Fantastic news for all the family Brian. Am just delighted for him, his wife, children and you and Mrs B. The best gift you could all be given I am sure. Wishing you peace and the joy of family. Jules x
That's great news, Brian, the best present by far for you all. Hope you all have a lovely day, and my love and thoughts are with you.
Hazel xx
Good morning Jules,
Hope you enjoyed your day yesterday with the family. Bet your grandchildren enjoyed theirselves.
I picked my son up yesterday and when we dropped him back last nighjt we had an awful journey back. Instead of using the main road we went over the downs, We immediatley went into low cloud and the visibility was very poor I could hardly see the side of the road so when we came back Mrs B said use the main road which was luckily clear. At nine O clock this morning I had a phone cal form daughter in law to say he could also come home today so another trip to Brighton but in bright sunshine this time. My youngest grandson on both days had come up and given me a big hug and said "Thank you for bringing my daddy home granddad". Love that little guy.
I asked him before Christmas is Santa was going to see him and he shook his heas, I asked if he had been naughty and he nodded his head. So I told him that I was often naughty but to keep it quiet and he said "I know your naughty for my dad tell me you are" and laughed.
I hope you and your family have a great day today, Brian.
Hi Brian and everyone
Hope you all managed the festivities the best you could and are well yourselves.
Good news Brian that your son was allowed home for a few hours on both days and know the whole family would have been lifted by this. Hope his treatment going forward will be a help and at least good to know he is pain free.
We have two good family days spent together (one at my sons and one with me) and today I have once again been to visit Mum. She was not expecting two visits over the festive period but I am glad I went as she had, as usual, chosen not to open any of her cards/gifts so I did this for her this morning and arranged things in her room. Whilst she is still taking meals and being polite when asked questions by the care staff she is now just listening with eyes shut when I go in and pretty much just nodding and shaking her head (she however continues to talk properly to the professionals and GP so at least they can monitor her and keep me informed). She is pain free from her various physical ailments but totally disinterested. Still I keep visiting and updating her on family news/photographs and she now has a new an updated selection of family photographs whichI hope she will find pleasure in looking at,
Quick question Brian; some time back you had a problem with your eyes which I think you referred to as having a 'floating' in it. I have got up today and seem to have a similar occurence in one eye (annoying but not painful). Just wondered if you are still experiencing problems and if your GP or optican was your first port of call as not sure who to contact first.
Just spending the rest of today quietly before going back to work tomorrow and hope this finds all my forum buddies managing okay. Take care Jules