Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Lovely photo Jules, and love your Christmas jumper. I must get mine out of hibernation, though it may be a bit tight this year, unfortunately! :-/
Pleased your mum liked the photos, nice to have raised a few smiles. Roy used to be like that at times, I think he was just too tired and bored with how he had become to bother to speak. I must stop there, or I will upset myself.
Take care, Hazel xx
Hi Jules,
Hope you have a great time with your friends. Love the photo of you and Santa.
I am very late in getting on here today as Mrs B is feeling poorly. In fact, she passed out twice on me first thing which did worry me. I had to pick her up off the bedroom carpet. First time she went over backwards and then when I had got her into the chair she was sitting with her head between her knees and suddenly before I could get there, she had collapsed head first into the carpet. After that I made her lie down on the bed for a while. But luckily she has recovered very quickly and soon (just like a woman) started worrying about the housework which I have done most of. She thinks she has picked up a bug of some sort.
My son is still having a lot of pain in his ankle. On Wednesday I went and got myself some more chestnuts as I was running low. Next Wednesday will be a busy day as Mrs B has to see her diabetic nurse in the morning, then I have a 2 hour craft show at mid-day then in the evening, I have our woodclub meeting, the last for this year. Saw my cheeky young grandson last night and was greeted with "Hello old man" and later with "Goodby Old Man" when I left.
One day soon I must get out into my workshop and have a good tidy up and get things ready for next years productions. With the photos I and another member took of our show, I will be doing a Show Special newsletter dedicated to our show with all the results of the competition classes we had, complete with pictures.
Hope you have a great time, sending kind thoughts you way, Brian
Sorry to hear about Mrs B, hope she is still feeling a bit better. Maybe a trip to the GP just to check if it is a bug? No doubt you are keeping a close eye on her, though, you are so lucky you have each other.
Hope your son's ankle improves soon as well, must be so restricting for him, poor chap.
Take care, Hazel xx
I hope Mrs.B is feeling a lot better now, not nice at all for either of you. Take care of yourselves Sue x
Hi all
Back from my weekend visiting friends which was a pleasant break (and will be repeated next weekend).
Brian, so sorry to hear that Mrs B has been poorly and do hope that she continues to feel better day by day though I know you will be keeping a close eye on her.
My own Mum has also been suffering with a tummy bug and they have had the doctor out for her so she is on light liquids only and awaiting results from samples sent for analysis. Thankfully staff very good at keeping me informed but she has been isolated in her room to try and avoid spread understandably. Need to call before I visit next.
Hazel, I do have several Christmas tops (each year there is generally a charity day at work and as a family we also tend to wear them for the festivities) and thought it appropriate to wear one to the grotto!! I also have a few festive hats though find they annoy me after a while so only put them on for short spurts ha ha. My son in law has a bah humbug hat in case we fail the dress code!!
Sue, hope work is bearable and the injections soon show signs of bringing longer term pain relief for you.
Take care everyone. Jules x
Hi all
Hope everyone is well and not too stressed with the festive season. I am a bit out of routine as Mum has been poorly for over a week and I had not been able to make my usual Tuesday visit. Thankfully today I have been able to pop in and she is once again back in the lounge having been isolated in her room for 8 days until given the 'all clear'. I arrived in time to see her eating egg on toast and whilst her communication is still, by her choice, rare I still get a smile when sharing family photos.
Thought I would share picture of a six month old Darcey in her seasonal togs; where does the time go?!
Am away over the weekend but wish you all a peaceful one. Take care all, Jules xx
Hi Jules,
So pleased all our appointments are done and dusted. Tommorow can get back to our normal routine thank goodness. Just havent know which day has been which this week.
Pleased to hear your mother is better now and lets hope she stays well too. Thanks for the picture of your granddaughter; she is growing up fast. She must be a delight to you and all the family
My diabetic nurse said I have put a small amount of weight on and I replied "Its not surprising when I have eaten the amount of Chesnuts I have just lately". She did ask how many do I eat at a time and I told her she really didnt want to know ha ha. I did add, My greangrocer has bought hiself a new car on the profits though. Only joking
My three grandchildren have all now broken up from school and are so looking forward to Christmas. My youngest is so nosey in a lovely kind of way. If I visit and have a carrier bag he immediately wants to know whats inside and if you dont tell him he will immeadiately opens it up. So A few weeks ago I went to visit and had a bag with a cardboard box inside. He asked what I had in the bag and before I could answer him he was opening the bag and then the cardboard box. He was more than a bit miffed with me whan he opened the box and found a note inside saying "HELLO Mr NOSEY PARKER". His parents burst out laughing which miffed him even more. Mind he got his own back during the evening I assure you, bless him.
I wish you and your family a pleasant weekend, Brian.
What a lovely photo, she is a proper little girl now, isn't she?
So pleased your mum is better, I know how worried you must have been - expecting a call at any time, like I was when Roy was poorly.
Hope you enjoy your weekend, take care and be good.
Hazel xxx
Hi Brian, pleased all your tests and Mrs B's were okay, that's that out of the way for a while, now you can enjoy Christmas with your lovely family. I hope your son won't be in too much pain from his ankle.
I had a laugh about your 'Nosey Parker' note in the box - I wonder if it will stop him? Better watch your back from now on, he'll probably get even more cheeky!
Take care both, Hazel xx
Hi Jules,
Feeling rather tired as I had a late nite last night. I had a phone call from daughter in law asking if I could take my son into the A&E as his foot was bleeding very badly last night. Didnt get home until quite late and the niether Mrs B or I slept much last night. They were transfering him after I left to another hospital as they wernt happy with his ankle. We have heard today they may be re-operating on his ankle as there is a lot of internal bleeding and he is being kept in for a few days. We hope to have more news later once the specialist has been round. Just hoping he will be able to get out for Christmas.
Sister in law has had it confirmed she has chronic lymphatic Leukaemia but has been told not to worry about it but thats so easy to say but so much harder to do. She hasnt got to take any medication for it.
I hope you dont have to work to hard this week. Take care Brian.