My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Brian

    Hope all goes well with your son.  It must be  a worry for him and has been going on for quite a while now. Fingers crossed that the treatment lasts as long as possible and that he will soon be back home.

    Good luck with your event tomorrow and hope its indoors and you can stay warm whilst you enjoy selling all your wonderfully made items.  Look forward to hearing how it goes. sounds as though you will have a major display and I bet loading (and unloading) your car was quite a mammoth task.

    Day here had been going well with shopping and gym done plus some housework.  Unfortunately about an hour ago I was dusting the corners (before the Christmas tree arrives tomorrow) and noticed a damp patch on my new ceiling:(.  The bathroom is above so looks as though I have a leak somewhere).  Rang my plumber and he is calling in on his way home from the job he is on to see  if he can do anything tonight (water currently switched off) but if not he says he can come in tomorrow.  I am having my grandsons tomorrow until mid afternoon so will get my daughter and son in law to bring in some bottled water en route so they can at least have squash (and I can have a coffee) if problem not fixed. May have to ask the neighbours if need to use the loo  ha ha.  An expense I could have done without before Christmas but hope its a problem thats easy to find/solve.

    Have a peaceful evening before your busy day tomorrow.  Take care Jules

  • Dear All,

    Brian, am too late to wish you well for tomorrow since you will be busy loading the car ready for the morning. The good news is you will have far less to unload again tomorrow night, having sold lots of your lovely wares! Hope it went really well for you.  Sorry to hear about your son's continuing ankle troubles but, as the others have said, let's hope this op helps to keep it stable for a long while.

    Jules, sorry you have a leak ruining your newly decorated room and fingers crossed your plumber solved the issue easily for you.

    Hazel, good on you getting those curtains up and I bet they look at treat!

    Take care  Sue xx

  • Hi Sue,

    You were not to late as I have just got back from setting up this evening

    So thanks everyone, I will post a picture of my stand, Brian.


  • Goodmorning Jules,

    Friday was a busy day as I had to wait to load my car as I was waiting for a phone call from my son to say I could pick him up from the hospital after his ankle operation. They kept him waiting from 10.15 until gone 4.00 just to get his painkillers. When I arrived he was packed and waiting and couldnt get out of there fast enough. I have never seen him move so quick since payday ha ha. He was okay last night when he phoned to ask how I got on. He has got to rest it for a few days so he was playing on his computer with his sons.

    Yesterdays Craft fair was the most sucessful one I have ever done and considering most of it was items far cheaper than the barometers I used to do was even better. I also won a highly commended for a picture frame I had entered into the competition and another award for the Christmas tree decortion competition (I dont yet know what this was but will find ot at our next club meeting). All my birds with the movable heads went and most of my sales were due to newish items. So I was very pleased to say the least but was also very exhusted by the time I got home. Got some chips on the wy home but they gave me to many and had to leave some, much to my disgust.

    Sorry to hear about your water leak; must be so annoying after all the decoration work youve had done. Pleased you have had help decorating your tree and bet the boys enjoyed helping you. Hope you wrap up warm before you set out on your Sunday walk. 

    Take care, sending kind thoughts your way, Brian.

  • Hi Brian, Hazel and Sue

    It is bad enough that I ramble on so hope a joint response will stop me repeating myself at least.

    Brian, so pleased to read how well your latest event went though not at all surprised that your new additions were a great success.  Must be so rewarding to have your hard work (and pleasure) recognised in this way and to know that your craftsmanship is appreciated. I am looking forward to seeing pictures.

    Hope your son will soon be feeling the benefit of his latest ankle treatment though no doubt will be walking somewhat gingerly for a while and trying to take it carefully; not always easy with young children either.

    Hazel and Sue hope you both had a relaxing weekend and are managing to keep cosy during our cold snap. 

    Generally my weekend was a busy and happy family one.  The mini meltdown of the water leak soon replaced by family time.  As far as the leak goes have spoken with the plumber as he did not finish in time on Saturday to get back to me.  Basically can use the bath as the drip is very slow(and must have built up over a period of months before becoming noticeable grr) and have a towel as protection until he can pop in. Mainly now my fault this week as am out and about with various events/work and appointments so he will give me a ring to arrange a slot!

    My grandsons were great with helping with the tree (though some slight adjustments as regards amount of tinsel around its middle after they had gone home he he) and I have now more or less finished lounge/hall decoration for the festive period. Acouple of pictures to show you.

    Yesterday had a lovely afternoon with both children and families and went to see Father Christmas at his Grotto.  He was the best Santa I had seen for many a year and we could all go in together with visit lasting around 15mins. Really traditional, chatty though Darcey had a few tears bless her.  We were able to take photos and granny had a hug too (waiting to see the resultant picture eek). We all then went out for a meal so a good day had by all.

    Now I am waiting for my daughter as we are going to dump a rubbish collection and hopefully have a chat over a cuppa whilst my grandsons are at pre school and school respectively. 

    Hope you are all okay, take care and wrap up warm.  Jules x


  • Woah, super tree Jules, bet you all had a wonderful weekend.  I expect baby Darcey was a bit overwhelmed by the man in the red suit, bless her.  

    Love all your little Santas, I am a sucker for those dangly legs :-)   

    And is that a framed copy of one of Brian's beautiful pics I spy?

    Glad the leak is manageable at the moment, I bet you are checking it all the time though, I would be!   Hope you and plumber soon find a mutual 'window' to get it sorted.

    Take care, keep safe and warm.

    Hazel xx



  • Hi Hazel

    Yes, weekend was lovely and social and always good  being with family. Slightly less enjoyable but my aughter and I managed to dump a load of rubbish at the dump this morning and had a hot choc to celebrate!Just waiting to hear how son in law got on at heart clinic today (follow up from his 'scare') at local heart hospital so keeping fingers crossed.

    The fireplaces lend themselves to the dangly lets ornaments.  The picture was taken by a local photographer and I bought it at a craft fair about 5 years ago.  As yet still do not have anything on the walls other than my clock and am enjoying how open everything looks so not sure if I will hang much more other than perhaps family photos (in the making!!).

    The drip under the bath is tiny but have protection underneath now so the side panel is back on until it gets fixed. Busy time of year and I am not indoors much this week so may have to be week after, hey ho.

    Am going to see Mum tomorrow and then weigh in at gym which will be last one until New Year. Apparently temperatures on the rise tomorrow but will lose the sunshine. Prefer cold and frosty to dull and damp.  Take care. Jules x

  • Jules, I hope your son in law's results are clear, keeping my fingers crossed along with you.

    Hope your visit to mum goes as well as possible, and when you are weighed don't look, that's what I do at the hospital checkups and I tell them not to tell me!  I already know anyway from my own scales so I don't want it reiterated in public, thank you very much, unless I have lost some, in which case shout it out loud!  

    Take care, Hazel xx



  • Hi Hazel

    We the good news is that son in law's appointment went well and they are still thinking muscular problem so that's hopeful.  They have made an appointment for January for him to go back for some exercise tests so at least he is being looked after and hopefully may give him something to work on.

    A plus visit to Mum today as when I showed her the photos from the weekend was rewarded with several smiles though she is not saying much these days.  The care staff said she seemed to enjoy the Christmas events yesterday afternoon too.  One of the other residents in the lounge asked me today if my Mum speaks so it would seem she only answers direct questions otherwise it is a nod or shake of the head.  When I asked her if she had lost her tongue I got the usual shrugged shoulders but it came with another smile.  As soon as the chef came out to ask her what she would like for dinner having given her the choices she promptly replied definitely cottage pie!!!  Crafty or what?

    I hope the attached photo causes some amusement as I got into the Christimas spirit at the is the proof from Santa's Grotto. Take care  Jules xx

  • What a great photo Jules, and good news from your son in law.  Sue x