My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Will do when I next e mail him Hazel.  Hope all is well with  you and you keeping warm in this chilly spell.  Love the bright sunshine but today the frost stayed on my lawn all day!!  As I am going out this evening I think an extra thermal layer may be required!! Take care.  Jules xx

  • Have just seen this plaque and decided to place it on my thread.

  • Thanks, Jules.  

    Yes, I'm okay, thanks, only been to local shops but well wrapped up.  Now about to iron my new curtains ready to hang - only had them about 2 months so thought it was about time!  

    Take care this evening, get those thermals ready!

    Hazel xx

  • Oh Jules, just got this through after I posted, it's so lovely it has made me cry!

    Hazel xx

  • Jules, the plaque brought a tear or two for me as well, thank you for posting it . Hope those thermals helped last night too.

    Hazel, two months is nothing (!) I have never tried ironning curtains but I hope you managed ok and that they are now ready to be hung?

    Take care all    Sue x



  • Hi Hazel and Sue

    Posting the plaque was almost an automatic reflex when I read it on another site (it had been posted by a friend of mine) and am not surprised you too were emotionally affected by the sentiment written there. Just seemed to sum up lots of feelings I am having leading up to the festivities. 23 months tomorrow since I lost hubby but there are so many who find Christmas quite difficult emotionally and not just through death but other forms of separation. There are always glasses raised to absent friends. Hubby loved this time of year and the fun continues in our children/grandchildren and so it should. It certainly does not mean any disrespect to those we have loved and lost but does continue a tradition of our family life.

    This weekend sees the yearly ritual of the buying of my Christmas tree and I will have two little helpers (and no doubt their parents) helping with the decoration.  My daughter always laughingly says if its not to my taste I can move things after they go home; as if!!

    Stay warm and well, take care. Jules xx

  • Good morning Jules,

    Hope you are well and enjoying your day off.

    My son went into hospital yesterday for an operation on his ankle. He had hoped to come home last night but has had to stay in. They have cleaned all the muck out of the joint, smoothed off some of the jagged pieces of bone and injected some special fluid to make it easier amd less painful for him to walk. They told him the ankle is shattered and this may work for a few months or years, but in time, he will have to have his anke fused so he will not get any movement at all and will walk with a limp afterwards. All this because he fell off a ladder at his last job some years ago. He hopes to be out today.

    According to my youngest grandson. I am a million years and and walked with dinosuars.

    Please give my regards to Garth when you next talk to him.

    I am just about to start loading my car up for tommorows craft fair. We set up un the Friday Night as we open early at 9.00 a.m. tommorow morning. Am looking forward to it as the last one I was only able to show a limited amount as it wasnt that big a stand. This time I have booked a 12 foot set of tables.

    Wont be on here tommorow as a result as I shall be leaving early. Take care, sending king thoughts to you and your family, Brian.


  • Hi Sue, yesssss!  All ironed and hung at long last!  :-)

     Had to iron them as they had lots of creases where they had been folded in the packaging, but they were a dream to iron really compared to some I've had.

    Hope you are doing okay, do take care.

    Hazel xx



  • How lovely, all decorating the tree.  Hope you all have a really lovely weekend, God bless.

    Hazel xx

  • Sorry to hear that your son is still having problems with his ankle, really hope that this latest op does the trick for a long, long time - it must have been so painful. 

    Again, I hope you have a good day tomorrow, and sell all your lovely carvings. 

    Hazel xx