Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Dear Brian, so sorry to hear of the loss of another of your wood club pals, very sad. He was clearly very talented as shown by your photo of his carving.
Look forward to seeing your first Robin once you are happy with him. Take care Sue x
How sad that you have lost another of your woodclub members. He was very talented as your picture shows. I am sure like many of you he shared his art and hope some other members will learn the craft aalong the way.
Am currently celebrating with coffee and cake as have finally got my guttering fixed after one company failed to get back to me. Found a company in local library brochure and after talking with them yestetday they popped in on the way back from another job this afternoon and solved the leaky problem in no time at all. Great relief that me and my visitors will not be showering outside my front door any more.
Like Sue look forward to seeing a robin when you have problem of colour sorted and I know you will keep at it. Take care. Jules
Good morning Jules,
Hope work has not been too frantic today. Glad you got your guttering fixed at last. Are you still having trouble with your laptop? I am still having problems with that tablet I bought over a year ago. I keep clearing these unwanted programs but they still keep coming back Grrr.
I will be off to see my grandson tonight (my usual story telling session) as last week it was our woodclub meeting so he missed out. I have just mowed our back lawn as the grass was getting very long but the ground was really wet. Hope it's the last cut this year ha ha. Bright here this morning but quite chilly. Have also loaded two big bags of wood off cuts in my car for my sons wood burner. They use it to start the fire off as its mostly small pieces and very dry and its better than me taking it to the tip. I hate wastage. I have the offer of another two hour event near to Christmas at a large company actually in their offices and I cant believe it but its free so will definately have a table there.
Will chat again soon. Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
So sorry to hear of the loss of another of your very talented club members. His carving is marvellous.
Like Sue and Jules, look forward to seeing your robin - but I thought you'd stopped for now to concentrate on Mrs B's table? I knew you wouldn't be able to keep those hands still! Good news about the free venue, sure you'll do well.
I have been thinking of cutting my grass too (only thinking, mind), so that it looks a bit tidier for winter, but as you say, it's so wet.
Take care, Hazel xx
Well Brian you are keeping busy. Great the the off cuts can be recycled. Bet your grandson is looking forward to your visit as much as you are. No doubt his cheeky smile will cheer you up. Hope your son's job continues to be a success and noo ill effects on his foot.
Had a really busy shift at wirk but at least the time flies by. Staff shortages not helping but then can only do what I can with one pair of hands and customers come first.
Am going to unwind with a pedicure on Friday and use daughter's cat as a stress reliever whilst on weekend feeding duties.
Take care. Jules
P.S. just waiting to replace laptop when shop re opens. Old machine ok in small bursts before it crashes due to overheating so trying to just transfer files/photos to memory card/stick that I want to keep. Jules
Hi Lass not been on here for some time but I hope you are well and fit speak soon ,LOL george
Hi George, lovely to see your post when I checked my inbox today. Thank you, I am doing quite well just now. Hope you and Anne enjoyed your wedding anniversary and trip away. I bet you were happily toasted by all your great family. Take care my friend. Jules
Hi Brian,
Not sure if I have missed something but my in box showed a post from you on this thread today but when I try to open it is it coming up not found. Did not want you thinking I am ignoring you.
Managed a 3 mile walk after the gym this morning and returned from the garden centre with a couple of house plants to brighten a very overcast day. Also solved a couple of gift ideas so pretty pleased with myself. May have to retrace my steps tomorrow as the charity shop I saw a bargain in was closed. Somewhere to aim for tomorrow perhaps. Hope all well with you and Mrs B. Jules
Hi Jules,
Yes I did write a post to you this morning but like you, couldnt find it later on. I dont believe you would ever ignore anyone. Those gremlins at work again ha ha.
It was lovely to see Sophias name crop up today and so pleased she is doing well. She was so ill at one stage.
It wasmy sons birthday yesterday and he had bought something for hiself off of Amazon which he wanted us to give him, Mrs B had wrapped it up and he took home with him on Friday. My youngest grandson wanted to know what it was as he was hoping he might be something he could play with too. My son found him trying to peel back the wrapping paper later on and went up behind him and in a loud voice said, "And what do you think your doing". Apperently he nearly jumped out of his skin. When I did my story telling the other day, he now has the habbit of steering the story to the way he wants by making up parts of it hiself and he is getting very good at it. He is also writting stories and has read several to me and for his age they are very good.
Sorry to read work has been hard the last few weeks. I dont envy you as it nears the festive season but as you so rightly say there is only so much you can do. Thanks for posting the pictures on the other thread. I have just bought some flickering battey operated candle lights from Pounland at 4 for a £1 Cheaper than buying the batteries
You deserve a good rest now after doing your housework plus your long walk. Love your flowers by the way. We still have roses blooming and primroses ahve continud right through the summer.
I cant believe it about a year ago I lost my dad. I do miss talking to him on the phone. And just after Christmas it will be 11 years since mum passed away. Mrs B often reminds me I am the oldest person in both our English and Canadian families now. But I intend to live life and enjoy everything I can as I feel so lucky with regard to my cancer.
Sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian.