Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Linda,
I know how much there is to arrange at such times but hope you and the family can find a little time for yourselves. Sending virtual hugs and keeping you in my thoughts. Jules x
Hi Brian
Was not able to get to see Mum as had other appointments at the time she prefers me to call in. I got a verbal check up over the phone and not much change really.
Hope your son's first day went well and that his foot is now doing much better. Also hope they had a great holiday in Scotland. We always had a lovely time touring up there with great food and hospitality(though not always Summer weather!).
Iam feeling a little cross with myself as have allowed some pounds to creep on through lack of self control so today is another attempt at getting back on track - there is only so much exercise you can do to compensate ha ha. I had such a good holiday and think perhaps it is the 'back to normal' after affects and the nearing of our wedding anniversary all causing some angst. Pity I do not find an alternative to eating ..............willpower would be a start :(
Anyway busy day expected at work today and then need to go shopping for the hedgehogs (well makes a change from the birds who will now have to share!!). They are definitely creatures of habit so far as have turned up at much the same time for the last three evenings and I amable to observe from about a foot away as they munch. Very strange last night that they spent time bringing their wild findings to the dish where I had put mealworms down next to fresh water (guided by RSPCA and the Hedgehog Protection) and then settled to eating. May have to let my grandson stay up on his next sleepover if the prickles family are still visiting.
Mowed what is left of the lawn (some dull patches now) after work yesterday and it seems strange to already be focussing on autumn but at least lucky with the weather this week. Apparently rain is on the way which will help with the weeding! Less cutting back to do as have got rid off a couple of the worst offenders (though now have gaps to think about filling next year!!).
Well, housework calls before I go to work so had best wish you and Mrs B and pleasant day and get on with things. Take care. Jules
Will be thinking of you today Jules, take care my friend. Sue xx
Your in my thoughts Jules. Take care -Diane xx
Big hug today, Jules.
Hazel xx
Thanks Sue and Diane
Spent most of the morning walking/reflecting and as can be seen from my post on Beautiful pictures comforted myself with soup for lunch at my favourite garden centre cafe and then the hedgehogs benefitted from a spot of retail therapy. What am I like!!!!
Luckily the rain has not reached me yet so got my washing dry whilstI was out and have been chatting with the children via text so coping the only way I know how - keeping busy and talking.
Hope you both having a pleasant day. Take care Jules xx
Thanks Hazel
Have kept busy and coped reasonably well, hugs appreciated and warmly returned. Jules x
Good morning Jules.
Will have to contact my diabetic nurse as in the last five days I have gone low four times despite eating more before going to bed. I wake up like I'm in a suana and then come downstairs to check mt sugar levels. I suspect its a combination of eating slightly less overall as I am trying sucessfully to loseweight and the fact I have been quite busy of late. I thought it was the warm weather like the nurse said but it's cooler now so cant be that.
I had to get two more plastic storage bins this morning as I have so much woodturning done and nothing to put the items in. Luckily the ones I wanted were on special offer. Have read two of those books I bought from the garden centre and they were so good I couldnt put them down ha ha. One was 510 pages long so it took me two days to get through it. First books I have read for ages and enjoyed it.
We have had some overnight rain so hope the lawn will green up a bit. The weedkiller I sprayed seems to have worked on the back garden and is showing signs its working on the front lawn. I dont mind a few weed but they were in danger of taking over. I have enjoyed the photos you have taken lately and thanks for posting them. The squirell one was a good close up shot.
I attach a few shots.some of the gladioli and one of the starlings congregating on a tv ariel. Take care, best wishes, Brian.
I bought this little rose for Mrs B about three years ago fron the 99P shop and what a good buy it has been.
I had to have this on max zoom.
Hi Brian
Love your photos and the gladioli awonderful colours. The starlings always seem to come in groups, rarely see one on it's own. They enjoy a good squabble on the fat feeders. The squirrel was about 10 ft away and not at all happy at being shooed off the seed feeder!! Am sure it will be back when I am not around!! Having bought special hedgehog food at the garden centre no sightings for the last couple of nights ...typical. If they do not come back this way no doubt the fox will finish the food off!!
Hope your diabetic nurse can help with your low count and symptoms. It could well be due to your adjustment in diet and whilst you are doing well to lose weight hopefully she can get you 'levelled out' as I am sure it is somewhat uncomfortable. Very muggy here at the moment and have all my windows and back doors open to get some air through.
Spent half an hour chatting to an old friend of my hubby's this evening and he is hoping to pop round soon (he is in his late 70s and currently caring for his wife (long term MS sufferer who is now bedridden and suffering with dementia)). He will arrange for someone to sit in whilst he comes round 'for a change of scene' as he puts it (he actually wants to see the change in decor!!). I will then go back with him and take in afternoon tea for them both.
So with your new books being so good what were they? I am still struggling to concentrate for any great length of time on reading but have read a couple of James Pattersons new range of 'bookshots'; these have around 120 pages and are cheap! (fit in my handbag too). Take care and hope you get some answers from the nurse soon. Jules
Good morning Jules,
Glad to say my blood sugar levels are back to normal today. While washing up breakfast things, I was watching a small squirell. Out the front of our huse there is a large hazel nut bush and most of the nuts are ripe and have fallen onto the ground. The squirell was inspecting each one then coming to our lawn or our neighbours and burying them. In just five minutes he must have buried one for every minute. I went to get my camera but as I got back someone walked along the footpath and he dissapeared.
Going back to what I said about finding out things about people at funerals, One of our members we lost a few years ago used to go round his local village cutting some of his elderly friends hair and wouldnt charge them for it. We heard stories about him that gave us a differnt insight to the person he was. Always a very modest man, he kept a lot of good deads he carried out secret apart from his wife and son. My respect for him increased tremendously for he was not a well man himself. The man that was buried yesterday was a very quite man who never liked publicity or limelight but it was amazing the impact he had on so many peoples lives and not just his family's.
Our wood club has been offered a market stall where we can sell our products at our towns Christmas light switch on from 11.00 to 5.30 in November so I am organising this. We start back at our club next Wednesday so will be good to see our members again.
I hope your cold is better today and hope you can soon fully recover. At least after today, you have the meeting with your friend tonight and the weekend to come. I have never know a week fly by as quick as this one has .Take care, sending hugs and best wishes, Brian.