My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Afternoon Jules, love your new wall decoration, very pretty.  Hope you enjoyed your cuddle with Darcey this morning, and your lunch with friends - and now a nice BH weekend to look forward to!  

    Poor little starling, but that's nature, I guess.  Must have been quite a sight close up. 

    Re the garden screening, it might just cut the barking down a bit because they won't be able to see me or George the cat to bark at.  Not that old George cares, he just lies there totally ignoring them!

    Enjoy your evening, take care, Hazel xx





  • Hi Hazel, Sue and Jules thanks very much definitely put a smile on my face. They told my mum and she said gosh you know your old when you hear great great grandmother they got a laugh out of that. I feel fine and I don't don't sad because I have came to understand the circumstances. From what I know he will be going to a hospice tomorrow and I think they want him there till the end but we will see. I have many friends who are widows who have put there arms out and listened and it's been great because it's put things into perspective. Right now mums about to walk through the door any minuet and I have made steak pie. Might have a large wine that that ;) take care ,Linda x
  • Hi Hazel, hope the screening helps with the barking. As Jules mentioned, I have the same issue with my next door neighbour, and her dog(!) It yaps, she shouts, it yaps some more, she shouts again and so it goes on.. Still, it has been lovely to be out in the garden these last few days and am hoping for more of the same this week. Hope you are ok?  Take care  Sue xx


  • Hi Jules,

    It all depends on what you uise the bowl for as to what finish you use. As this was only for storing fruit, I used a celliouse laquer that has a melamine additive then a finnish coat of carnuba wax, but this need to be applied on a lathe as the wax has a high melting point. If you could let me know whay you are using it for, I will certainly be able to recomend a finish. Take care, best wishes, Brian.

  • Hi Brian

    It's just on my sideboard and I rarely put anything in it.  Trouble is it was a gift and I  do not even know what the wood is!!  Definitely more shiny on the underside though!!  Pics attached. Thanks,Jules

  • Hi Linda,

    It certainly helps to have understanding friends.  Putting things into perspective certainly came home to me during my hubby's illness and acceptance took a while longer but the support of this forum and the closeness of our children was so valuable. With Mark in the hospice you will be able to keep him company when ever you want to be there (not such restrictive visiting times as general hospital wards).  My friend spent her last week there and the kindness and attention to detail the staff provided was so good.  Her husband slept there for three nights and nothing was too much trouble. She was very appreciative despite being very poorly and her family and friends continue to raise funds for them in her memory.

    Your meat pie and that glass of wine has made my mouth water!  My evening meal will be the bits and pieces left over from our luncheon buffet so no need to cook tonight. Take care and keeping you both in my thoughts.  Jules x

  • Hi Jules,

    I have tried enlarging the photos to see if I could identify the timber but aal I can say it looks somewhat similar to teak. Now teak is one of those timbers that contains it's own oil and the finnishes you can use are limited. You can use teak oil but it nearly always leaves a matt type finnish. Apply with a rag and leave to soak in well before rubbing dry and lightly buffing with a soft rag.

    The other finnish is a wax finnish. If using this, apply with oooo gauge wire wool and apply a very thin coat. Most people tend to apply too thick a coating and what happen is the top surface hardens but when its buffed, this top surface is removed and and then you get a patchy surface. Applying thin coats mean a much more durable finnish but the main problem is it water markes easily if it gets wet.

    Another finnish is a product named Finishing oil. This can be applied with a rag, left to dry and then buffed up afterwards. It generaly give a more polished surfacebut need time to dry before buffing with a soft rag . 

    Most oil finnishes develop heat when drying so dispose of any rags safely. There have been several fires caused by using oils fishes, (mainly linseed oil type) where the rags have caught fire afterwards so leave the rags outside on metal or concrete surfaces.

    I am not sure if its teak as there are several timber with similar colours.

    Hope this helps, Brian.

  • Ah, that's where we differ, Sue - the dogs bark and one or another of we neighbours shout " shut up!!!", the owners very rarely do!  And when these two start, all the others in the block start as well - like living next door to Battersea Dogs sometimes!  

    I'm fine thanks, enjoying the weather, glad it's stayed good for your week off, Sue.  Keep well, sending hugs.

    Hazel xx 


  • Jules, this will make you laugh, I really thought your first  photo was of one of the rolls from your buffet today, haha!  Sorry!

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Jules I have heard hospices can be great and they really control pain which normal prescriptions can't. My dinner was lovely and my mum as usual "I can make that better" oh she loves to compare her techniques to others always been like that. She's just left to catch a bus to the hospice to see her neighbour as I've said has recently went in. I would of took her but she refused as it was a lovely night she wouldn't mind walking a bit. Just about to catch up with my soaps and carry on drinking the wine haha. Take care ,Linda x