My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Linda

    I am sure  you felt really refreshed having managed such a good night.Somehow it makes all the difference when trying to get through difficult days.  Hope when you visited Mark he was being kept comfortable.

    Great idea having a spell of being kind to yourself and taking your Mum to the spa too  - hope you enjoy yourselves.

    Had a visit from my son and family today which was nice and then potted up my new lavender plants after they had left (he kindly brought over some compost and grit which saved me dragging it back from the garden centre). Also learned a bit more about their wedding plans (they marry in Feb 2017) so something good to focus on in the coming months.

    Keeping you all in my thoughts and sending virtual hugs.  Jules x

  • Hi everyone

    Have finally decided to 'dress' one of my new decorated walls and thought I would share a pic.

  • Hi all, Mark got his scan yesterday well last night and they received the results today as when it's urgent they can act fast with scans. It seems the cancer has gone to the liver which has caused yellowing of the skin and eyes. And it's also gone to his pancreas and masses upon masses on his prostate that is how the doctor described it. And it's in his stomach which is why he's been vomiting. It is quite hard to hear that there's so much damage going on in his body. I don't know how I would handle it if I was in his position. 

    Apart from that he's had a really bad night once again and was coughing all night the doctor said. They said he could get out tomorrow and go straight to the hospice so I will get his things together incase tomorrow is when he will go. 

    I did get great news though. My eldest granddaughter who is 27 she's the oldest of all grandkids by quite a few years and is my daughters girl . I have 2 daughters and 1 son incase you get mixed up when I speak about the other haha. She's pregnant and is due next May so I am delighted to be a great grandmother. Definitely made me feel better. She came to the house when I got back from the hospital and told me she's now just gone home. 

    She's going up to see Mark later so she will tell him then I'm sure. Just going to sort marks things out and then make a steak pie. Take care ,Linda x

  • Hi folks,

    Yesterday I had to re-cement Mrs B's rotary washing line as it had quite a tilt on it. I was also given a part turned bowl by my late friends wife a week or two ago that he had started but had never finnished. So I completed it yesterday and this is the finished result.

    Its in beech that was heavily spalted. Thats where the timber get a fungal infection and starts to rot the timber. If caught early which this one was, The timber is still quite sound but has lovely markings on it. I have given it to Mrs B. When he first started turning it, the timber was still quite wet but it hasnt been touched for about four .  It is very dry now for when I applied my finnish, it just kept soaking into the timber. I must have used at least three time the amount I would normally expect, Brian.


  • Hi Jules,

    When I woke up this morning I was bathed in sweat. After doing a blood test, I found out I had gone low and my blood sugar was only 3.7, the lowest I have ever been. I had to have some of my dextrose tablets and a drink with some sugar in it. I soon recovered luckily; seem to be able to do this better than Mrs B when she goes low. Many years ago when she was on a differnt insulin, when she went low, once she was trying to throw herself down the stairs and it took all I had to restrain her. She used to get very bad turns but with her new insulins she is much better thank goodness.

    My son has sent some pictures of where he went yesterday in Scotland and some from the day before. Made me and Mrs B a bit jealous ha ha.

    Its very warm here today so no wood turning for me. Trouble is If I get hot and sweaty, the dust sticks to me and I come indoors looking like a plank of wood ha ha. I'm worried Mrs B might try and nail me to the wall.

    Take care, have a great time with your friends, Brian.


  • Hi Linda

    Wow poor Mark is having a torrid time and hope he can  be moved to the hospice soon as will be much more tailored to his individual needs and give you some breathing space knowing he is being well looked after.

    The wonderful news about your grand-daughter's pregnancy will lift your spirits too . My newest grandchild, a girl, was born on 30 May this year and is of course a cutie.  Us granny's are biased though!!  I looked after her for a couple of hours this morning whilst Mum went for a leisurely swim and then came back to me for lunch as I had old friends visiting for  a few hours. It now seems very quiet but  as it is lovely outside will be outside for a bit and then settle down to watch more of the Olympics.

    Take care, Jules x


  • Hello Linda, so, so sorry to hear about the scan result.  I don't know what else to say really, it's such a difficult time for you, but rest assured that I am thinking of you both and hoping that the hospice can keep your dear Mark as comfortable as possible.  

    Lovely that you had some good news from your granddaughter, I hope that will help to cheer Mark up a little.  

    God bless, big hug.  Hazel xx

  • Hi Linda, wanted to add to what Jules and Hazel have already said and I am sorry to hear that the scan results were so tough for you both. Hopefully the hospice can help Mark be more comfortable and that you are assured he will get the best possible care. Congratulations on the baby news, a much needed smile for you all.  Take care  Sue xx

  • Wow Brian, the bowl looks beautiful and I am sure your late friend's wife would be very pleased at the end result.  Can I ask what  you use to 'finish' it.  I was given a beautiful wooden carved bowl and it now looks rather dull and wondering what best to 'bring it back' so to speak?

    Busy morning as was out at the shops by 7.45 and then at the gym before returning home to have Darcey for a couple of hours.  Then had old friends for lunch and social chat and they have now set off back home before the rush hour traffic hits their journey. They asked me to come and stay for a weekend and so I will have a 'sleepover' on bank holiday weekend which I am looking forward to already.

    Sorry to hear that you had a downward blip in your blood sugar levels.  I wonder if all that 'digging' had taken it out of you?  Just as well you know what to do and quickly got yourself sorted.  Although Mum has been Type 2 diabetes she does not require insulin as they keep it under control through her diet but still take regular 'bloods' to keep an eye on levels.  Good that Mrs B's newer medication works better for her too as it is not at all funny when you get 'lows' and cannot control your actions.  I am sure you look out for each other and recognise the signs too.

    Very nice here today too but could not take the little one outside as no shade until mid afternoon in my garden. She was very good and happy to be laying on her mat kicking about after her feed and watching the pendulum on my clock!!

    Loved Scotland when we toured round.  I am sure your son and family will be having a lovely time and you will get to see more pictures once they return too.

    I had a surprise visitor to my garden this morning.  Heard a commotion and looked out to see some very upset birds all in a bit of a flap.   I was too late to help but a sparrowhawk had 'caught' a starling and am sure you can imagine the rest!  It actually was so busy I got within a couple of feet of it so got off a couple of shots. Not very often seen them up that close though they do fly overhead from time to time.

    Have a peaceful evening and take care.  Jules x

  • Sounds scarey Brian, good job you woke up!!!  I know diabetes has lots of physical effects, but I didn't realise it could effect you mentally as well - must have been awful when poor Mrs B was in such a state that she was trying to throw herself down the stairs.  Imagine if you hadn't been there!   

    The bowl is lovely, the markings make it look like marble. 

    Looks like your son is having a good holiday, well done him after all the recent hassle he's had.

    Take care you and Mrs B.

    Hazel xx