Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Brian
We were pretty amazed by our accommodation as it was even better that the 'online' picture. Very lucky choice when looking for somewhere that could take 7 of us when we booked . When Darcey added a joyous surprise to the holiday the amenities on offer too were a bonus. I hope I will be as lucky finding a 'solo' holiday for next year (the search has already begun ha ha) though I will probably stay in the UK for this one.
You are being kept busy in the garden and workshop and hope the new flowerbed comes along fine for Mrs B. Has she decided what she plans to put in it? The rose you recenty shared a pic of was glorious. I hope to get my new lavenders (3) in this weekend but, like you, I have a clay soil so have been advised by the 'growers' to put in large pot with specific compost and not too much watering which suits me just fine. I have two white varieties as well as a very deep bluey purple so if I manage to keep them should be a nice mix and perfume .
Beautiful morning here today and have had breakfast outside. Will be off to the gym soon and then have a parcel to collect which they tried to deliver whilst I was at work.Fingers crossed I can carry it home as it is a modern lighting unit for the corner of my lounge. A 'soft' lighting addition for when I do not need bright lights. It is amazing how often parcels come on the days when I am working/out considering I am in most afternoons but luckily the pick up post office is only 15 mins walk away.
Wishing you and Mrs B a peaceful day and of course the family too. I am having my youngest grandson after lunch for a couple of hours (eldest has dental appointment) so think water play may be on the cards!
Take care. Jules
Hi Linda
Was sorry to read that Mark had such a rotten day yesterday. It is so frightening when changes occur and I have to admit that I had to over-ride my own hubby on several occasions whilst he was poorly. He was still managing to drive to his regular check up (up until three weeks before he passed away) but we had regular home visits from the community nurses (plus 24hr contact number) to help me at home. His breathing/mobility was bad for many weeks but he was a determined character and madethe decision to stay at home so we had a special bed downstairs in the final week which helped a lot. I had been terrified that he would fall down the stairs when I was out (he refused to have 'aids' other than a stick which his best friend gave him!! Whilst he was a palliative care patient from the beginning of his diagnosis his GP and hospital consultants nonetheless gave him very good support and always looked into any symptoms as often a change of medication could assist him. Hope things will be a little easier for Mark today and know you will have the doctor out to give you both peace of mind if needs be. Very stressful for the whole family.
Our youngest grandson was born during hubby's illness and it brought him so much pleasure to see them visit (luckily they live close by so over-nighters were not required) even when he felt so very tired they could bring a smile to his face. Sadly he passed before my son's first child was born but know he would have been a very proud granddad again and she will learn all about him as she grows up.
I saw on the tv that your weather has not been so good. Such a shame when the children are off school and it is supposed to be the summer holidays! Good here just now and I havemy youngest grandson this afternoon for a couple of hours whilst my daughter takes her eldest boy for an emergency dental visit (has a cracked milk tooth causing toothache).
Take care and hope Mark was able to enjoy your Mum's chicken soup. Jules x
Hi Sue
Just today to get through and then you have a lovely break to look forward to. Weather looks promising too.
We were indeed lucky with the villa we picked and I loved swimming in the early morning (often before the others had ventured outside!). I rarely go swimming other than on holiday (cannot be bothered with the messing about) but the surroundings certainly helped!
Am about to go up to the gym and collect a parcel as well as delivering invites for an at home Body Shop party I am having next week. Great way to have a social evening with friends and family.
Take care, Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Mrs B's flower bed has now been dug. But what a job I had doing it. The ground was so hard I would have been better using a pneumatic drill ha ha. I was standing on the spade (which I had just sharpened) and it didnt penetrate more than half an inch. I had to have too sessions as I thought I had sprung a leak. Dont think I have perspired so much for years. It looked like someone had hosed me down.Wanted to do it yesterday while it was still on the cool side. But its done now and soil conditioner added so hope it breaks up a bit more. Mrs B already has two roses which I had to dig round and later when it has ceased flowering, I have been asked to move two hydrangers. This should make it easier to mow the front lawn hopefully. My son has gone on holiday today for two weeks so have to visit to feed and water the two cats they have. He always take lots of photos of his holiday and several on our three grandchildren which they use to get calenders made to give us for next year. So we always have lovely photos of the grandchildren to look ate each month.
Today I want to mow the front lawn. Hope you are getting on okay at the gym and manage to find time to spend in the garden. With regard to your remark about Maya Angelou, I have never read any of her books but she has certainly written some lovely quotes. I am still trying to finish sorting out the pictures I have downloaded in the catergories But just have not had time to complete this yet. As it looks like it may be a bit hot in the garage next week, Perhaps I will be able to finish it then.
Hope you enjoy the time with your grandson later and wish you and your family a great weekend, Brian
Hi Linda.
So sorry to read Mark has had a couple of bad days. I can understand your reticence to let him go into a hospice. But my mother went into a local one just for a week or so and they were briliant at easing the pain. The hospital seemed unable to contraol it but in just a couple of days the hospice had it under control. They are very good at this. Hopices are not just for end of life care. You also have to consider yourself too and the strain your husbands illnes is causing you. It may well be worth asking if he could just go in for a few days just to give you a break. I know you'll be reluctant, But at the end of the day you are only human and can only take so much stress. Its so painfull seeing someone you love suffering from this cruel disease. I hope Mark is feeling better today
Sending best wishes and kind thoughts your way, Brian.
Hiya Sue,
Bet you have been counting down the hours till you finish work and can start your weeks holiday.
Since I retired, it's been one long holiday where I can do what I want; when I want and how I want.
That is until Mrs B shouts then I have to behave and jump to it ha ha.
I wish you a great week relaxing or doing what you want, Brian
Hiya Hazel,
After your worry about your mamogram, here is something I think will make you laugh
Have a great day, Brian
Oh, Linda, I am so sorry that Mark is so poorly, very frightening and distressing for you both. I think that you would both benefit if you could find a place in the hospice - as Brian says, those places can work wonders in keeping residents pain free and comfortable, and you will have more peace of mind yourself. You have to look after yourself as well, darling. I know you want to look after him, it's what we all want to do, and I felt truly dreadful when Roy had to go into a nursing home, but I had no choice at the time as I was going through my own cancer treatment and it broke my heart the first day we left him there. However, sometimes your head must overrule your heart.
Thinking of you both and sending a big hug.
Hazel xx
Woohoo, great stuff, Brian, haha. Thanks for the giggle!
You have been a bit busy, my goodness. Hope you're back is alright today after all that clay digging. On the plus side I bet you've lost a bit of weight after all that sweat and toil, so extra portions of nuts and cheese straws allowed! What a good husband you are - I know Mrs B nags you but she loves you really! I did my gardens and hedge yesterday so am just sitting here admiring my handiwork this morning.
Take care both, Hazel xx