My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Linda

    Our week's break was lovely and our first abroad since losing hubby.  I decided to book it last year as my husband travelled a great deal (for business and pleasure) and felt he would have liked me to treat the family  as part of his legacy.  When we booked it there were only two grandchildren but then we had the wonderful news that my son and his fiancee were expecting so when she was born in May we added her to our booking and her first holiday was at just 9 weeks!!  To be fair it was a crafty way of me getting a holiday in the son but not having to go alone which I had not felt ready to face.  That said I believe I now have gained a little more confidence and am considering plans for a 'solo' holiday next year - brochures requested though I will probably stay in the UK and see how it goes.

    Good to read in your posts that your Mum manages so well at such a wonderful age.  My Mum went into  care aged 85 as no longer wanted to look after herself (refused to go home after a spell in hospital).  She turned 90 this year and I visit weekly.

    I see that you enjoy your garden too and we have had some lovely days to be able to get out and enjoy it so I bet Mark will enjoy sitting outside with his paper whenever he can manage it. I hope the weather will be good this weekend so I can catch up outside.  Was back to work today so being kept busy.  Take care  Jules

  • Thanks Sue, back down to earth today with return to work and am even more inclined now to check whether I can 'pull' my own deferred pension and see if I could manage if I were to retire fully. Do not want to rush into it but the atmosphere is constantly target based with too few staff to meet them  GRRR.  Take care and know  you will be counting the days till your own annual break; with good weather promised for the weekend the garden will be calling you.  Jules x

  • Good afternoon Jules,

    So pleased you had a great time and what a lovely place you had. Thanks for the photos.

    Have taken the turf off a small area in our front garden which Mrs B want to make into a flower bed. Unfortunately where we live used the be a big farm pond which was filled up with clay so allthough things grow quite well Its so hard to dig and break up the clay. Going to add some soil conditioner when I do dig it and it should make it much easier to mow. Have also Been to the tip and got rid of all the rubbish and sawdust that accumulated. 

    Mrs B bought a rose bush a couple of years ago and it is a lovely bush. Roses coming in all differnt colours. See attached photo. While you have been away, I have turned several mote trinket/lidded boxes and they have been the best I have done and also the quickest.

    I wish you well for the rest of the week. Sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian.

    Glad you had a good visit to your mother and she enjoyed the photos. Hope work has not been to hard

  • Hi Jules we were planning to go on holiday last December as the doctor said it would be a nice relaxing experience for Mark but he went down hill so he wasn't fit enough for it and then the COPD developed. It would be nice to get a weekend or a week away your self I'd love to do it but no one would be prepared to look after Mark and I wouldn't put that burden on then -Not saying he's a burden but he has a lot of medication and would need help doing nearly everything. 

    I've often said to my mum she should down size but she refuses and says she can handle the stairs just a lot slower now. My mum is the total opposite she never wants to go into a care home and I've said to her if something happens to her and she needs someone she will come live with me and that out a big smile on her face which was glad I eased her mind. 

    Yes I like the garden though today was a horrible cold day I live in Dumfries. Mark wasn't good at all today he was in bed all morning and half of the afternoon. My mum said she was making chicken soup and she would send some round to him which was highly appreciated as I didn't have the time to make soup. It's easy on his stomach. Take care ,Linda x 

  • Hi all, lovely pictures Jules, what a grand villa and that pool looks so inviting.

    Brian, Mrs'B's rose is gorgeous!

    Linda, sorry to hear Mark has not had a great day today, let's hope the chicken soup can perk him a little bit. 

    Hazel, hope you got on ok today?

    Take care everyone  Sue xx



  • Thanks, Sue, yes all went okay yesterday, I get worked up over nothing really, all those girls are so lovely.  Still, glad it's done.  

    Hope you are doing okay, take care, Hazel xx

  • Hi Jules, smashing photos of your hols, thanks.  I am so pleased your mum appreciated all your photos, if not your 'tattoo'.   Nice to find her in a good frame of mind, makes you feel better as well, doesn't it? 

    Take care, hugs back. 

    Hazel xx


  • Wow, Mrs B's roses are gorgeous, Brian.  My compliments to her!  

    Hazel xx


  • Evening, Linda, how is hubby today?  Shame the weather there is not too good, it must be so nice for him to sit in the garden in the sunshine.  

    I think your mum must be a godsend for you, she sounds like one fantastic lady for her age!  

    Sending hugs, Hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel, hubby had a really bad day today he coughed and coughed all night long then spat up lots of blood which made me frightened and I was going to phone the doctor and get an emergency appointment but mark begged me not too. I still don't know why I didn't. He's been extremely breathless today so I made him a bed in the living room so he doesn't have to climb the stairs tonight. 2 of my daughters kids were suppose to come and stay the night tonight but I had to tell my daughter he was really ill and I didn't want them round that environment. 

    My mum godsend she really has my back at times and Mark is so fond of her. She wanted to come round and help and she was nagging at me to get a appointment but if this are bad tomorrow I will have him at the doctors that morning. Though they know he's got terminal cancer and doesn't have long to go so I don't see them doing any investigation into it. They have already told me they can get him into a hospice as they see has really bad days (Most days) and they can ease the pain that isn't working at home.

    though the family love him they say it might be better if he went to a hospice as they see how much stress it can be for me but when you have been with someone for 51 years it's hard really hard. Right now I'm about to put a pot roast on and see if he can eat a little and relax later hopefully. Take care ,Linda x