My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules, thank you, lovely to have you back, you little chatterbox you, teehee!  

    I'm so pleased you enjoyed your holiday, told you you'd be fine didn't I?  Some good times with your family and some quiet times to yourself for reflection, all good therapy.

    Hope your mum is okay today, and likes your photos.  

    My check up went okay, my CA 125 marker was actually down this time - unlike my weight, unfortunately.  I told the nurse not to tell me what it was, but I know anyway as I weigh myself at home, AND my waistbands are all getting just a BIT tight!!!

    Sending hugs back, dear friend, take care!

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel Mark was okay this morning he was sitting in the garden with his paper when I woke up was a bit surprised as usually he's still in bed once I've been up for a few hours. It was sunny this morning so I cut the grass in both front and back garden and then planted some flowers I had bought yesterday that I had put in the shead. My daughter is coming round to help me get some old boxes out from the loft a bit later. Take care ,Linda x

  • Yay, Brian, well done your son!  Great news, and I bet he really enjoyed handing in his notice.  Maybe they will be more thoughtful with other employees in future!  Hope he has a blooming good holiday, and his new job goes well - which I'm sure it will.  

    Hazel xx


  • Hi Jules nice to meet you. I see you were on holiday with your family bet you had a relaxing time and I also see you lost your husband. I'm sure you thought about him while having a good time. Take care ,Linda x

  • Hi Diane, glad all is well with you.  

    I have always been on the plumpish side, like my mum, but got quite skinny with all the ops and treatment, and I know I shouldn't say this but it was such a novelty to be skinny that I don't want to put too much on any more!  Not that I want to go through all that again, please God, so less food and more exercise I guess. 

    Take care, Hazel xx


  • Hi Hazel, my mum was always into fitness and healthy eating and maintained a good weight and though she had heart problems that was purely genetic and i was tested and don't have it and none of my kids either. she tried to get me to go running and cycling but my stamina didn't match hers and I wasn't as happy to get up are do stuff like that. Though she still did die at 73 so what's for you won't go by you that's my saying. Ugh I'll be honest I'm at the age now where I don't particularly care for my weight as long as I don't too fat. Right now I'm doing well on that side of things. Here I am rambling on again. Take care -Diane x
  • Hi all,

    Welcome back Jules, so glad you had such a lovely time away and Hazel, good news on your check up today.all the very best for tomorrow.  Sue xx

  • Good morning Brian

    Thanks for your kind words though I am sure all my forum buddies have continued to enjoy supporting and chatting to each other whilstI was taking a break.  The quality time spent with the children and grandchildren, enjoying great weather and good local food all helped to make the holiday a very welcome change of pace.  It goes without saying (but I will anyway!) that with hubby missing it was a very different feeling when we set off but I am sure he would have been pleased that we were making new memories and remembering him with fondness and love as we recalled fun times that have helped form who we are today.  The family continues to draw strength from each other  and I did enjoy myself and feel I have taken yet another step forward.  Would have been hard not to enjoy our surroundings and the great food and hospitality.  How quick a week goes!!

    Very pleased to read that your son has found a new job and wish him all the very best as he starts a new, hopefully more rewarding, phase in his worklife.

    A couple of pics to show what I had to put up with last week!!  Take care and all the best to you, Mrs B and the family.

    our villa

    part of the pool area and gardens.Just a bit spoilt for choice.

  • Hi Diane

    Yes, it is always good to spend time with the children/grandchildren and whilst we often did our own thing during part of the day we always met up for the meal out in the evening with the afternoons often spent playing in or around the pool (with me getting a quiet swim first thing in the morning and when the grandchildren had their afternoon siesta -  crafty eh!!). A couple of pictures taken whilst we enjoyed eating alfresco. 

      Am missing the relaxed surroundings already!!

    Hope all well with you and your family. Take care Jules x

  • Hi Hazel

    Visit to Mum was a good one and she viewed my photos and raised her eyebrows  at my henna tattoo ha ha.  She was a little more interactive too which was nice.  I have re-organised her photo board in her bedroom and will order a couple of updated family shots for her (have a couple of good ones that my son and son in law took whilst we were away). She also has pictures of several puppies that she has sponsored for the Guide Dogs for the Blind so I am going to make a collage of them too.

    Glad the appointment went well and hope the mammogram was not as bad as feared. Sending hugs. Jules x