Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
How lovely for you both, spending the day together - glad you enjoyed yourself, Brian.
I have my check up tomorrow morning, then mammogram Wed morning, so maybe will be able to enjoy the rest of the week when they are over with!
Take care, you and lovely Mrs B.
Hazel xx
Hi Hazel hope your feeling alright many hugs -Diane xx
Hi Hazel (Lovely name by the way) yes my mum is feeling a lot better. nowadays if mark is feeling okay I spend it with my mum. I'm just at that age where I do a lot with her. Yes he's better though sometimes I need to keep Reminding myself that he's not going to get any better. Mark has never had the best of health a lot of health problems runs in his side of the family. Luckily my side nearly everyone has made it to there late 80s at least. Chest infections is something he's always been prone to. Take care Hazel ,Linda xx
Hi Linda I'm just a little confused it's fine now but when I first came into the page it said your comment on my name is it okay on your side how as well. Happened a few times to me so frustrating as people get confused who said what. Glad your hubby is feeling a little better and your mums doing well -Diane xx
Morning Diane,
I was about to ask you the same as you haven't posted for a few days, and up you pop! Yes thanks, hun, I am okay, hope you are too. I have check up today, more worried about the weigh-in than anything else, I have put on a few pounds more than I'd like the last few months!
Take care, Hazel xx
Good morning all and a welcome to Linda who joined my thread whilst I had a holiday.
A quick word and virtual hug to Hazel; hope your appointment today is a good one and do not worry about that weigh in. In so many other ways you are doing wonderfully well which far 'outweighs' a little gain.
Brian, lovely to read that you have had some valuable time with your sister and hope that you and Mrs B are keeping well.
Have not yet found much time to read all that has been written during my sojourn (have to be honest having no need for tv,radio or technology for 6 days proved rather therapeutic and was obviously greatly helped by hot sunshine, fantastic food, villa and family atmosphere!!).
Sue, Diane hope all well with you and hope we will be chatting again soon.
It is lovely to return to summer sunshine here and whilstI had a day out to Norfolk with afriend yesterday I have also managed to clear all my holiday washing and as quick as theholiday went am very happy to report I and the family enjoyed the lazy days around the pool. For all of us it sparked good memories of holidays past and i truly felt as though hubby would have been delighted for us as we continue to grow as a family. So, so proud of our children and grandchildren and I think we have all benefitted in various ways by having a complete change of scene (albeit returning to a country that has special memories going right back to my childhood when I holidayed with my parents, taking our children there when they were very young and now returning minus hubby but with new generation). We all had time to ourselves too and I went 'walkabout' alone and enjoyed it which boosted my confidence enough to consider booking a trip for next year (though a villa for 8 may be a tad too big ha ha).
Well, only today left before going into work for my two days so must pop and visit Mum before checking out what I need to do in the garden though does not look too bad (from a distance!!) as I hadmanaged to mow before I went away. Take care. Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Welcome back you have been missed. So very pleased you have had a great time and have enjoyed yourself. Another first for you on "Your Continuing Journey". Hope your mother is pleased to see you and enjoys looking at your family photos. I dont know about you but whenever I have come back off a holiday, it always seems a bit strange for a day or two until I get back into the normal routine.
I dont know what is wrong with me lately, I keep pressing the T button on my laptop instead of the Y and visa versa. I always have to keep altering it.
My son has had some very good news; at the end of the week he goes on two weeks holiday which was booked a long time ago, then when he comes back he starts a new job as a windows salesman. His new company are aranging for him to have someone look at his ankle as they have their own health scheme. It all sounds very good and allthough it part of a very large company, they seem to be keen to do what my son has suggested to them to help get this new venture of the ground. They wanted a window fitter because of the knowlegde they have as he will be mainly dealing with builders. I just know he will make a big sucess of this job and am so pleased he doesnt have to back to his old company. He greatly enjoyed handing his notice in and they are not too happy as they have not only lost their best fitter (thier words) but also the only one who could do the carpentry side of things properly. Serves them right is my way of thinking.
Anyway, Take care, sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Hazel glad your okay. I was a little busy helping local charities out and helping give donations was happy to do it. Putting on a little weight is bound to happen I remember when I was young I could lose weight with a blink of an eye now everything has slowed down its much harder. Take care -Diane x
Hi Jules that's great you had a lovely times away and that your considering going away next year. It really is theraputic isn't it ! And it's lovely to spend time with your family I sure felt happy and relaxed when I spent time in Ibiza with them. Take care -Diane x
Hello Linda, yes, I think all of us who have had a loved one who is very ill know how you are feeling right now. Although my Roy was better some days than others, I also knew that things would not improve (he didn't have cancer, but lots of other probs for several years). And, like your Mark, he could be a grumpy old bu..er at times! It's lovely that you have your mum to do things with.
Thinking of you, take all care, Hazel xx