My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Linda I just read about your husband on your profile. I'm so sorry to hear about your situation it just be hard having an elderly mother and you husband who is terminally ill to look after. As you say keeping him pain free if the main priority at this moment. Take care and I'm always here to talk to -Diane x

  • Hi Linda and welcome, as Diane has said, we are a friendly bunch and always willing to listen. Knowing that the kind folk here understand what you are going through can really help so do come back any time. Take care  Sue xx

  • Hi Linda,

    Just like to echo what Diane and Sue have said I does help to talk; to unload all those feeling that must build up so anytime you feel the need to talk, we are always here, Brian.

  • Hi Diane, Sue and Brian thank you so much for sharing that it's nice to know there's people on here I can talk to.

    it was quite a bad night for my husband (Mark) I woke up around 4am to find him hanging over the bed wheezing and coughing severely this just seems to be getting more frequent. I often find my self nowadays running for the inhalers and have been advised by the GP to get a nebuliser which I'm definitely going to hop into the doctors and make an enquiry on Monday morning. 

    I intend to spend my day in my garden and spend a bit of time in the sun. Mark will probably be in bed for a lot of the day but I will check up on him. We live in a town house style with 3 flights of stairs and honestly it's killing him now and his walking isn't good either. 

    Well I hope to get to know you's all as you's all seem so lovely and happy to lend an ear. Take care all ,Linda x

  • Hi Linda, I hope you got a little time in the sunshine today (it was very grey here!) and that you managed to discuss gettting a nebuliser for Mark. Hope you both have a better night tonight. Take care Sue x

  • Hi Sue was busy with my husband and mother though thankfully I can now say my mums on the mend and should be getting back to her self soon she's on steroids for her chest infection doctor told me to keep an eye on her anyway because of her age she's 94 this year. 

    My husband also had a chest infection I found out after getting him back to the doctors as he was coughing a lot which I though was his cancer but nope so hopefully he should feel better in a weeks time. Though he's still and always going to be terminal if he gets maybe a few more months I'll be thankful. Take care , Linda xx

  • Hi Linda, glad to hear that your Mum is on the mend and that Mark's infection is being treated. Hope they both feel a little brighter in the next few days. What about you, how are you doing? Take care Sue xx

  • Hi Sue I'm doing well thanks today there are awful winds outside so I'll just be doing housework today and my mums wanting to re arrange her living room so I'll go round a little later and help she's only round the corner which is great. Mark is feeling better after taking the steroids and his coughing seems to be at bay so hopefully it stays that way. How are you sue ? Take care , Linda 

  • Hi folks,

    I had a lovely afternoon yesterday. My sister who live just over an hours drive away had phoned me a couple of weeks ago to say her gardening club had organised a coach trip and were droping off in the afternoon at our local garden centre which has recently been re-developed. So I met up with her and a group of her friends for a couple of hours. She was adopted at an early age as my mother had to go into hospital and couldnt take her with her. But just after I found my dad in Canada, I managed to locate my sister and we are so alike. To see her and my mother meet for the first time was very emotional for my mother had always deeply regreted giving her up for adoption. My sister is also so much like my late mother; same zany sense of humour and even has the same sort of sayings my mother had. If anyone iis not well, she like my mother always helps out where she can. People said the same thing about me and my late dad; we were so alike in many ways which pleased him. Just like my mother she loves gardening and knows so much. We both share a love of trees, even down to the ones we like most.

    I hope you all have a good week. Sending kind tghoughts your way, Brian.

  • Hello Linda, nice to meet you!  Glad your mum is feeling better, she sounds really lovely, and I'm so pleased your Mark seems to be responding to the meds - last thing he needs at the moment in't it?  (Or you!)  My late partner suffered from COPD (amongst other things) and was very prone to chest infections - in his latter years he was in and out of hospital every few months.  

    Take care, thinking of you, Hazel xx