Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Hazel and Jules had a lovely day and I only expected me and my daughters and granddaughter to attend but all the grandchildren came and even my sister and her daughters took time out to come and do this I felt very happy. After this we went to a restaurant and had a lovely meal not long ago actually. It was very warm but not sunny just glad it didn't rain as a few time so thought it was going to pelt down.
Now about to hand a steak pie into my neighbour just a small one as its her birthday she loves them so I thought I'll make a home made one. Take care all -Diane xx
How lovely Diane to have lots of family around you and so glad if went well. Been hot and sunny here so did not venture into the garden until after lunch and then made the most of the shade. Just popped inside to answer the phone and had to look something up on line, so checked my e mails at the same time. Now enjoying a cold buffet (well got to try out what I cooked earlier in readiness for tomorrow!!). Also had to put the camera battery on charge as wore it out this afternoon trying to capture flora and wildlife, those darn birds and butterflies proving a bit quicker than me; hey ho. Now just keeping my fingers crossed for a repeat of today's weather tomorrow as have set the garden up in readiness!! Have a lovely evening all. Jules x
Evening Diane and Jules, my what busy bees you two are! I have done absolutely nothing today apart from water my pots and just had a quick walk to local shops now it's a bit cooler (not much though). Have been sitting in front of the fan reading my book otherwise. Gardens need a bit of a trim but much too hot for me this week.
Diane, glad you had such a nice day with all the family, lovely to be all together for such a good cause.
Jules, hope you have a smashing day tomorrow with all your family too. I bet it was a bit warm in your kitchen while the joint was cooking!
Take care both and have a good evening.
Hazel xxx
Hi Hazel listen your doing exactly what I would of done if I had nothing to do and it was hot out side and to be honest I think it's better to have A fan next to you and your book (Which I hope your enjoying) don't get to read much now I should really start reading more keeps the brain active.
Was was a lovely day out for a great cause like you say Hazel. Hope you have a peaceful night -Diane xx
Good morning Jules,
I hope you have a lovely day with your family; the weather looks good here at the moment. Bet they will enjoy all the food you have cooked. You mademelaugh about the birds and butterflys being so quick. Whenever I try to take photos of birds or animals, they always seem to turn their rear end towards me. Perhaps they are camera shy or their trying to tell me something. I know the feeling I suppose for I dont really like having my photo taken.
Have now got Octobers newsletter almost ready so I'm well in front now. I have found some really interesting tree facts which I shall include in the wood quiz section I do each month. Several people have said they have learnt a lot from these and enjoy them so will keep it going. There is so much information out there on the internet and it has helped me a lot. I also do a SPOTLIGHT ON section where I write about member in our club. I have just done one about myself and have found some old poloroid photos taken about 38 years ago of work I did when I first started turning. They were electric table lamps made from glued up pieces of timber and they sold very well. Cant do them these days as the electrical regulations are so strict its not worth getting involved.
On friday I took my son to see the foot specialist and he wants him to have an MRI scan done. He thinks because the ankle is so damaged, he may well have artheritus or the other possibilty is there could be a sharp piece of bone. Last time he did his ankle in this was what the problem was so with keyhole surgery they groung the sharp bone off. Still more time off work unfortunately.
As I said earlier, I hope you and your family have a splendid day. Sending kind thoughts and best wishes your way, Brian.
Some of the lamps I used to do.
Hi Diane,
Well done with your walk ans what a turout with your family all taking part that must have pleased you a lot. Hope you have not suffered and after affects. Take care, Brian.
Hi Hazel
Hope you had a good weekend and that the lower temperatures helped a bit. Had a great family day yesterday and the boys were kept entertained outside in the garden with their Dad and uncle whilst us girlies kept Darcey company in the cool of the lounge. Plans now in place to get us all to the airport together next weekend and lovely to catch up on the family news too. Zack had his nap in the afternoon and it was a pretty lazy day though I did manage a walk before everyone arrived. Very quiet when everyone had gone home. Am looking after Darcey for a couple of hours this morning to that her Mum can go for a relaxing swim and hopefully catching up with a friend for coffee later but now need to do a bit of housework and/or gardening. Take care Jules x
Thank you Brian; it was a lovely day with the family and good weather a bonus as it meant the boys spent most of it outside enjoying games and water play. The girls remained in side for the most part keeping Darcey in the coolness of the lounge.
Does not sound great for your son and his foot problems and must be a worry that he cannot yet return to work. Hope they can sort the problems out soon for him.
Your early days of turning certainly produced fine lamps and I suspect you never really stop learning what you can manage to do with all the ideas you still come up with. I am sure all the club members are enjoying the amazing effort you put into the newsletters and think when you have a passion for something it usually shines through.
Hope you and Mrs B are enjoying the summer weather now we finally seem to have got one. I am going outside shortly as will be looking after Darcey in a couple of hours so will need to be inside whilst she is here. Take care Jules x
Hi all hope you's are all well. The weather is changing here rained a lot this morning and getting colder. Well it'll was fun while the sun lasted.
It's my sons birthday tomorrow so will be going out and buying something for him. Can't believe he's Turing the big 50 shows how old I'm getting haha. Will be heading out later so will drop by my sisters on the way back. Take care all -Diane x
Brian, your carved lamps are really nice, such lovely patterns with the different woods - how clever, especially as these were some of your early efforts! Bet you were proud of those!
So sorry to hear about your son, what a nuisance, and must be very painful still, poor chap. Here's hoping the MRI will find the problem so he can get the correct treatment asap.
Take care, enjoy your day with Mrs B.
Hazel xx