Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Well done Diane. Like you now have my feet up and my trainers are hanging up to dry out ha ha. Emotional day all round. Will joint you in that toast to a lovely lady. Cheers.. Jules x
Well done, Diane, for getting through your race in such horrible weather. I will raise a glass not only to Jo, but also to you and Jules for what you've both achieved today, you lovely ladies!
Hazel xxx
Hi everyone,
The gremlins have struck my home laptop again so, as before, I can see all your posts but cannot reply - very frustrating!
Well done to Jules and Diane for completing your Races, a very emotional day for you and your families I am sure but what an achievement. Hope you are both now warm and dry again.
I was very saddened to read the news of Jo and found your tributes and kind words very moving. I hope that her partner, friends and family take some comfort from the the fact she was a much loved and valued member of this forum.
Will be back as soon as technology allows and in the meatime, take care all. Sue xx
Hi Sue
Think you may need to get an exorcist into your home to get rid of those gremlins. How infuriating to have the old problem return and it is not easy having to rely on a free moment during your lunch break to manage a post.
Thinking of you and hope all is sorted soon. Hugs Jules x
Hi Sue, do you think your computer knows you are going away again and is sulking? It was like that last time you had a holiday, wasn't it? Remember the French e-mails? (Rather apt for this time!)
Take care, Hazel xx
Thought I'd give it a go this morning and... here I am. love the idea of the laptop sulking Hazel!
Have a good day all, take care Sue xx
Great news Sue; hope it stays that way. I will wish you a very happy holiday now just in case the gremlins notice the packing cases and go back to 'sulking'. Lets hope the weather cheers up here and in Europe so you really benefit from the break with your Mum and her partner.
Another cool and miserable start to the day where I am and annoyingly Shelly has to return for more blood tests this morning as yesterday's visit was cut short when one of the tests was supposed to be carried out at a specific time of the day (she had not been advised and was pretty upset as she has needle phobia and always gets worked up beforehand plus it means another 'fasting'). Still, we will be back there today (20 min window to get the blood taken so going v early). My son in law will have to go in late to work so he can take the eldest to school and Shelly will leave early (with Zack) because with all the traffic it can take a while to drive to the hospital and park!!
I will go and visit Mum this morning and apparently she has been fine since discharge from hospital having been keeping in touch with the Care Home on a daily basis. She does not want visitors (no change there!) but I have a few pictures of her great grandchildren in a new album which I hope will bring the smile back again.
Have a good day and chat again soon. Jules x
Hi Jules,
went to the dentist yesterday and just for one filing and repair to my denture it emptied my wallett which I will have back tommorow, the denture I mean not my wallett. Mrs B has now temporarily nick-named me the Toothless Wonder ha ha. I also had to make an appiontment to have a tooth out and will have to have a new denture made in about three months time which will cost abou £200.
Glad to hear your mother is now back at the home. Hope she will perk up a bit when you show her the new photos. It was nice you waited so you could all cross the finish line together as a family. Mrs B's appiontment with the diabetic nurse was okay, even though she has had a few turns lately. Partly because she has not been sleeping well lately.
That was a nice tribute to jo you wrote. Like you, I will miss seing her name crop up on here. I havent had time for any more writing lately with my newsletter duties. My son has still not returned to work as his ankle is still giving him pain. In a way I wish he was able to fine a differnt job for his bosses a real bulies and people I could not work for. I consider myself an even tempered man but I just know if I had much to do with his bosses I would lose it big time and the way they speak to their staff would probably see me walloping one of them or even all three of them.
When do you get your new door and carpets fitted? Is it before you go on holiday? Bet your looking forward to your holiday.
I am looking forward to the weekend as I have another two day show at East Dean nr Chichester.
Will chat again soon. Best wishes for a good week, Brian,
Yep Hazel, more than a little soggy but a very worthwhile cause to get wet for! Back to normal walking now and no long lasting ill effects. Mind you got very wet again today when visiting Mum (really do not want to get the wellies back out but seems we are having quite a spell of wet weather and some really heavy downpours today.
Doing things with the family has always been top priority when at all possible and yes very proud of them all. You are right about the 'boys' being cheeky and little Zack has some wonderful expressions which often have us in fits of the giggles whilst at other times leaving you speechless (hard for me as you can imagine!!).
Mum was back to her usual non communicative self today and the results of the tests found nothing out of the ordinary thank goodness. It would appear that her own wish not to eat and drink enough has caused problems with hydration and played havoc with her type 2 diabetes so the Head of Care at the home has now set up extra monitioring (Mum is less than amused). They cannot force her to change her ways but can constantly remind her in the hope she will respond. I took in new pictures and a little photo album to keep them in which she looked at but apart from that was silent for most of my visit. I might well take a book next time!
Hope you doing ok and taking care of yourself. Hugs Jules x
Good evening Brian,
The visit to the dentist sounds financially painful and now you have to go back again and pay for the privilege of losing a tooth and a new denture. Still as long as you can still manage your favourite nuts that will be worth the money spent and keep your smile intact.
Your son must be well and truly bored as well as frustrated at the time it is taking for his ankle to be pain free. He must like his job to stay where the treatment is so bad and I really do hate the idea of anyone being bullied at work (or anywhere else for that matter). Fingers crossed he could spend his sickleave checking out alternatives if he wants to find something different though changing jobs is never easy.
Visited Mum and she is back to sitting in her usual seat in the garden room, saying little (other than the hospital was awful - even though she ate and drank well there!!). All her obs were fine and nothing serious found from tests/x rays. Everyone involved in her care feels is is likely that her refusal to eat and drink properly (her way of trying to 'hurry things along') caused minor dehydration and a blip in her blood sugar levels so extra monitoring instigated (she is not amused) but of course they cannot force her to do anything so it is likely to happen again, sadly.
Glad Mrs B's diabetic check went okay. Lack of sleep can really pull you down and affect the diabetes so just as well she is regularly monitored too.
Thanks for your kind words regarding the tribute to Jo. Even though I knew how poorly she had become it still came as a shock to receive her partners e-mail with the sad news and as a long term virtual friend was privileged to be asked to post a tribute which I really found an emotional piece to write but she deserved every word that has been written by her forum buddies. I hope it will bring some comfort to her partner in the coming weeks.
My carpet is being fitted this Friday and am waiting to hear about the new front door which is on order and should be completed before I go away as the company has another job a couple of doors away and hopes to tie them in together in a couple of weeks or so. There was never any rush on my part as I wanted the other work completed first.
Well, I had best stop waffling and get on with some housework (try to spread it out during the day to help keep me active and having not long had dinner it will help work it off ha ha.
Take care my friend and regards to Mrs B and your family. Jules x