Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hello lovely forum buddy. Nothing to forgive but great to see you posting (in danger of repeating myself as responded on amazing quotes thread when I saw your post there). Hope you and yours okay and your 'puppy' must be grown up now ha ha. Hope too that your jaundice issues got sorted.
Enjoyed my elevenses. Replaced my lunch with hot chocolate and oreo cheesecake - a great start to my 'sensible eating' plan pre gym assessment but it was awfully yummy. Back on the straight and narrow for dinner with chicken he he.
Have spent some of the afternoon watching paint dry and chatting to decorator. Take it easy. Much love Jules xx
Hi Hazel,
Elevenses into Twelveses was totally delish and with Zack having his nap, after pinching the marshmellows off his Mum's hot chocolate,
we were able to chat for around an hour so very handy. Afterwards I went and did some gift shopping before returning to enjoy seeing my kitchen getting its first coat of paint and pleased to say am very happy with the choice I made. Added bonus is that the decorator found out that it is on special offer at local DIY chain so bought enough for whole job which will save a fair amount!. Also spent around 20 mins watching a pair of red kites soaring above the houses opposite and made me wish I had a better camera (now seeking advice from son before commiting myself as need it to be simple but with good zoom integration). Black cat had 'back end' of a pigeon earlier and all of a sudden birds descended to carry off the lost feathers - nature's way.
Hope you having a good day. Jules xx
Thank's Sue, I am pretty chuffed and today the undercoat went on the walls in kitchen diner and, thankfully, I am very pleased with the colour choice. Added plus is that when the decorator went to buy it, the brand was on special offer so it will be cheaper too - good result.
Hope return to work after your lovely relaxing holiday went ok. Take care. Jules x
Thank's Diane, hob is no problem at all - very easy to control. Have a few weeks to 'learn the ropes' so to speak before I entertain (have my sister in law coming for a couple of nights but one of them we are having a family get together at fish and chip restaurant so only one hot meal to do). Am concentrating on 'need to know' out of the manual and just getting used to controls which actually are quite easy. Press buttons and wait and see ha ha. Hope your day was a good one. Jules x
Hi again Diane,
Sounds like your sister has done so well and she knows how she wants to move forward treatment wise. Think I can understand her reasoning too. Glad you took it a bit easy indoors; gives you a recovery period before, no doubt, dashing off again. Take care.. Jules x
Hi friends
Thought it best I did not take up more space on the amazing quotes/beautiful pics threads but just to update on my 'gas' problem (house not me personally!!!). Thankfully, the gas fitter's magic 'sniffer' found the problem quite quickly this morning and all is well again so big relief all round.
Had a very busy day at work which helped keep me focussed and hoping for a family catch up tomorrow evening so think a trip to the shops is in order tomorrow to keep me out of the decorators' way. Gym first though. Hope everyone doing okay. Take care Jules x
Hi Jules that's great he got to the route of the problem and it's now solved. At least you can add a bit of warmth to the house now. And hopefully that's the last of problems for a long long time. Always love a good family catch up over a cuppa. Today's weather heated up quick so I went for a 2 mile walk and got the fresh air was able to walk it fine with my trainers luckily not sore hips today. Then went to my sons house caught up with my daughter in law had a cuppa. Then went home and started a bit of gardening and now sorting out what I'm having for dinner. Take care -Diane x
Hi Jules,
Your words about your gas problem made me laugh. Glad they have found the problem and fixed it Hope you roof problem is similary fixed shortly.
I have just about moved all the data to my new laptop. All I have to do now is to arrange it. With regard to my damaged one, I have contacted my insurance company and they have arranged for the old one to be picked up tommorow to see if its worth repairing. So I may end up with a sprare one as a back up. If not I have a choice of them sending me a new replacment one or the money.
I have just fitted a white plastic folding door in our front roon which is what Mrs B has been wanting for ages. When I got my new laptop on Sunday I picked up a leaflet and when Mrs B looked at it she found a door in there at half price. So as I've have had my laptop I couldnt argue about a door could I. I must admit, it makes the room look so much bigger. Mrs B is very pleased so thats what matters.
Take care Jules hope you enjoy tomorow, Brian.
Thank goodness for that, Jules, one problem fixed - now for that roof!
Enjoy your retail therapy tomorrow, don't spend all your money!
Take care, have a good evening, Hazel xx
Hi Jules, just to echo the others, thank goodness your, sorry I mean the, gas issue (!) was easily solved and the decorated are able to carry on again now. Sue x