Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Hazel
Do understand the sleep (or lack of) routine. Have only had a few 'through nights' in the last four years or so and think it is now a bad habit I cannot seem to break. I wake 2/3 times during the night no matter what time I go to bed and, of course, it then takes a while to drop back off. I do not seem to suffer because of this but it is still frustrating. Perhaps I should follow my Mum's lead - she used to get up and do 'quiet' housework to kill the time!!! I think as long as you listen to your body and sleep when you can then that works as a coping mechanism and hopefully as your recovery continues things will improve.
My male robin is a year round resident and usually brings a mate along in the Spring followed by any successful brood so keeping my eyes open for little addition! Been a busy garden since I weeded and mowed - no doubt a few bugs on view!!
Have been for a short walk and to the gym/shops this morning and now sitting with patio doors open and waiting the return of the floor guys to finish laying flooring. Back to work tomorrow just as they begin the new kitchen build so will be interesting when I get back tomorrow to see what progress made.
Take care and enjoy the sunshine whilst it lasts. Jules xx
Good afternoon Jules,
Hope the fitters are getting on with your new floor. We shall have to pay to talk to you soon ha ha.
I have decided on more newbies for our wood club newsletter. There are some great free woodworking videos on sites like you tube and with the help of another committe member, Have now found a way to put a hyper link into our newsletters so we can share them with our members. Am also going to include some woodworking tips. Have also suggested getting a group of our members to give a short talk one evening about wood finishing. We all have our own method and with so many differnt finnishes available, it could make for an interesting evening. Finish is so important and needs to vary according to the product you are producing. If I keep on coming up with new ideas it may go from a newsletter to a small magazine ha ha.
Still cant mow our lawns here as they are waterlogged. At least thats my excuse. Glad you were able to go for you usual walk and gym today. How was your mother today? Our young ones have all returned to school today, something I hated. The only thing I was any good at was, surprise surprise, woodwork. But I dont expect it will be long before they break up for the summer holidays the time is flying by. I have never know weeks pass by so quickly.
Hope you have enjoyed your time off from work.
Best wishes to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Jules, I can understand you still having sleep problems after having to wake every few hours for hubby, also worrying about everything foe such a long time - as you say, the body gets into a habit. When I retired it was a long time before I stopped waking up at 4.30 am every morning. I read about the inquest conclusion on your other thread, and am so pleased that you can now draw a line under all the official stuff at last and concentrate on life and the good memories you have.
I managed to get my back garden done yesterday before the rain came, and today have done the front, so feeling quite pleased with myself at the moment! So far it's been a lovely day here, and I am sitting with a coffee by the back door admiring my handiwork.
Hope the floor laying goes okay, and with any luck and a fair wind the roof as well soon!
Take care, Hazel xx
Hi Brian,
Floor all finished and now fully protected with a special plastic sheeting (took a sneaky photo first!) so all ready for tomorrow. The two lads took just a couple of hours today so very good. Electricians coming in tomorrow at 7am so just as well I am going into work though will set the alarm just in case ha ha. Now your suggestion for 'pay to view'.....................no, of course not - my house is a home not matter what is looks like.
Your are coming up with some lovely ideas for your Woodclub members so don't use them up all at once! Mind you how about normal newsletter and then a year mag! just a thought but then I do not have to do the hard work.
Did not visit Mum (warned her last week though) as needed to be at home today both for the flooring and some home deliveries. I will perhaps get it in the ear on my next visit.
Great morning here and just clouding up a bit now. Lawn was wet when I mowed but the flymo coped and now should last a couple of weeks at least as very short. Birds have been taking bits of the lawn at regular intervals so are obviously nesting!!
Best wishes to you, Mrs B and the family. Jules x
Hi Jules,
I love your idea of a yearly mag for I could include a revue of all that has happened during the past few months and also a list of what is to come in the future. It could include photos of our Autum show and the list of entries and winners for each section of the show,Thanks for a great idea. I will run this past the committee for their approval. I like your thinking Jules.
Take care, kind thoughts being sent your way, Brian.
Hi Hazel,
Lovely day for gardening and first time I have had the new patio doors open for most of the timeI have been in today. Just as well I am an early bird as have just heard the electricians are coming in at 7 am tomorrow(so they can get their work done before the fitter arrives apparently).
Spoke a little too soon as regards the Registars as when they got back to me later, they informed me that it has to be referred 'higher up' as it's over a year since his death - red tape at it's best eh!! They will however contact me when they are ready to proceed with issuing the final death certificate and they can send it to me in the post (at my expense) so will not have to go to the office. Sometimes the mind boggles but in the greater scheme of things it does not change anything.
Roofer has been in touch and will get to me as soon as he can (works on his own and is in middle of a job at present and mine is not urgent to be fair). He is on weather watch!!
Have booked my next gym assessment (they happen roughly every 10 weeks) so need to start getting back on track with my eating habits which have slipped to slightly less than healthy recently. Hopefully now have the incentive to cut down on my comfort food.
Take care and let's hope we get a bit of sunshine during the showers in the coming days. Jules x
Well Brian, it did not take you long to get your 'practical hat' on (not my forte) though I dangerously, immediately had another thought. Would it help to have the yearly mag (if agreed on) issued at the same time as subscription renewal (with form in the back for convenience) or is this different for each member? Jules xx
Hi Jules,
Thanks for the suggestion. We dont have a renewl form as I issue a membership card each year and only issue them when membership sub is paid. I have a alphabetical card index system which lists all our members and their details. I also send out a monthly reminder via e-mail and include a reminder that subs are due on the bottom of this form at the start of the year. We do have a joining form which I have recently revised and updated which is for new members.
We now have several companies from small shops to larger companies dotted all round Sussex who offer our members a discount on production of a paid up membership card. It is now quite easy to re-coup the yearly membership subs of our club through this scheme which is something I have organised for our members. When I did the wider shelf on our fire surround for Mrs B I got a very good discount on the softwood I bought.
Thanks again for your thoughts, take care and hope your kitchen take shape rapidly, Brian
Oh, disappointing about the Registrar etc. - and why has it taken over a year? Because THEY take so blooming long deliberating! Grrr!
Maybe once all the renovating is done you can get back to doing yourself more healthy meals in your lovely new kitchen so you pass your gym assessment with flying colours, eh?
Hazel xx
Hi Brian
The system you have organised and are running must keep everything on track very nicely and I can hear the enthusiasm you have for the Club. Lets hope it will be a good year and that some new members join you to keep the craft alive and kicking. It is also really nice that you have the added support of local companies which helps with the cost by offering discounts. I hope we see more of your handiwork when you can get out to the 'workshop'.
Pleased to say that the floor laying went smoothly and is now has a protective cover attached to it (like plastic panelling) whilst the kitchen build starts. Believe it or not the electricians are due in half an hour so no way will I be late for my first day back to work ha ha. Breakfast already done and dusted and a lovely start to the day so the birds will get fed early!
Hope you and Mrs B have a good day. Take care. Jules x