Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Good morning Brian,
Pleased to hear that your cold has cleared up fairly quickly so hope Mrs B's soon gone too. I spent a restless night and have the scratchy throat and tickly nose this morning so perhaps my turn for the cold virus. Plenty of them around just now. Hopefully work will take my mind of it (am armed with my tissues!!).
The grandchildren did not sleep over at my place (not safe with the work that is in progress) so I was up very early as my son in law picked me up at 5.15 yesterday for my spell of childminding. Boys were no trouble and we kept ourselves amused with puzzles, games and the elder lad had a DVD on whilst they had lunch. By the time my daughter and son in law got back from Central London Zack was tucked up for his nap so all pretty calm for them. I expect my daughter will have her hands full today as her husband goes back to work after the Easter break and they usually miss Daddy after having him around 24/7.
I have the decorator coming in again today as he wants to strip off the wallpaper in the lounge area and perhaps get more of the ceiling tiles removed- so another change of scene when I return from work today. Luckily they are happy to do the furniture shifting (which also includes the contents of my kitchen (in boxes) and I have left the tea tray set up ready for them.Hope your electrician sorts out the smart meter for you. I also have a problem to get sorted but this is with the new mobile phone as for some reason it keeps charging me for data usage when I am at home and connected to wifi - not good!! Will try and pop into the shop by the weekend as for now I am only using it for texting (which is not affected and is unlimited with my 'package'. As they say technology is great when it works and a real pain when it plays up. Thankfully my laptop (unlike Sue's) is still struggling on and I do find that more comfortable to use really.
Anyway the time moves on and I had best sort myself out for work. Have a peaceful day. Jules x
Hi Jules,
Have spent part of the morning out in the garage and this is the result.
A 1" glass bud vase and a teak trinket box with ceramic top. Being as I havent been out there for a while, my legs were aching when I came in. Will have to get used to working out there again. You would be surprised how much sawdust these two produced ha ha. Will post more when I have a little more time, Brian.
Hi Brian, these are really nice.
I have just noticed that you've changed your avatar, you sneaky thing!
Hazel x
Hi Brian I love the look of these -Take care x
Hi Brian
You are excelling yourself again Brian. Love both of them but the trinket box would be my favourite. You will need to pace yourself to get back into the swing of standing for long periods in the garage or Mrs B will have to stock up on cheese straws etc to give you extra energy. Look forward to a viewing of further accomplishments in due course. Take care and have a rest this evening. Jules x
Morning Jules, just to say thinking of you today.
Love, Hazel xxx
Morning Hazel hope your well. Take care -Diane x
Thanks Diane, just got back from having thyroid ultrasound to check if any change from last one. (They found a small nodule on the PET scan last year and are now keeping a six monthly eye on it).
Hope you are enjoying the lovely sunshine - that's if it's sunny where you are, hope so!
Your new washbasin looks really nice, very posh!
Keep safe, Hazel xx
Thanks Hazel, kind words are appreciated so much on these anniversary days. Have been kept busy (and fed) as was at a cooking demonstration day held by the company doing the kitchen and had my daughter along for company.
Hope you having a good day and enoying the better weather. Hugs Jules x
Hi Jules,
Hope you have enjoyed the weather today. Look like things are progressing quite quickly now with regard to your kitchen renovations.
I sent out the April newsletter yesterday and so far have had three realy nice replies thanking me. I have also, thanks to another member, figured out how to include a link to videos on Facebook and You Tube. There are some wonderful carving and turning videos that I can now point our club members towards. I spent some time in the garage today trying to turn some draught sets but nothing went right so packed up and will try again tommorow.
I have spoken last night to one of our members who moved to Wales not far from Snowdonia National Park a few years ago. He is still producing he wonderful wildlife woodcarvings. So I asked him if he would kindly send me a few photos and a story about his woodcarving exploits that I can include in a futute newsletter as he is still well know and respected by a lot of our club members.
I hope you enjoy your walk to the farmers market tommorow, Looks like the weather should be nice for it. Will chat again soon. Hope you have a great day tommorow. Best wishes to you and your family, Brian.