My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • All the best for your scan on Monday Hazel.  I still cannot get my head round these things being done at weekends and bank holidays.  My daughter has her 'sleeping EEG' on Tuesday so will be at her place looking after the grandkids from 6 a.m (she has to travel into central London).  Spending a while with Mum tomorrow, daughter and family on Sunday and then all going to my son's on Monday after lunch so today am spending it doing housework and shopping and still trying to finish a paperback. Have a peaceful day. Jules x


  • No, seems odd, doesn't it, appointments at weekends and holidays?  My first appt. was for a Sunday, but had to postpone as it was too soon after chemo when I felt rough and I knew I wouldn't be able to tolerate all the fluid I have to drink beforehand!  I had to phone about this one to check it was correct, just in case.  I know they have to be on hand at all times for emergencies and in-patients, but I didn't think they'd do outpatients on a bank holiday.  

    Hope you're visit to your mum goes well, and you have a lovely few days with you family - you're going to be busy on Tuesday, hope your daughter's EEG has good results. 

    Carry on reading!  

    Hazel x





  • Happy Easter Day Hazel and hope you enjoy a peaceful one. Currently lovely and sunny but it would seem we are in for a few downpours during the days so hope to dodge them whilst out for lunch.

    think the NHS workload has lead to them spreading appointments over 7 days more often these days as some of my daughter's appointments have  been on a Saturday and, like you, she has rung to check! With the weather looking pretty dodgy tomorrow think if you can go by cab it would give you a 'dry' arrival and less stress of Bank Holiday transport services.  Hope all goes well.

    Am off to my daughter's in about an hour to delivery Easter Eggs and then being taken out to lunch so looking forward to that.

    Visit to Mum yesterday was much the same as usual but she was pleased with her Easter gift of soaps (her request).  Not easy with one sided conversation but she listens well and I often hear from the staff what I have been telling her about family news.  For the first time in ages she joined in with a game of bingo and won a box of Matchmakers which was my Easter surprise!  Will share with the family on Monday.  Have a peaceful day.  Jules x

  • Hi Jules

    Hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend. The friend of mine from our wood club who died last year lest two shed loads of timber. I have on behalf of his wife send round a message to our members to let them know she now wants to clear one of the sheds. So far she has had about six of our member buy timber from her and she has also sold his bandsaw and a bench grinder but still has loads more to move. Any money raised she is givein to a childrens hospice which is a very nice gesture on her part. She phoned me up yesterday to thank me for my help which was nice of her. She still want me to e-mail her the newsletters regarding our club as she wants to stay in contact.

    We have had two very heavy hail showers here this morning. Glad I wasnt out when it happened. Mrs B despite picking up my cold cooked me some cheese straws yesterday. Not many left now I promise. :D

    Take care and have a good time today, Brian

  • Glad your visit to Mum wasn't too bad, no upsets at least.  It's nice when you get some positive feedback from the staff though, isn't it?  And a box of sweeties as well!  

    Enjoy your weekend with your family, take care.

    Hazel xx


  • Good morning Brian,

    Well Storm Katie certainly making it's present felt!! Woken early by the gusts and sheeting rain on the velux window I have in the loft space bedroom.  On the plus side I put the time to good use and have at last finished the paperback that has been on the go for quite a while - a mini breakthrough perhaps!!

    A shame that Mrs B has, perhaps inevitably, caught the cold but hope both of you will soon be over it and I am sure the cheese straws helped bring a smile to your face.

    Yesterday morning, having no response to my texts to the inlaws in the Isle of Man I decided to phone to wish them Happy Easter.  Think they were somewhat surprised but spoke with both sister in laws and my brother in law for nearly 25 mins!!  They are still renovating their home though take weekends off and all keeping fairly well. At least I feel I am doing my best to stay in touch. Once the call was finished I walked to my daughter's flat in lovely sunshine but within half hour of arrival the heavens opened and we have one of the many hail showers that then peppered the day.  Still we went for our Sunday Lunch as planned and enjoyed social chat and food until it became obvious that  little Zack was in need of his nap and with the rain pouring down we scurried back to the car and home. Sadly no pleasant walking afternoon weather and would have been daft to consider it.  Instead they dropped me home and I caught up with some letter writing and then settled down to watch tv (Countryfile, the last episode of The Night Manager which I have really enjoyed and then part of The Queen at 90 which I saw on ITV+1 though I have no doubt it will be repeated in the future).

    Had planned to go to the gym before spending the afternoon at my son's today but with very high winds and driving rain may stay tucked up indoors until I get picked up after lunch.  They do seem to think it will move through late morning but the gym is only open half day today so may have to miss out.  All  being well after looking after the grandchildren tomorrow whilst my daughter is at the hospital I can pop to the gym on the way home. Once Easter weekend is over will be doing my best to get my healthy eating back on track (aided by having no access to a kitchen from next weekend until work has been completed!! so when not eating elsewhere I will be on salads ha ha).

    I think your late Wood Club's friend's widow has done very well to make the wood and tools available to members and raising money for charity will be a lovely way to honour her husband's memory. I can also understand her wanting to stay in touch by receiving the newsletter as I am sure he would have spoken fondly of both the Club and the members and this will bring her some comfort.  Despite the amazing support that hubby and I had from his work boss during his illness and passing, the only contact I have had since was when I sent a text message wishing them all a Happpy Christmas which he replied to. It was the end of a very long relationship as hubby had known  him since he was his apprentice whom he taught.  It was so satisfying for my hubby to see him become the head of his own company and when he himself was then made redundant  his 'old apprentice' called him straight up and he went to work for him as his head engineer.  They had a good working relationship full of respect for each other- good times and memories.

    Well, despite the windy weather the birds are battling on and I need to go out and top up the sunflower hearts so need to put on my rainy weather gear.  Take care and stay safe.  Jules x

  • Thanks Hazel, hope you have managed a peaceful weekend and that today passes easily for you though I suspect the journey may have been a bit hairraising due to Storm Katie. Whilst replying to various 'mail' the rain has abated somewhat and though still pretty windy I am now considering walking to the gym rather than staying indoors.  Off out after lunch to my son's so pretty glad I will get a lift!!  Be kind to yourself and stay safe. Hugs  Jules x

  • Morning Jules hope you had a relaxing night. Woke up and weather looked decent for a change. Went for a walk down to the shops and got milk etc. I phoned my sister a little while ago and wished her good luck she sounded a bit nervous I told her if she wants me to come I will but she said its fine. So I will go up about 4 pm to the hospital as she gets her op at 11:55 am so she will be done in surgery. Going to go shopping with daughters this morning get my mind of it and do a little birthday shopping for my grandsons birthday next week. My neighbour asked me last night if I wanted to do a night power walk. So basically walking at fast speed at night. So I'm up for it though think I will get new trainers while I'm out today as my others are looking tired. Have a good day -Diane x

  • Good afternoon Jules,

    I am now over my cold and Mrs B is improving thank you. I have finished the April Newsletter and sent draft copy to our club secretary who is the other founder member of our club for proof reading. We have several ladies whos husbands were members but who have passed away soI send them copies so they can keep in contact with our club. It doesnt cost us anything as their all sent electronically. My £1 headset works very well surprisingly. I have just ordered some more plastic test tubes so I can offer 4 differnt size bud vases this year. So now need to get out into my garage and get that lathe turning. The first thing I want to turn are some natural colour wooden draught sets to go with the boards I have done.

    Tommorow I have an electrician coming as since we had our smart meter fitted, the trip switch keeps cutting out. So hope he can sort it out.  Mrs B want me indoors when he comes. As I was saying goodby to my son yesterday, my youngest grandson called out "Goodby Brian". He loves the Marvel charachters and watched the film last night with them in. Today he asked me if I had seen it and when I said I had, he made me laugh when he said, "You know the woman they call the Black Widow in the film, well your son fancies her". My son said "Dont go telling grandad all my secrects". He is such a cheeky little lad; not like me at all ha ha.

    Bet your grandchildren loved the stay over with you and hope your daughter gets good news. Glad you had a good weekend or at least as well as the weather would allow. Bet you are glad to get your book finnished.

    Take care, sending best wishes and hugs, Brian

  • Good morning Diane,

    Hope you found your sister comfortable when you visited yesterday and also that the lifts were working for visitors so you were not faced with another mountain of stairs to climb.

    I had plenty of time to relax with the grandchildren yesterday morning. My son in law picked me up at 5.15ish and the little one was already up!  No problem keeping him happy with puzzles which he loves until his big brother got up just before 7.  My daughter's hospital appointment was on time and they were back home by 12.30 so I went off to the gym and then home. Quiet afternoon but not a good sleep last night so feel a bit out of sorts this morning. Still going to work soon so that will get me going hopefully.

    The decorators are coming in again today to continue with the paper stripping so will see a difference when I return this afternoon.

    I read that  your night power walking was cut short due to chilly weather - don't blame you.  Perhaps you will have time to break in the new trainers that you were going to buy. Hope you were successful with your birthday gift shopping and wish your sister well with her continuing recovery.  Take it easy. Jules x