Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Thanks Jules, it's such a relief to feel better at last, still a bit tired though.
Pleased you enjoyed your sleepover, bet that was a nice surprise for you. Glad you held off the cream on the scones, don't think I would have been able to!
You do spoil those birdies, Jules - another feeding station - it's a wonder they can still manage to fly! It's lovely to watch them though, isn't it?
Have a good evening, take care,
Hazel xx
Good Morning Jules,
I am impressed. I would ask what you do in your spare time but it doesnt look as if you have any. My youngest grandson got a cold last Thursday and has now given it to his mum and dad.
Yesterday I went to see the wife of my wood club friend who died last year. She has two shed loads of timber he had collected over the years and she now want to move it on. Plus he has variouse elctrical machiens and hand tools. So I took photos and sent them via e-mail to my wood club members saying if they are intersted to contact her direct. She says any money collected will go to Chestnut Tree Childrens Hospice which is a very nice thing for her to do. I darnt bring any more wood home for Mrs B will kill me as I have so much already ha ha. His wife has made a complaint to the hospital about the treatment her husband recieved and also about the way the family were treated when he died. I told her I thought she was very brave as until its completed which may be several months, she cant get completion.
I now have a proper format mapped out for the future newsletters and one of the things I will be doing is called, "Spotlight on ------" various wood club members. I have even found a small picture of a spotlight and a beam of light coming from it which I can include next to the header.
I took Mrs B into our new local Poundland and guess what she found? A small fluffy owl which she just coundnt resist ha ha. We are trying to organise a three day show for the 28th, 29th, and 30th of May at Wakehurst Place, not too far from where I live. They are supplying a big marquee for us so will look forward to that. We will be right next door to the vistor centre where people come in so an ideal spot.
I hope you have a pleasant day, Take care, Brian.
Hi Hazel
Hope you are enjoying the spell of sunshine. It is good you are beginning to feel better and am sure you have learnt to pace yourself as to how much you can manage before taking a rest. Body seems to know when enough is enough, however frustrating it sometimes feels. Just keep being kind to yourself and you will get there I am sure.
So far the most frequent visitors to the new feeders are the magpie and a couple of starlings. The smaller varieties are still flying over it to the other feeding area but it usually takes a while for them to get used to changes (or so the RSPB book told me). Have a pair of blackbirds busy gathering nesting material so they were very happy after I mowed the lawn as they gathered the cuttings. As I type this I have two collared doves plus the blackbirds and two robins busy eating and gives me great pleasure to watch them.
Visited my Mum this morning and think she was pleased that the Home's old activity lady has been lured back. Everyone had missed her great personality and the wonderful way she has of including all the residents even if they do not wish to join in. We were all drawn in to solve the 'nine letter word' puzzle this morning (so glad I found it!!!) and this is something my Mum used to do daily when she read the newspapers. Hoping she may be persuaded again. It was such a lovely day I walked both ways. Now sitting awaiting the window man to come and settle the bill. Back into work tomorrow and am not sure where the time has gone the last few days. Take care. Hugs Jules
Hi Brian
What I call spare time are those moments when I can just sit knowing the chores are done. I do enjoy quiz shows and some dramas on the TV and I suppose walking could be classed as my hobby alongside the garden/birds.
Lovely walk in the sun to see Mum this morning and at least she managed a smile today and I could bring her up to date with family news. Am going down again at the weekend as it's Easter and she was quick to remind me about the clocks changing! Also told me I could buy her some decent soap for her Easter gift as she will not eat an Egg (though I know all the residents get at least one from the Home!). She is drinking the Ensure shakes even though still has the appetite of a sparrow - has not refused porridge for breakfast yet thankfully.With her mood swings, despite medication, it is best to go with the flow.
Into work tomorrow for my two shift stint and hope to catch up with a friend on Friday for coffee for a bit of a catch up chat.
Sounds as though you are keeping busy with Wood Club activities amongst other things so think, you too, value any spare time you manage. Take care and regards to you all. Jules
Hi Jules,
Yesterday I bought a headset ( Mic and earphones ) from poundland and was surprised how well they worked . My expensive set which cost about £25 only seem to last about 12 months so thought I would try a cheap set. We used to have a master carver who was a member of our club. I dont think I have ever met a man as modest as him. His carvings can be found in churches and catherderal all round the south but none of us think he ever recieved the aclaim he deserved during his life time. So I am working on a tribute to him which I will include in a future newsletter. One thing he used to do day and evening classes all round the area and as a result of his skill and passion, we have so many gifted and skilled carvers, and thats a wonderful legacy for anyone to leave behind. I include a picture of a monk this chap carver and hes a very merry monk with a tankard of ale on his hand
My son and family have all got this virus which he has now passed to me. Just hope Mrs B doesnt pick it up as with all her health problems it something that lays her low.
I want to wish you a very happy easter for youve had a very busy few weeks with more to come.
Ihope you and your family have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend, Brian.
Hope you enjoy your time with your friend tommorow.
Hi Brian, sorry to hear that you have picked up the virus, and sincerely hope Mrs B will not be affected and your Easter isn't spoiled. I always worried about my partner Roy when I had a cold as he was very susceptible, having COPD amongst other things. It's so worrying, isn't it?
Love the monk carving!
Hazel x
Hi Brian
So sorry to hear that you have got the 'family's virus' and do hope it does not lay you too low and that Mrs B manages to keep it at bay. Unfortunately they do see to hang about at the moment too. I do not want to tempt fate either as my daughter and family all went down with heavy colds (the drawback being school age children!!). Though I have seen them a few times I am hoping to steer clear of catching it though it will not prevent any of us enjoying family get togethers both on Easter Day and Monday. I also have a childminding session for Tuesday as my daughter has to be at hospital in central London for 8 am to have her 'sleeping EEG' - will be a very early start as will need to leave home around 6am so guess who's on breakfast duty. My daughter has been told not to have more than 3hrs sleep the previous night so is planning 'quiet housework and a crafting session' to keep her awake.
The monk carving is a true piece of wooden art and I think it is lovely that you are planning a tribute to it's creator in the Club newsletter. I am sure it will be inspirational to current and future members alike.
As today looks to be the driest of the weekend am about to put a washload out. With only just over a week to go before the big 'rip out' am trying to keep everything up to date although my daughter and son in law are offering all kinds of help whilst the kitchen work happens so do not see much in the way of problems in coping especially as the workforce so far have been so methodical and considerate. Tomorrow week would have been hubby's 65th so I suppose it will be good (albeit emotive) that the home will reflect his investment in the future.
Take care and do hope the virus goes as quickly as it arrived. Regards to you all. Jules x
Morning Diane, hope you are okay, haven't heard much from you lately. Hope all is well, and I'd also like to wish your sis lots of luck for her op on Monday. Coincidentally I have my CT on the same day!
Have a lovely Easter, take care.
Hazel xx
Hi Hazel I'm doing great thanks like I said on the other thread had a fundraiser yesterday with the grandkids and lots of other things. Visited my sister aswell and she's doing fine. She doesn't seem worried about her op so that's good. Hope your ct scan goes well -Diane xx
Thanks, Diane, have replied on the 'quotes' thread. Enjoy your weekend!
Hazel x