My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Brian don't be silly you haven't neglected us. Yous always post a lovely quote and picture. It looks like all your hard work is paying off well done. You must be exhausted though. Have all the kids and grandkids over tomorrow for Mother's Day and they said there taking me out for dinner which I thought was very thoughtful of them. Have a good evening -Diane x

  • Hi, Diane, hope you have a smashing day tomorrow for Mother's Day, and enjoy your dinner.  I agree, a lovely thought from them all, but you deserve it!  

    Have a rest this evening before your busy day.

    Hazel x

  • Hi Brian

    No apologies needed; you have been a very busy man and I am not sure where you even find the time to post on 'quotes and pics' threads.  Your time here is much appreciated  and I am sure the same can be said for those whose lives you touch through your Wood Club and cancer meetings though I am sure you reap rewards too.  Really happy that the first newsletter has gone down well and so it should after all the extra work you have put into it and still learning more computer skills along the way - amazing.  As one who really just manages the basics I take my hat off to you.

    It has not been a bad week for me and I do seem to slowly be finding more periods of peace rather than turmoil (within my own thinking!!) though understandably still have jolts of reality and emotions take over but know that this is to be expected. Sometimes my loss feels like yesterday and then again it can feel a long time ago but think this is the way of things.  It is nearly 8 years since my Dad passed away this month but even that seems to have been brought closer by hubby's death. Memories made are a godsend now and wise words heard so long ago holding me together on occasion - the journey of life perhaps.

    Will be wrapping up when I go and see Mum but with a lovely sunny start will really enjoy the three or so miles walk. I have a bunch of spring flowers (complete with vase to put them in) for her and this includes her favourite white hyacinths so hope they will be well received.  Am also taking my camera with me as have some up to date shots of her great grandsons plus their cat so maybe can stir her interest for a little while. What will be, will be.

    Once I get back home my son will be picking me up (along with the rocking chair they are 'borrowing' for the nursery)  for lunch with them and if the weather stays dry hopefully will enjoy a walk with their dog too. A lovely way to spend the day.

    Have just seen the fox dash across the lawn and climb over next doors fence (no time to grab the camera) and needless to say the birds scattered but are now back down.  I have just refreshed their drinking water and one of the goldfinches is spraying it everywhere!!  Am eagerly looking forward to when it is not too cold to spend time outside again but reckon there is a bit of time to wait.  Like you am happier with the lawn after second mowing and fingers crossed it will remain more manageable.

    Well enough of my rambling, my daughter is on the phone so will chat again soon.  Take care and have a good day.  Jules x

  • To Jules, Diane, Hazel and Mrs.B, enjoy a lovely Mothers Day   Sue xx

  • Thank you sue. Hope you have a good Mother's Day as well. I actually don't know if you have kids but if you do have a great day. My kids and grandkids will be round later and then we're going to a restaurant-Diane x

  • Hi Diane, I don't have children myself but will be going to my Mum's tonight, enjoy your meal out. Sue x

  • Thank you Sue - am certainly aiming to!  Have a good day everyone. Jules x

  • Hi Hazel,

    Thanks for the kind words. My son cane to visit last night with flowers and a present for his mum. He cant come today as he is at an all day archery shoot, much to his wifes disgust. Ho booked it up over six months ago, not realizing it was mothers day. As he has the car the grandchildren cant visit either. I did offer to give Mrs B a cup of tea in bed but she refused. All Mrs B would let me do for her this morning was to do her a slice of toast when she got up. Have offered to take her out after dinner. She has allready had a bunch of flowers delivered and a radio, cd and cassette player from me cause she's woth it as the advert says.

    I wish you a pleasant day, take care, Brian.

  • Thanks, Sue, and you too this evening. Have just been to see my Mum at the cemetery with big bunch of roses for her, Dad and my brother.  It looks lovely. 

    Hope you are getting on okay, take care!

    Hazel x

  • That's nice, you have spoilt her with flowers and present and a slice of toast, bless you!  Shame about your son having his archery shoot, but can't be helped if he has to book so long beforehand I guess.  At least he didn't forget, your house must be full of lovely flowers today for Mrs B.

    Have a nice afternoon both of you, and take care.

    Hazel x