Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Well done Hazel, I bet you feel very satisfied now it's done. Did a bit of housework but have spent the afternoon keeping an eye on the new feeder and so far the blue *** and robins have visited and the collared dove has been looking keenly from it's vantage point (bird table). Have just added some mealworms to the mix (crafty or what). Still no photo yet; patience is a virtue but will probably be luck as usual. I am hoping to get into the garden tomorrow after supermarket visit (just a bit too cold for me today though did get washing dry outside). Just prepared all my veggies for dinner so will settle down to watch Flog It. Have a good evening. Jules x
Oh, so I did mention it then? Haha!
H x
Hi jules that's great she doesn't have to worry now for a long time hopefully and yes a small cheap run around will keep her going. And as for your grandson that's brilliant news that he could just grow out of it from what I remember my youngest son did that and he grew out of it within a few years if that's late growing out I don't know but he did. Ahh you must be feeling good just now. Hope you have a relaxing Friday night later -Diane x
Well the weather must of been alright for you to get it done. Trying to find a dry day it's a nightmare isn't it ? Well you can relax now and just admire it ha ha -Diane x
Hope your don't think I forgot about you ha ha anyway congratulations you must be happy and you obviously earned it -Diane x
Thanks, Jules. Yes, I feel much happier now that first cut is done, especially as my next chemo (and last, touch wood!) is looming, so will be back and forth to hospital next week, Tues clinic, Wed bloods, Fri chemo. Might give it another go over on Thurs to take my mind off the chemo, weather permitting.
Keep that camera handy!
Hazel x
Yes, the weather has been good today, sunny but a bit chilly. I have been admiring it, keep looking out of the window, though more with relief at the moment, it's a bit muddy but will have to do for now! Still, it looks better than it did, that's for sure.
Hazel x
Hi Jules,
Snap; I have just come in from mowing the lawns which look so much better now. Two great minds think alike ha ha. The only thing is the lawns look a bit yellow where the grass was so long but hopfully should soon green up. Have got to keep in front of Hazel havent I ha ha. The wind is very cold here and I need to warm up. We have had a few raindrops her on and off this morning. Thought your daughter would like the little koala. I came across a site that had lots of koala pictures so couldnt resist downloading a few for you.
I am only waiting for our wood club chairmans message to put in the March newsletter and then will send it to our club secretary to get it proof read. I have also made a start on Aprils one as well. I want to inject a little bit of fun and laughter in to it. I think the world need more fun and laughter in it and would be a better place for it. I wrote about one of my friends who makes little wooden dolls and gets his wife or a friend to make a little dress to fit it. Some years ago I was looking at it and mentioned she wasnt wearing any knickers (The doll I mean not his wife). He replied I shouldnt have been looking up her skirt anyway and it showed what kind of man I was. I countered by saying I was only carrying out a quality control check and that he shouldnt be putting the doll on sale whithout underwear. Needless to say the dolls have now become known as "Knickerless Lill". We do have some insane banter but have a lot of fun.
Sister in law has not yet chosen her new doors as she is still busy sorting things out. She like you has trouble sleeping at nights. It started when brother in law was still with us and she still cant get her sleep pattern back to normal. I am still finding people and companies I havent given my new e-mail address to. But the new one is much quicker and reliable so glad I made the change.
Sounds like a big job changing the bow window and the the work in the kitchen to come but will be well worth the disruption in the long term. Your husband would I feel sure be very proud of you for undertaking major changes like this and am glad your daughter has offered a bolt hole. Many years ago when I worked at the big timber company, I used to deal with the kitchen sales. Eventually the buyer and myself started fitting a few for customers. I learnt a lot from this which also helped me when I was selling them for I knew the little anomalies to warn customers like the hinges on corners units were differnt from the other hinges on the other units. I gained a lot more product knowlege from this.
Hope you intend to take it easy this afternoon. Sending kind thoughts and best wishes your way, Brian.
Hi Brian
Have just come in from the garden and need to de-numb my fingers and toes!! Still good to be able to spend some time tidying and agree that the garden looks more appealing now the lawn is mowed again. As Hazel has said it is so much easier than the first cut!!
Hopefully will not be too long before it is warm enough for you to start fashioning that bird table for Mrs B. Have just posted a picture (on the Beautiful Pics thread) of my latest purchase (swingseat bird feeder) though so far no had any luck in getting pictures of the visitors to it!!
Glad you have got your teeth into the newletter/editing and you mentioning it being proofread took me back a few years; this was my job for nearly 10 years pre shop work!!! Love the banter that goes on between like-minds and am sure you will raise a few smiles when you add these tales to the newsletter.Hopefully it will spur others on to make contributions too.
No rain in this neck of the woods today and still sunny spells outside but temperature means I could do with some thermals under my leggings (not that I have any!!!).
Have sent the selection of koala pics onto my daughter and expect her to be thrilled. She has had a thing about them ever since holding one when visiting friends in Australia.
Well, the washing is dry so will iron it before dinner and then relax this evening. Am meeting friends for lunch (two old workmates from a few years ago) tomorrow and am hoping for good news when I have my weigh in at the gym as I have tried to be good this past weekx - does not come easy I can tell you!
Sending best wishes to you both and the family. Jules x
Hi Hazel
Will be keeping everything crossed for your last chemo treatment and hopefully the after effects will soon be a thing of the past and you will be enjoying your garden more and more. I must admit I prefer sitting in mine rather than working in it but really not doable in this chilly wind ha ha. Mind you with a 'garden nominated' green fingered wizz (Diane hi) amongst my forum friends I may have to step up to the plate. Cannot compete with my neighbour though as he has artificial turf and a huge pond (many years in the making and still unfinished!!).
Am currently relaxing as I type, watching documentary on the beautiful Barrier Reef and wishing I was there - it's what dreams are for!
Be kind to yourself and have a relaxing evening. Hugs from Jules x