My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Well yes the views are nice and I have been to the castle so much with the grandkids  don't want to go back ha ha. But it is very entertaining going to the castle. I live on hills so I have a lot of scenery but i would love to go see something different though have been told by many england don't have much good scenery. Could always take a drive up to the north of the country and book over night and explore. The most north i got was inverness and that was to visit my neices that live there -Diane x

  • Hi Jules,

    Sorry to hear about the upsetting letter. Bet you will be glad when its .over and done with. It just seems to keep causing you emotional upset. Have at last managed to mow both lawns. It was really to wet to mow but the grass was so long I couldnt bear to see it any longer. Came in with a splitting headache and worn out. But at least it should give it a chance to dry out quicker. Mrs B swept up for me.

    Two committee members have allready contacted me regarding my trial newsletter and both were quite surprised how quickly I had got it done. One was them my friends and who like me was a founder member of the club thirty years ago. He told me I have the job but will wait and see what the rest of the committe say.

    Hope your mum was okay when you visited her. Bet the walk was cold.

    Take care, sending kind thoughts and hugs your way, Brian

  • Hi Brian

    Just one of those things that will take as long as it takes. At least is has not effected how we move forward as a family. The main investigation seems to be  where did he contract it and so need to supply details of past employments though at the time of diagnosis it was linked to his Dad bringing home asbestos so we just continuing waiting and wondering when the legalities will end.

    Pleased that your feedback from your woodclub mates is positive (never doubted it!) and fingers crossed that the committee agrees (sure they will if you are up for it too!). 

    After all your hard work today do hope  you have a nutty treat to enjoy this evening. Best wishes to you and Mrs B.  Jules x

  • Good evening Jules,

    Sorry to read today was busy getting ready for Mothers Sunday. At least you now have longer weekends to get over it. How is the renovation work coming on? Hope you enjoyed meeting your friend and your meal. Did your daughter like the happy Koala the other week?

    All the committee seem very keen regarding my trial newsletter and the decision will be taken at our next meeting next month. I had a very nice compliments paid regarding the trial newsletter I had circulated to the committee from the previous editor.  All the rest of the committe have said they liked what I had done very much.  I think the main decision will be regarding the frequency. At present it is produced every four months and has about 12 pages. I have expressed a preference for a smaller but monthly edition (3 to 4 pages) so its not so much work at one go and most seem agreeable to this. So this evening I have formatted pages that would take it up to December. So all I have to do is insert the text and pictures.

    My new e-mail site is so much more stable. My new phone and broadband will go live on the 7th and the 8th of next month. I have allready cancelled my direct debit for the old supplier as I have told them not to send me any bills because of the poor service. They wernt to happy when I told them this but I told them I was considering sending a big bill for all the extra work I had had to do because of the problems and that they were getting off lightly. So dont worry if I go off line for a while as I am changed over.

    Lawn looks much better today but will need a closer cut when its dried out a bit more.

    I hope you have a peacefull and relaxing weekend but knowing you, you'll find something to do.

    Sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and you family, Brian.

  • Hi Jules,

    Have been told, as of this morning, I now have the editors cap to wear. Seems the wood club committee didnt want to wait until next month so have allready made a start on the forst one. Our chairman has promised to write a short chairmans message each month and I have another member promising to sent me articals so should be okay for material.

    Hope you are okay and enjoying the fine but coldish weather.

    Take care and will talk again soon, Brian.

  • Hi Brian

    Firstly my daughter loved the koala pics (and all things koala!!).For her birthday I managed to find a weekend travel bag with a koala pattern all over it  -she was very happy indeed and will use it when we have our weekend away.  More good news yesterday in that she has been given her driving licence back as she has been 'faint free' for a year so she will be trying to find a little cheap runaround (but will use my son in law's car a bit to get her hand back in so to speak). We also had news that my eldest grandson has been signed off from the hospital regarding his night rocking as nothing untoward found and they feel he will grow out of it in time.  Just hoping that when my daughter has her next MRI the results are as positive for her.

    Sounds as though the Woodclub are looking to one of their founder members to step up to the plate and I am so pleased that they are so appreciative of your efforts as I know you put much thought in to how best to improve/enhance the newsletter/membership.  No doubt you will be signed up officially in no time at all - it's great to have such an interest in the hobby you really enjoy.

    Did your sister in law decide on a change of internal doors in the end and how is she managing, okay I hope?

    I had a lovely meal out with my friend last night and spent a couple of hours catching up with all her news. Today I have been to the gym, called at the Sorting office to collect a couple of 'bird related' parcels (I had missed the postman whilst at work) and enjoyed a chat with my daughter and young Zack at our fave cafe.  It is now lovely sitting watching my feathered friends nest material gathering and eating new treats.  My new 'swing seat' bird feeder has gone out today and just now two blue *** have been visiting  (mind you I suppose I should be doing some housework and will give that some attention after lunch).  When the temperature rises I will try and get some decent pics but feel some patience will be required.

    My renovation plans are in hand and am awaiting next phase (replacement of front  bay window) though the kitchen is not due to happen until April and then I will probably run for cover ha ha.  Am promised a bolt hole at my daughters as my son in law has offered to pick me up for dinner in the evenings and I may well be tempted.

    Hope you and Mrs B have a good day and all the best for the coming weekend - let's hope it helps the lawn dry out a bit more. Take care.  Jules x

    P.S  Have just read your latest message. Congrats Mr Editor, you will now have to explain to Mrs B that you need more 'nuts' to help your thought process x

  • Congratulations, Brian, well deserved after all the work you always put into your wood club work!  

    If Mrs B agrees to more nuts as Jules suggests, make sure they aren't metal ones first!!!

    I have some important news too - I have just cut the grass in the back garden, YAY!

    (Front can wait a bit, not so long as never gets any sun)

    Once again, well done, Ed.

    Hazel x



  • Hi, Jules, so pleased to hear your daughter and grandson have both had good news, and everything crossed for her MRI.  Also glad you enjoyed the evening out yesterday, bet you had a good old natter.

    Enjoy the birdies, leave the housework!

    Take care, Hazel x

    Ps. Have just finished mowing my back lawn, yippee!



  • Oh Jules,

    Just a quick post. Thanks for your kind words.

    I am so pleased to read about the good news regarding your daughter and grandson. You were overdue a bit of good news. You must be very pleased yourself. 

    Knew you would be busy today. As soon as it warms up a bit more, I want to make Mrs B a de-luxe bird table as like you, we both love watching the little birds. I have plenty of hardwood that came in on pallettes so it wont cost me anything for the timber.

    Have allready got 1 3/4 pages done for the newsletter so by the time I have included our chairmans message I should be nearly there.

    Take care, have a peacefull and relaxing weekend, Brian.

  • Hi Hazel,

    You sound so pleased to get the lawn done.

    Thanks for your kind words, Brian.