My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Oh Jules had no idea you had this thread just came upon it on the main page. Oh well makes another spot to have lovely conversations. I forgot to ask how is the weather down where you are It's been clear skies and a bit cold -Diane x

  • H Diane,

    I started this thread as a 'follow on' from my previous discussion after hubby died. Been on the forum for a few years now and it is a supportive place to be and fully appreciate the virtual friendships I have made.

    Weather here was bright and chilly today and I am beginning to wish I had mowed the lawn when I got home from work but was a bit jaded so just had my lunch and did some packing away.  Just had a call to say decorator will be dropping in tomorrow 9.30 so will move my gym visit till later. Jules x



    Yeah I knew you had been on here for a few years never knew you had this page but it's lovely really is. Me neither haven't mowed the garden was intending on doing it after the gym today but I had no energy ha ha -Diane x


  • Good morning Jules,

    Just a short post as I have had a busy morning. Took Mrs B shopping first thing then had to visit the draculers den again, Last week was a wasted journey as they had not told me it was to be a fasting blood test. Today I had to jokingly ask the nurse if the hospital was running short of blood as she took four vials of blood from me today. Then tonight I have a wood club committe meeting. I have just spent yesterday re-doing our four page joining information leaflet and setting it up so I can send it out to prospective new members via e-mail so want to show it to our committe members for approval/comment. Last week we had two new members join up to our woodclub which was good.

    It should be a nice walk to your mum and the gym allthough very chilly. Hope your mum is in responsive mode today. Just want to get out and mow our lawns but as its a clay type ground, its still way to wet even for the flymo.

    Will post more when things are a little less hectic. Take care, sending kind thoughts your way, Brian.

  • Hi Brian

    Hope the results from your latest  blood tests are good.

    Woodclub is keeping you busy but am sure all the members, old and new, will be impressed with your hard work and Mrs B knows it keeps you out of mischief whilst I suspect it is too cold for the practical 'turning' side of your work.  Any new projects up your sleeve for the warmer weather?

    Am sure the imput at your various cancer meetings are very welcome.  My daughter, grandson and I are signed up for this year's Race for Life (our local venue holds it on 12 June this year) and I hope to power walk it (jogging/running a bit to much for me!!). Once the evenings start being a bit lighter I will begin 'training' by going round the block a few times. Am trying to shed a few pounds that recent comfort eating  has led to and every day tell myself ' I will be good'  which has been fine until the evening. Today will be different - need to start somewhere and as I am visiting friends Fri/Sat think I should be strong willed enough to take myself in hand.  Mealtimes are fine - its the snacking I need to control.  Have bought myself extra fruit and am hoping satsumas will replace biscuits ha ha.

    Drizzle has settled in here this afternoon after a dry morning. I had coffee with a friend before browsing the shops in town and picked up a lovely orchid for the friends I am seeing this weekend.

    I did enjoy a lovely sunny walk to see Mum and  walked half way to the gym before hopping on the bus on the way back.  Can go to the gym for an extra session during the week now that I am only working two days (actually on  leave this week so enjoying catching up with friends and have also spent some time watching eldest grandson at his swimming lessons- very proud of him as he has just gone up a grade so will be going earlier tomorrow to watch his new class). Once half term is over he will return to after school lessons once a week. Little Zack goes on Wednesday mornings and my daughter is getting used to the 20 min walk each way.  It's a longer walk in the evenings as too dark to walk through the allies until we get the lighter evenings back.  After tomorrow's lesson I am taking them all for elevenses and/or lunch as half term treat. 

    Do you have new neighbours yet following the sad passing of your old neighbour though I suppose it may be a little too early yet.

    Wishing you and Mrs B a peaceful day. Jules x

  • Gosh, you sound busy, Jules, although in a nice way.  I had my two daughters round today, plus their 5 children and a friend stopped in as well.  Feel a bit tired but was a lovely day.  Enjoy your elevenses/lunch tomorrow. x

  • Thanks Pauline. It is lovely seeing family though can understand you feeling a weary so have a 'feet up' evening and be kind to  yourself.

    Have to say it's good being 'socially busy' for a change and have just heard from my friends whom I am visiting and had my stay extended for another day which is lovely.  Their daughter is in my area on Friday and so is now going to give me a lift over there  - I was going by train but now will just have the return journey to check times for  which will be great.  I am being spoilt.  Sending hugs. Jules x

  • Hi Jules,

    So pleased to read you enjoyed yourself over the weekend. You so desrved it.

    This morning as I still have problems with my e-mail, :(   my patience finnally snapped. I have changed my e-mail right away and am also changing my phone and broadband provider. Its half the price I was paying for the first twelve months and then about ten pounds cheaper per month after that, plus I get £50 cash back.  :D

    By paying £1.5 extra per month, I get 300 min free phone calls to Canada per month provided I limit the call to 30 min per time. My usual call to family in Canada used to cost £6 to £8 pounds per time so this should save me even more.

    I went with my local cancer charity to a volanteers day on Saturday and we had a lot of people express interest and made lots more contacts with other organisations which was good.

    Have a good week. Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian




  • Hi Brian

    So pleased that you have managed to change providers and getting a much better deal too. Hopefully there will be less red steam coming out of your ears now!

    It was lovely have a couple of relaxing days with my friends and took me a few hours when I got back to settle back to the silence but all good now.  We have another get together planned in early May, this time to the coast, so praying the weather will have warmed up a little by then! If all goes according to current plans the worst of the work downstairs will be done fingers crossed. Next planned weekend will be when me and my daughter have  weekend in Edinburgh which we are really looking forward to.  I am still awaiting my coach brochure to arrive on the mat and then I ca begin planning days out.

    When I got home on Sunday the forsythia had finally begun to flower and it would also seem that the fox(es) had been busy as lots of pigeon feathers on the lawn but no sightings since the last one. 

    Nice and sunny here now that the early drizzle has cleared away and the goldfinches, blue ***, robins and blackbirds have been very busy at the feeding stations  (third area in the planning stage).

    Met my daughter and youngest grandson for a quick drink this morning and then did fruit and veg shopping before visiting the gym.  Returned home to the mundane task of ironing and will visit Mum tomorrow before babysitting during the afternoon whilst my daughter has a parent's meeting at the school. Before I know it, it will be work on Wednesday and normal routine will be resumed!.

    Hope you, Mrs B and all the family are doing okay. Take care. Jules x

  • Just one day into trying to curb my comfort eating (and having got rid of contents of biscuit tin and topped up veggie rack and fruit bowl (now placed by my side to remind me to eat healthy when snacking!!), I arrived home to find a letter advising me they are setting a date for hubby's inquest (though I do not need to attend!). It has seemed an age since I heard anything and now maybe the officialdom will be brought to a close though not before covering old ground into the how and why he may have 'acquired' Mesothelioma. I feel tired but less emotional than I expected - I wonder if this has something to do with the amount of time that has passed but am trying not to question my feelings too deeply just now.  Jules