Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Good morning Jules,
Glad you have got your internet sorted. Wish I could say the same with my webmail page. Since a week last Tuesday, I have been having nothing but problems. Yesterday I tried to send a flash message to our wood club members reminding them our next meeting is on the 10th of this month and it wouldnt let me send it as it said it cant send to more than 50 people at a time. I only had 48 so I slimmed it down to 39 and it still wouldnt send it. I spent nearly half an hour on the phone to my provider all to no avail. I was told the work wont be finnished for another five days. On my old list which worked perfectly, I only had to type in the members e-mail address. In desperation I tried inputting the members name as well and at last, it has let me send it. I have also had to re-input my second list as in the transfer from one webmail page to the new one, they managed to lose a comlete list. Alltogether it has taken me about eight hours hard work to sort out the problems caused so I told them I will be wanting compensation for all the problems caused. Anyway enough of my moans.
Glad you have got your electrics done. I did think it was your internet giving you problems but also wondered if you had been without power for part of the week as well. Bet you are looking forward to the completion of the works. I have a mental picture of you with one of the electricians thrown over your shoulder ferrying him upstairs ha ha. Hope you dont catch the cold as it seems to take so long to get rid of it at this time of year. How was work last week with the one day less? I bet you will still keep busy though.
I have also scaned all my old photos so they are all on my laptop now and all I have to do now is to put them in the correct folders and maybe tweak a few of them. A lot were taken when we used to have holidays in the west country.
I hope you have a restfull weekend and am sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian
Hello, Jules, I was a bit worried because I hadn't seen your daily diary for a while. So pleased to see you back. x
Hi Brian
I think you deserve a medal for putting up with the 'mail' issues you are currently having; its so frustrating being messed about. I was pretty lucky as they sent the new router out within 48hrs. It shows how dependent we have become on the technology and mine is not even up to date!!
The electricians were amazing and the power was only off for a very short period during the two days they worked here. They left all the old electrics connected until the new wiring/sockets were completed so no real inconvenience at all and it should make it straightforward when the kitchen goes in as they have already fed the electrics through and capped them in advance of the work.
Must admit I loved having to only work 2 days last week but my Manager not so amused as suddenly realised how much I could get through!! He is hoping I will provide cover when other staff are on holiday so will see how I am placed but told him I cannot promise as have other commitments now. As you rightly said I have still managed to fill the time as I am busy packing up things in the lounge and also going through possessions so I can 'downsize' storage boxes. My son in law managed three 'dump/recycling' runs plus three drop offs to local charity outlets so I am well pleased. I unearthed a radio that my Dad used to have in his 'den' and I can now have upstairs and my daughter has gone home with a 'spare' cd player so some good has come of a good clear out. After all the hard work I took them all out for a chinese.
Tomorrow my son is coming to go through the gear in his old room so am expecting lots of dust again and more space to eventually turn the room into a 'twin' for the boys as Zack will soon outgrow the travel cot he currently sleeps in! It is quite therapeutic.
Now sitting down with a cuppa listening to the gale blowing outside and very grateful we managed to do everything in the dry. It had just begun to drizzle as we left the restaurant. Zack really loved the noodles and prawn toasts!
Hope you and Mrs B have a peaceful weekend. Take care Jules x
Hi Pauline
Thank you for you message; I must say it felt strange not being able to 'jump on the forum' and chat to my virtual buddies. I am still trying to catch up with the threads but hope you are managing okay just now. Take care and sending hugs Jules x
Hello, Jules, thanks for your message on 'pictures'. My arm is a lot better, thanks, as I knew it would be. The reason I didn't bother to go back and tell the nurses was that I knew the answer would be to just keep an eye on it and if it got worse go to A/E. Having done ten years as an Aux nurse in orthopaedics and then caring for my partner through loads of hospital visits I've seen just about everything and can second guess what the answers will be! I just wanted to get the bus home, which as it turned out was a bit of wishful thinking, ha-ha!
Take care, hugs, love Hazel xxx
Hi Hazel
So some insider knowledge and self diagnosis goes a long way. Glad the arm is better today but see that you are still somewhat tired (hardly surprising given chemo and bus problems!). I know you will look after yourself and bounce back in due course but be kind to yourself anyway and take care. Sending hugs.Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Bet it's nice to only have to work two days now.. Your comments about your manager realizing how much you used to do made me smile. They just dont always appreciate how much you do until something like this occurs. I have experianced the same myself a few years ago.
Sister in law is thinking of changing her internal doors. She and my brother in law had disscused it before he died. So I have managed to get several door cataloges for her to look through and Me and Mrs B are going to see her this afternoon with them. My son has said he will fit them for her if she decides to go ahead.
Have still been having problems with my e-mail page. They are supposed to finnish the upgrade today but not holding my breath. The wind is very cold here at the moment so no working in the garage for me today. At least its fine and as its brighter than usual, I havent had to put the light on. Make a nice change. I have my woodclub meeting tonight where I will continue to collect club membership fees so quite a busy day allround.
Hope your two days at work are not too busy and the manager is not expecting you to get three days work done in two. Will chat again soon.
Sending hugs and kind thoughts your way, Brian
Hi Brian
Iam enjoying the freedom of having the extra day to do as I please and next week I am annual leave and just waiting to hear from the decorator as he may wish to do some prep work and I can give him a key and let him get on with it. My eldest grandson will be on half term and although he is at swimming class every morning I am sure we can squeeze in a couple of treats during the week.
Hope your sister in law finds some doors she likes (it seems that many of us make changes that we have discussed previously with our late other halves and gives us something to focus on) and it will be a bonus that your son can fit them for her. Hope she is keeping well and managing okay and its still early days for her.
Think the manager will always expect everything done in the least possible time - it's how retail runs these days. I have not seen him this week as he has been on his days off (having worked all last weekend) so have been able to just get on with the jobs that need doing and tried to leave my colleague less to manage in the afternoons as she has her own sections to look after and no added help either. Sign of the times!!! Still, we have at last been given new uniform - first time in a few years and it is nice to have a change in the shade of blue!
Well need to go and prepare my dinner ready for the oven so will wish you and Mrs B and pleasant weekend ahead and hope you enjoy your Woodclub meeting. Take care of each other. Jules x
Hi, Jules, when I cut down my week from 5 to 4 days I ended up doing work at home to make up for the day off. They refused to employ anyone for the extra day!
It's true what you say about bereaved people changing their homes. When my dad died my mum changed all the rooms, and bought a lovely deep red carpet. Sadly within weeks of his death she found she had cancer and died shortly after.
Do hope you are really enjoying your extra day of freedom! x
Hi Pauline
Luckily working in a shop I can only take home what I purchase so the job stays put thankfully.
Whilst I am forging ahead with ground floor renovations (well others are on my behalf ha ha), it was more a case of needs must as very little had been done for many years. Hubby liked doing the DIY himself but was away from home on business a lot of the time so it rarely got done! Now I am in the process of getting electrics updated, plumbing sorted etc. Hubby's legacy will be left for me to give some security for the future (mine or the childrens in the longer term). Very sad that your Mum was diagnosed so soon after losing your Dad and could not enjoy the lovely red carpet.
When my Dad died , Mum was 82 and instead of making changes in her flat (rented) she opted to take regular holidays much as they had done together for nearly three years before mental and physical problems meant she went into care. She will be 90 in May (not that she want to be around then!!).
I am enjoying having time to relax and when the better weather comes, will enjoy the garden more too. This coming week I am on annual leave anyway so with my grandson being on half term will be catching up on family time at some point.
Take care, Jules x