Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Hazel
It was a busy but mainly pleasureable day whereas the workplace (shop) I find more stressful these days (usual story- too much to do and only one pair of hands!!). One of my co-workmates and also a good friend does not work Mondays so we will be able to meet up for lunch instead of just grabbing quick coffee and when the weather improves will have days out (we did a few coach trips last year as neither of us drive and her husband often goes to see his Mum in Wales at weekends so having a Monday free will give us more scope).
I must be one of the few people at the gym that use it to de-stress after visiting Mum, bless her. am very lucky that the care home staff are chatty so at least I get some social interaction when Mum not up to it and I have a feeling that even though she does not say much she is listening and then talks to the staff about my visit. Jules x
Evening, Jules,
Know what you mean about one pair of hands, when I was at work (auxiliary nurse) we had the same problem a LOT, and that was years ago!
I have just been reading your last thread, the closed one, and I hesitate to reopen wounds and apologise if I do, but just have to tell you that your last little poem the morning your husband passed away made me cry.
I used to sleep on cushions on the floor next to my mum's bed at home when she was dying from bowel cancer, and I can in some measure relate to how you must have felt, though it was good that he seemed to be at peace with himself in the last hours.
Sorry, darling, I just had to tell you.
Hazel xxx
Good evening Hazel
I have no problem with you talking of 'my old thread' and remember crying myself when I was writing it on many occasion. To be honest I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all those who kept me company during those dark days and who, in no small measure,helped me keep going when at our lowest ebb. It is one of the reasons I am still on the forum as made many virtual buddies and mutual support is so important.
You may well have realised by now that I love to talk (hubby was the opposite and often told me that God gave us one month and two ears which must mean something!!) and am just sorry that I reduced you to tears - virtual tissue and a hug sent your way. Jules x
No need to be sorry, and thanks for the tissue and hug!
Hugs back.
Hazel x
Good morning Jules,
Hope it dry when you go for your usual Sunday Constitutional walk. It damping a little here at the moment and quite overcast but also very mild.
I Spent quite a time yesterday taking the door of the back of my garage as the rain has got to it and it has swelled up so much I had great trouble getting it open. Its a door my son gave me a few years ago, Its a hardwood half bow, a bit glamorous for a shed door but it was free and was being dumped until my son rescued it for me. It was very heavy let me tell you. But after a lot of triming it now fits a treat. The only thing I worry about is when it dries out, will it be too small now, ha ha.
Our neighbours relatives have been busy clearing her house. We will miss her. I heard last night parts of America have had 40 inches of snow. Hope it doesnt come our way. If that happens, I will be like a squirell and hibernate until spring. Have now finnished my chestnuts so will have to make do with the frozen ones untill October.
Take care and hope you enjoy whats left of the weekend. Sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Brian
Various changes in plans mean I have not been out today. Having finally taken the decision to go ahead with much needed (plus a treat) renovations to the home, I have had a whirlwind of a week with various tradespeople in and out for plans/quotes etc. This morning it was the turn of the electrician (friend of the family had to pull out owing to work commitments) recommended by the kitchen planner. The quote should be with me within the next couple of days and if okay work could begin on re-wiring the ground floor in 2/3 weeks so that when the kitchen is ready to install all sockets etc are ready and waiting. To say it is the biggest decision I have had to make is something of an understatement but kids very supportive and we are all pretty excited despite it being 'scary' in equal measure. Sadly this is only possible because of the deep loss of hubby (his pension legacy)but somehow it now feels the right time to invest in the house and my 'safe' future. I think he would have approved.
So sorry that you have lost your elderly neighbour and know you will miss making her smile and being a good neighbour. I expect it will be strange seeing new residents in due time.
So, the 'grand door' to the garage has been 'fixed'. Had the same problem a while back with my front door and was terrified I would get stuck outside as it took a shoulder to open it ha ha. Son in law did necessary work so it is okay now but for how long!! As am having new ground floor d/g windows (think mine at 32yrs old are past their sell by date!!) may also invest in UPVC door - note to self - extra quote needed , oh my!!
Daughter's new cat has settled in a treat and bringing some much needed stress relief and some family fun back into their flat. I spent some time last Tuesday getting to know her. Daughter and grandchildren popping in soon for a couple of hours whilst son in law keeps a pre planned appointment so will see if they are up for a walk if the weather clears. Otherwise maybe I should run on the spot to get my exercise today!
More good news yesterday when son and his fiancee visited (we ended up with fish and chip supper) as they have set the date for their wedding - Feb '17) - what a year we have ahead of us as a family.
Hope you and Mrs B enjoy a peaceful day. Jules x
Hi Jules,
Mrs B and I went to the funeral of our neighbour today and it was a lovely service. Her grandsons acted as pall beares which was nice and she would have loved it. We have been neighbours for just short of fourty years. We gave another neighbour a lift as she wanted to go to the service. It was a lovely sunny day today.
My e-mail provider has just changed the main page and just like when this forum changed, I have been having problems the last couple of days. They havent imported all my old e-mail wood club group lists and as I dont fancy redoing about 45 e-mail addresses have been on the phone to them. Hope they can sort it out.
I was so pleased last night to finally get to see my grandchildren again. The youngest one made me laugh when he said, "Grandad, you need to have a word with you son. He has been very very rude and has said words I'm not supposed to hear. Also he snores at night; just like a hairy baboon and keeps mummy awake and me as well. You need to thwacke him". I told him my son is much bigger and stronger than me and me might thwack me back. I didnt seem to make much difference ha ha.
I was so sorry to read about your mothers comments. I think you a doing a very good job and feel sure your hubby would be not only approve but would be very proud of you, just as we are in making such big decisions. It will no doubt involve a certain amount of disruption while the work takes place but it will be nice when its completed.
A few years after I got married I made a whole lot of kitchen units and pine doors to go with them with help from my uncle, including a couple of corner carousels for one of my aunts. Their kitchen was an awkward size and they couldnt fit any standard units so each one had to be handmade. It did look nice when it was finnished. We both enjoyed making the units and had a lot of laughs as well.
Take care Jules and have a good weekend, Brian.
Hi Brian
Just spent ten minutes replying only to have the internet 'trip out' and I lost it all!! So will have another go.
Hope your e-mail provider can sort your problems out too -hate it when they mess up the home page and you cannot find anything.#
Glad the funeral for your neighbour went as well as these services can and it was lovely that you and MrsB along with your other neighbour could pay your respects. Somehow when the sun shine it helps.
Thanks for your kind comments regarding the work I am having done. My Mother's comments were very hurtful at the time but with the support of my forum buddies, close friends and family I can get over it. She is entitled to her opinion but I feel differently as I think investment of hubby's legacy into the property we spent all our married life in would be a good way to honour his hard working life.
I can imagine your grandchildren were as thrilled to see you as you and Mrs B were to see them. I love your youngest's cheekiness and am sure he keeps you all amused (though maybe not his Dad, bearing in mind his comments ha ha). He is a real character.
Hope you and MRs B have a peaceful weekend. Am planning a relaxed day tomorrow as have spent today packing up all the small items in readiness for the electricians on Monday - looks like I am moving but it will make it easier in the long term (they have to have the floorboards up) and will 'ferry' them upstairs where they can stay until the works are completed (a lot less dusting that way!!). My son in law has kindly offered to spend next Saturday doing charity shop and dump runs so that will be a great help in offloading 'surplus to requirements' though my two children have first refusal of course!
Take care Jules x
Hi Jules,
Sorry to read about your problem with the internet. Thats so annoying when it happens. Despite my provider saying someone would contact me withing 48 hrs It's now been 5 days so have had to re-do my list as I need to be able to contact my woodclub members. I used to have two list as it couldnt handle over 50 e-mail addresses at one time. But it's supposed to be better now so will try just one list this time. When I phoned they couldnt answer my question regarding wither the new system would handle more addesses at a time they couldnt answer this so just keeping fingers crossed. Over all the site is better now allthough in the afternoons its so slow as I think they are still working on it.
When you say you have the electricians coming on Monday, and you said about ferrying them upstairs and keeping them there until the work is finnished, I thought for a minute or two you were intending to keep them hostage to get the work done quicker ha ha. Seriously, I hope all goes well and I feel sure, you will enjoy the benifits of all your decision making.
I have just bought two twelve light LED table lamps for when I do my craft fairs. One place we exhibit is Wakehurst Place and its a lovely place but the lighting is very poor unless your near to a window. These lamps give out quite a bright light so should help. One of the quirks these days is if you are exhibiting you have to have any electrical lights tested every year. This applies even if they are brand new. What with that and the fact most craft fair organiser now want to see your third party insurance which used to cost me about £80 per year is I know putting a lot of people off taking part in craft fairs. Plus a lot of places want to to provide a health and saftey assement of your stand; it just getting so much red tape.
I hope you have a quite day today allthough knowing what you probably call a quite day will still involve you working quite hard. You always seem to be on the go doing something.
Anyway you take care, sending best wishes and kind thoughts you way, Brian
Hi Brian
Well as you may have realised I finally lost internet connection completely!! My router finally gave up completely and had to have a new one delivered so set up again today. Hopefully this will keep me 'live' again. Suffice to say I have survived without the technology (doing puzzles in a book ha ha) but missedmy forum buddies.
Electricians (who I did not have to 'ferry upstairs') spent two days here as planned and I have now had the whole ground floor rewired and have enough new sockets to accommodate any moving round of furniture in the future (and have lost several extension leads ha ha). They also prepared the connections for when new appliances go into kitchen (hopefully in April). They are definitely returning as the elder of the two left his woolly hat behind and says he will collect it next time! All that is left now is for the decorator to let me know when he hopes to begin preparation work which may take place before kitchen fitted. It's all go!!
Hope you and Mrs B are keeping ok.My daughter, son in law and the boys all have horrid colds and coughs this week so keeping my fingers crossed I have not picked it up. Take care Jules x