My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Good evening Brian

    Only had a very light covering of snow to wake up to this morning and by the time I had returned from my morning walk it was all gone and then dried up but overcast.  Have stocked the garden birds up on suet and crushed peanuts so the tables and feeders have been busy today.

    I have a pair of walking boots which saw me through a Christmas in Austria so they grip well and may look heavy on the end of my legs but give me protection and confidence.  Mind you I am one of those people that seem not to require slippery conditions to end up on my derriere and the grazed knees of childhood seem to stay with me ha ha.

    Was very naughty at the Farmers'Market and ended up buying cheese and bread for a ploughman's lunch mmmmmm.  Will now have fish for dinner to balance the diet otherwise the workout at the gym will be a bit useless!  Find it much harder in the cold weather to eat healthily- the day always starts well with breakfast but can so easily go downhill from there; hey ho.

    Right, off to sort out tax letter which came through end of last week following winding up of hubby's probate affairs.  Take care and regards to you and MrsB.Hope the family are keeping well and no doubt the grandchildren still keeping you smiling just like mine do.  Jules x

  • Good morning Jules,

    Really cold here this morning. When I took Mrs B shopping earlier, the temperatrure was minus 4.5 c. Throuble is we have been spoilt with the mild winter so far. I haven seen the grandchildren since before Christmas as allthough we have nearly got rid of that could/cough, It is still hanging on and as my younges grandson with his trachy has no defense against colds etc, we have reluctantly stayed away allthough I have spoken to them on the phone.

    I managed to get Mrs B to agree to got out for a drive yesterday. I havent used my car much since before Christmas and the battery was getting a little low so I told her I needed to take it out for a long run. There is a village about 20 miles away from us where there is a big flood plain just below the village. It was just like one big inland lake. Wished I'd had my camera with me. Anyway she really enjoyed herself.

    I feel just like you as the grass in our garden is much to long but like your, the ground is way to wet to get on it. Where we live used to be a pond next to an old farmhouse. They filled the pond up with clay so the water just takes so long to drain away. Hope you dont get cold on your walk to see your mother and later the gym this morning.

    Mrs B went to open the back door of my garage and pulled the handle off. She doesnt know her own strength ha ha. So one day I will have to sort that out. I have also got to take the door off as the top rail has swollen so much it has jambed it tight to the door frame which is why the handle came off in the first place. Something else to keep me busy.

    Take care, sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian.


  • Hi, Jules, it made me laugh when I read about the bird feeders.  I picked my grandaughter up from Brownies last night and she had a little p

    lastic pot filled with 'goodies'.  It was quite dark walking back to thecar and I saw popcorn on the top, which I love, so quickly took a handful and popped it in my mouth.  Little Annabelle was horrified, as was I by this time, telling me it was fat and seeds for the birds, which wasnt quite set.  Think it may help the bowel movements anyway!

    Have a good day!

  • Hi, Jules, hope you don't mind if I join you here.  You were right when you mentioned we are welcome to join this thread, it's the sort of thing I had in mind re general chit-chat, and stops us - me anyway! - clogging up the 'pictures' and 'quotes' threads.  I'll try not to be a nuisance, promise!

    Hazel xxx





  • Hello, Pauline, lovely to find you here, and you gave me a laugh re the popcorn!

    Hazel xxx

  • P.S. 

    Jules, I know the thread didn't start out as general chat, hope I haven't upset you.

    H x

  • Thanks so much for sharing that story Pauline.  It raised a chuckle when I logged on!!  Do  you know I can remember making the same thing when I was a Brownie and then my daughter too. So perhaps the next time it will be my grandson's turn as he has just become a Beaver - there was quite a waiting list.  He has so far been twice and really enjoying it as he loves to be busy with activities. Another evening occupied as he already does tennis and swimming classses plus footie on a Saturday morning plus the walking involved in getting him there and back.  Brother Zack will soon be doing the swimming too but think it's at a different time!.  Have just returned from a quick visit to my daughter to meet the new family edition  - 7 month old kitten - cute!  Take care  Jules x

  • Hi Brian,

    So Mrs B has ways and means of keeping you busy ......... by wrecking the door handle ha ha.  Bit too chilly to work outside just now though.  Was minus 4 when I set off to see Mum and I was pleased that I have put on several layers!  The brisk walk in beautiful sunshine felt great and by the time I arrived I needed to shed a couple of jumpers!!  Mum still weary with life but I did manage to get some conversation this week and stayed nearly an hour.  Instead of going straight to the gym, I detoured to my daugter's place to meet the new kitten (that was another hour or so of fun and chat as Zack was having his nap).  Carried on walking from there to the gym, did my half hour and then walked home - out over 5hrs in the end!! Now just waiting for a friend to drop in for tea on her way home from a day out.

    Such a shame that you have missed seeing the grandchildren and them you but you cannot be too careful when it comes to passing on bugs to those who are vulnerable.  I also stay away from the Care Home if I get colds/bugs as it affects them so much more.  A few more staff changes for them to get used to - New Manager, New Regime has sent some of the staff to pastures new.

    Now have some additional wildlife to keep an eye on as two foxes have been playing in both mine and my neighbours gardens the last couple of days.  Like you never had the camera to hand in time to catch them but will keep an eye out and maybe will get lucky if they hang around.  Have a feeling the old shed/playhouse in my neighbour's garden has become a bolt hole in this cold weather.  He has no problems with his lawn as it is artificial (and to think he was a landscape gardener at one time!!).

    Take care and good luck with the repairs once it warms up a bit.  Jules xx

  • Hi Hazel 

    No way could you upset me and the only reason I had not replied earlier was because I have been out most of the day.  The more the merrier as far as I am concerned and you can visit as often as you would like.

    I have been out visiting, firstly my Mum and then my daughter and youngest grandson (he was napping when I arrived but up when I was about to leave!).  I currently work a three day week but am dropping to two days from February which will give me more time to relax and also reduce the amount of my pension that ends up in the taxman's pocket!!

    Hope you are feeling ok today and taking it easy in this chilly weather.  Chat soon, Jules x

  • Thanks, Jules, x!

    You say you'll have more time to relax when you cut down on work, but I don't believe you ever relax, given the busy day you've just had!  Still, at least it's 'enjoyable' busy, and not stressful - except maybe your visits to your mum sometimes.  I know that can be stressful from when my partner was in a nursing home and not always very communicative, refusing meds, saying he hated the staff etc. It was a gamble every day as to how he would be. 

    Anyway, thanks again, Jules, looking forward to photos of the foxes!

    Hazel x