Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Jules, lovely to hear you Mum was in good spirits yesterday, as you say an early present for you too.. Know what you about overdoing the chocs, we have had them almost non stop at work for several weeks now, not good but blooming tasty!
Gald you like the photo. I never used to bother with decorations before I moved here but, as you say, it does rather call out for a bit of sparkle at this time of year and with the fire going as well it is very cosy. Not that I have lit it yet as it has not been cold enough but I am looking forward to warming my toes at some point.
Hope you and the turkey got home safely and I hope your last day tomorrow goes well for you.
Take care Sue xx
Hi Sue
Am prepared for the Christmas Eve 'last minute present rush' we see every year. Am lucky that although we sell lots of naughty chocs, we are not allowed to eat whilst working!!! So far am managing to pace myself at home though was presented with a very lovely cupcake yesterday afternoon. My daughter and the boys had been to a kid's make and bake with our local cup cake cafe and called with a delivery! (just downsized my dinner to accommodate haha).
Turkey and ham safely lodging in fridge and not much else to do now other than a bit of prep later today and then await pick up tomorrow for our Christmas Day festivities. So far so good as they say. The boys are so excited and are like a couple of live wires which is probably the best tonic for the rest of us to follow their lead. Board games will be calling on Boxing Day though with a Westie in residence this could be interesting!! Valuable family time which should be made the most of.
Christmas wishes to you and a peaceful New Year. Jules x
Hi Jules,
Bet most of the last minute shoppers are men as l know without Mrs B to organise me, I always used to leave things till the last minute ha ha. Just hope you wont be to tired to enjoy Christmas. Glad you were able to have a good chat with your mother this week. Must make you feel a lot happier when this happens.
I know there will be sad moments for you over the holiday and also for your family too. I know Mrs B and I will also be remembering those we have lost. As the oldest person in my family now, it has served to make me want to be as happy as I can.
Thanks for sharing those photos of your tree and your wood sculpture. It looks great. Wood is such a versatile product. Someone once said to me. the amount of thing you can make in timber is only limited by your imagination. He was spot on.
I just want to wish you and your family a great Christmas and to say a big thank you to you for the support and friendship you have given me these past few years and also a very happy New Year, Brian
Hi Sue,
Just a quick post to wish you a very happy Christmas and to thank you for the support this year, Brian.
Dear Jules & Brian, I know Christmas will be a real mix of fun and sadness for you this year but I hope you have lovely times over the next few days with your families, I will be thinking of you and raising a glass in memory of your lost loved ones. You have both been such wonderful help to me over the past few months and I hope 2016 will be a better for year for all of us. Take care Sue xx
Good morning Jules and Sue,
I hope you have bothy had a very happy time over Christmas. Both Mrs B and I have come down with a very heavy cold/cough and consequently couldnt go to our sons on Christmas Day. We missed seeing the grandchildren opening their presents but wouldnt want them to get this cold. But we have enjoyed each others company and have had a laugh ot two. We have spoken to them on the phone. Also spoken to two of my sisters, one in Canada and the one who lives in Chichester.
It's so dark here this morning, once again I have had tp put the lights on as I couldnt see my keyboard.
Please take care both of you and hope you dont mind a joint responce, Brian.
Oh Brian, what a rotten shame you had to miss out on your family fun time. Colds seem to have a real knack of striking over Christmas don't they, no doubt due the stress of preparing for the big day?!
I'm glad you managed a laugh or two though, in between the sneezes, and I hope you both start to feel a lot better soon.
I spent the day at my parents with a couple of their neighbours in front of a roaring fire (not that we needed it really but it added to the festive atmosphere and is lovely to sit and watch!) before a very tasty mid afternoon feast. Then a couple of "days off" before my niece and her family descend on us tomorrow for the day.
Take care of yourselves won't you and send those colds right back where they came from as soon as you can. Sue x
Have just logged in and was really sorry to read that you and Mrs B have been stuck at home with rotten colds over the Christmas but best to stay tucked up and warm until you feel able to visit your son's and the grandchildren. Glad you were able to catch up by phone and am sure once you are both fit again a 'second' mini Christmas will be on the cards so that you can see everyone enjoying what they received.I am pleased you were able to chat with your sisters too.
The last of my family went home just after lunch today as the two boys had a birthday party to go to this afternoon. That will give me the afternoon to take a break before going back to work tomorrow.
Christmas passed very well for us and I was made very welcome by my daughter's Mother in Law. Very relaxing and as she has a dishwasher no chores either!! Yesterday children and grandchildren plus a few friends popped in and a few games played after the little ones were tucked up in bed. They even had a lie in this morning so breakfast delayed till around 8.30!! One of my daughter and son in laws' friends was due to go to his mates for Boxing Day but, like you, his hosts were unwell and so I invited him to join us (the more the merrier) so an extra adult for the children to play with. All in all we got through the festivities well and now have new memories to add to our old ones. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Jules x
Hi Sue
Glad you had a lovely time with your parents/friends and expect you enjoyed some down time at home before enjoying more family get togethers. We also had the fire on (low) for atmosphere and today is pretty dull so glad of the fairy lights to brighten the room. Very quiet now that everyone has returned home today but will give me a few hours to recharge the batteries (and maybe my glass) before returning to work tomorrow. All the planning and emotional ups and down building up to two days and I am actually now quite relaxed and very grateful for family and friends support. Was somewhat spoilt and have sent a few edibles bits home with my daughter and family so they do not need to cook this evening (they are at a children's party this afternoon).
As they say nornal service resumed with work tomorrow and weekly visit to Mum on Tuesday. Gym also re-opens so I can get back on track ha ha before the start of the New Year. Send you good wishes. Jules x
Hi Jules, sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, both visiting and hosting. A good mix of lovely new memories and past times remembered. I imagine the evening of games was fun, and they got a lie in this morning to boot!. Hope your batteries are sufficiently recharged ready for the crowds tomorrow..good luck!
Have not seen my niece and her family for a couple of years now although we keep in touch by phone so it will be good to see them again tomorrow (I must remember not to comment on how much the children have grown as I remember hating that when my relatives said it to me when I was young!) They are coming in time for lunch and staying til after dinner so a long day but should be fun.
Take care and hope you don't get too frazzled at work. Sue x