My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Sue

    Will start with a large 'GRRRR' on your behalf after reading that your surgeon was right about the pain once the steroids wore off and do hope you have strong enough painkillers that kick in for you. It must be so unpleasant to be plagued with the pain.

    Good news that you have that Moving Forward appointment and really do hope that can offer help under the NHS to sort your pain management/therapy out. It would be great if you could get things under control earlier but fingers crossed that your festive break will be peaceful and relaxing (its what I am hoping for too!!).

    Work hours are keeping me focussed although we are now beginning to see more 'stress buckets' in store (and shoving their way through the town centre ha ha).  If I had been working today I would have been on 'Christmas jumper day' so have decided to wear one to the hairdressers instead (and then to the gym).  Will pop my donation into the 'hospice' collection pot at the gym.  Have been told that as several staff miss out today we are repeating the process on Christmas Eve so could look like a 'right turkey' when I go to pick the actual bird up from the butchers after I finish work!!

    My quiet weekend is slowly becoming filled with plans (probably not a bad thing). Apart from usual food shop and the gym I will see  both children at some point as they have gifts for my Mum which I will take down on Tuesday and also some 'bottles' to embellish the mini bar (on the sideboard!!!).  The food and artisan markets are running on both days so would like to get there too.  Am hoping all the walking will offset the 'naughty goodies' I will inevitably take advantage of.

    I have to be be honest and say that as far as Christmas is concerned I am very reflective about our last Christmas together (he was pretty poorly but there!) and my emotional thoughts are pretty erratic at times. First and foremost  it is about supporting each other and giving the little ones new and happy memories whilst at the same time remembering those who are no longer with us or facing illness themselves.  I am expecting 'dips' especially the weekend after Christmas which will be the anniversary of hubby's passing though also recognise the need for me to go forward and make the most of what I still have - that would be what hubby would wish for us all.  Everyone has times of sadness in their lives and acceptance has become a larger part of my grieving process now. The candle will be burning bright and I do find the new star placed on top of the Christmas tree has a new meaning.

    Right, enough of my reflections; am off to do the ironing - that will bring me back to earth!!

    Take care and enjoy your work's do and Christmas jumper day.  Hugs  Jules x

  • Good morning Brian

    Fantastic news regarding Mrs B's hospital discharge - can imagine just how wonderful that must feel - an early Christmas present.  Hope you get good news when you go to  your appointment next week too.

    It seems that you and your grand-daughter share 'writing skills' even if the outcome are in different genre. Fantasy fiction has a huge following in our store (as does Romance and Saga) and hopefully you will both be 'adding to the shelves' in years to come.  Your cheeky grandson is probably still 'bubbling with excitement' over the Star Wars movie.  On the way home from work yesterday there were several 'big lads' just returning from a screening (all had goodie bags!!) and they had obviously thoroughly enjoyed it.  Hubby was a huge fan and I find them good entertainment value so when the mania calms down may well take myself to the cinema.

    Have a peaceful and relaxing day. Regards to you, Mrs B and the family' Hugs Jules x

  • Hi Jules, hope the little ones had fun with Father Christmas today, they'll have a few tales for you tomorrow I'm sure..

    We managed to collect over £700 yesterday for the Christmas Jumper day which is being donated to three different cancer charities so totally worth looking a bit daft for a few hours!

    Our Christmas Party was fun too although rather chaotic. As well as our group of about 50 there were other companies there too in a huge noisy room. The dinner took almost three hours with quite lengthy waits between courses which naturally were filled by plenty of " merriment" I made my way home after that but judging by the photos I've seen on Facebook this morning  the fun carried on during the disco and beyond! Paying the price today though as I am currently very swollen and sore, not very fair as I was sitting down most of the time and certainly didn't dare dance! Shoulder is still pain free though so that's good.

    Finally got my Christmas shopping done so, apart from a bit of wrapping which I'll do in a minute, am now almost there. Hope you got/ get to the artisan market as you wanted and that the ironing wasn't too arduous.  Take care  Sue xx

  • Dear Sue

    Well, the children enjoyed a lovely day at Chessington Zoo with the added bonus of Father Christmas (think their Mum and Dad had as much fun if the 'phone photos' are anything to go by. Zack has managed to get an allergy/virus (according to GP) which does not seem to be causing him any concern but he has a little rash and is on anti-histimine (useful side effect is that he is sleeping through the night as he had been rather wakeful the last week (pretty sure back teeth are the cause!!!)).

    My weekend was good; Usual weekly shop and gym visits plus my reflective time on Saturday morning after which I enjoyed a festive latte (laced with ginger) at the garden centre cafe.  Left with the purchase of a small reindeer planted with primroses and a rather chubby Father Christmas which are now  cheering up my fireplace. 2 miles walking brought me back to the Food and Artisan Fair which was quieter than last year but still a pleasure to stroll round (here I bought a small piece of  'tree trunk' set with tea lights) and some fresh produce.  A few more shops and then a beautiful piece of polished wood caught my eye in a local family furniture store window.  It is fashioned into a 'wine tree' (will try and take a photo to post later) but even empty looked a great bit of polished sculpture so this was my 'Christmas present' to me!!!

    On Sunday housework called after my gym visit and the children/grandchildren popped by for a couple of hours in the afternoon so spent much of my time on the floor 'playing trains, cars and 'pop up seal!!'  We all had 'a bit of a moment' when my eldest grandson drew a Christmas picture for his much missed Grandad.  Apparently he has been asking my daughter if he can send a present by balloon up to the star (John Lewis advert having an effect!!!).  He is such a caring little lad and we are no doubt all going to be facing a few of these moments but all for the right reason. Of course, in the next breath he was moving on and wanting to 'pull a cracker' and spent time pushing his younger brother up and down the lounge in the emptied toy box (it has wheels) which then turned in much fun being had as both boys got in and their uncle took over the pushing rights!!!  Christmas is 'for the children' (no matter how old!!!!).

    Oops, just seen the time so will chat again soon as must get sorted for work.  Hope you are enjoying the festivities and managed some R&R over the weekend.  Take care.  Jules x

  • Good morning Jules,

    Glad to hear you has a good weekend. Your grandson sounds a lovely lad. That comment must have tugged at your heartstrings. They are lucky to have a grandmother who loves playing with the like you do. I am sure it helps a lot with a childs development. Glad you have treated yourself to a wood sculpture. My son has lots of metalwork in his house but it doesnt do what wood does for me.

    The good new is, with regard to my tablet, I have found there was a button where I could re-set it to factory default. So I did this even though I wiped out programs I had downloaded and still it came back with those adult sites. But I have managed to finally delete them and re-load it so I can get my e-mails on it again. It occasionally freezes but I think I may be able to get over this.

    On Saturday, I wrote another 1000 word short story and yesterday I did another three of the same length and enjoyed writting them. So after Chrostmas must send them off. My son has finished work on Friday and this has pleased my grandchildren.

    Its raining here at the moment and so dark I have had to put the lights on. Hope you have a quiter week at work. Take care and will talk again soon. Sending best wishes and kind thought to you and your family, Brian.

  • Hi Jules, how sweet is your grandson, it's so touching that he drew a picture for his Grandad and asked about sending him a present, he obviously loves you all a great deal and wanted to show how much he cares. I know I've said it before but you are so very fortunate to have such a loving family around you. Take care Sue xx


  • Hi Brian

    Have finally managed a sit down and trying to catch up with mail.  As it's my day off have crammed as much in as I could. Housework followed by good visit with Mum (lovely to have a smile and chat).  Then walked to supermarket and got the 'perishables'. Unpacked and waited in for proposed parcel delivery from Isle of Man (they paid for delivery by 1pm) which was a no show so went to the gym for my last circuit before Christmas.  Had been home around an hour when postie arrived - phew, really did not want it going  back to sorting office.  So think apart from working and picking up meat I am done!!

    Seems you are getting to grips with the tablet  and hope it behaves itself now.  You also seem to  have a writing spree so hope in the New Year you can get a publisher to put  you into print.

    Not too much rain here but very very windy - was a fast walk to see Mum being blown along but still too mild for the time of year.

    Am going to try and post a pic of my new piece of wood and also my tree and take the oppotunity to wish you, Mrs B and the family and peaceful and healthy Christmas and 2016.  Take care. Jules

  • Hi Sue

    Yes, we are a small family but  mutually supportive and will I am sure manage Christmas and the New Year peacefully.  Hope you have a lovely time however you spend it and do hope that your pain is controllable until your next appointment.  Take good care.  Jules x

  • Hi Jules, I can't begin to compete with your lovely tree (or your new piece of wood for that matter!) but here's a photo of my "sticks". They sit in a small alcove beside the fireplace all year round , with added baubles and tinsel in December!  Plans now set for Christmas Day at my Mums along with some neighbours and a visit from my eldest niece, her fiance and their two children on Monday. No doubt other things will be happening too but I plan to have lots of down time in between. A nice mix of fun and relaxation. Take care  Sue xx


  • Hi Sue,

    Your home lends itself so well to the Christmas decor and I bet it is really cosy and atmospheric.  My sister in law used to live in a 17th century cottage(converted from the village pub) up until mid December last y ear when then moved to the Isle of Man  and Christmas's there were a favourite as it was full of nooks and crannies and had a cellar where my son loved to sleep!!!  I love how you have 'dressed' your branches for the festive season. Thanks for sharing the photo.

    Had a good visit with Mum yesterday who was bright and chatty and no negative conversation so feels ike I had an early Christmas present.  Have done my last gym circuit until next week and am trying not to overdo the chocs he he. Only two more shifts at work and then can relax a bit (have to take my trolley to work today so I can collect the all important 'bird' on the way home).

    Enjoy all that you do and take care.  Jules x