Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Brian
Hope Mrs B's hospital check up today goes as well as her earlier one this week and know the imput you give at the cancer meetings will be most welcome.
Managed to find some walnuts so my son will be a happy man when he sees them on Sunday (now to find the nutcrackers ha ha).
Had my six monthly appointment with GP this morning and all good. Knee problem is muscular and probabl down to extra walking I am now doing. Have a support I can pop in which should help. She was very happy with my BP/weight and thought the gym was helping with my stress levels. Go back in six months.
I am sure your youngest grandson enjoyed his storytelling time with Grandad and its lovely to be able to do this for them. When school finishes this afternoon my daughter, son in law and I are taking the boys in to London to 'see the lights' and visit Hamleys (both boys have birthday money they have saved just for this visit) and then will eat out before heading home. Weekly shop tomorrow (weeks seems to be running away timewise) and then have son, his fiancee, daughter and family coming for afternoon/dinner on Sunday for pre-Christmas get together. Not sure yet whether the westie is coming too. Cheekily I am also getting the boys to take me to collect a Christmas tree as they have a roof rack. Saves me having to arrange to be in for a delivery.
Have a peaceful weekend and regards to you, Mrs B and the family. x
Hi Sue
Know what you mean about the 'sizing'of clothes (and why trousers especially!!!). I always have to try on to make sure and end up taking several different sizes (depending on which shop I am in). In the 'good old days' most high street stores were consistent but that is rare these days. I hope you have a successful shopping trip tomorrow and that the eye test does not prove too expensive! My mum just had her new prescription and is very pleased ' now she has got used to them'. Like me she has varifocals and they do not come cheap.
Had my six month check with GP and she was pretty happy with my physical and mental health. Se had a short chat about hubby as always - she remembers well how she would give him ideas to try, watch him smile and nod and then know full well he would do it his way!! My knee 'twinges' are muscular and not more arthritis in my body (just yet!!!) and probably due to all the lovely walking I do. She has suggested wearing a knee support when doing 'miles' if I feel it is necessary and it does seem to be helping and means less painkillers required. Also need to be a bit more careful when lifting at work (my own fault as it saves several journies when moving stock around). Go back in six months unless anything crops up in between times. I also mentioned to her that we still have not had final report from the Coroner's Office (11 months on!!!) and she was appalled but not overly surprised as the system is, in her words ' c...p'. Just as well it does not affect anything now but would be nice to get it through.
My daughter had her heart check up yesterday and the good news is that there has been no change from her last appointment so should go back in around 3/6 months. She now has the follow up neurology appointment in mid January and will see what all those test result in. Thankfully she is keeping well and no more 'faints' since March.
Right, must get back to sorting out Christmas tree decs., in readiness for the hopeful collection of tree on Sunday. I have a feeling there will be two young helpers when it comes to decorating it so need to get the 'breakables' in a different box so I can add them after they have gone home (cheeky or what!!). Also need to get the washing off the line before leaving to meet the family for our trip to London later this afternoon. At least the weather is looking dry for the occasion. Beautiful sunshine this morning and though a ittle light cloud building now hopefully will not be too cold this evening by the time we return back home. Will remember you to Regent Street! Takes me back years as used to work in the West End and bus dropped me off in Regent Street - my that was 43yrs ago!!!
All the best for a peaceful weekend and do hope those roofers have turned up to finish off what they started. Bet they won't be so slow in presenting the bill. Take care Jules x
Hi Jules,
Glad you managed to find some walnut. You'l have to wind your son up by telling him you cant find the nutcrackers he he. Thats what Mrs B did to me one year. I was convinced she was just pulling my leg but it turned out she really couldnt find them. We had to go and but a new pair in the end. Mind you Jules, it's just the sort of thing I do all the time to Mrs B. How does she put up with me ha ha.
Her check up went well and she doesnt have to go back for a year so well pleased with herself. Doctor told her, whatever your doing, keep doing it. My psa test result were up a little but still very low at 1.04. Got my son to get his checked at last and its quite normal but his doctor is going to re-test every year as there is, as you know a family history. If a close male relative has had prostate cancer it increaes your chance of getting it by two and a half times and this is increased further as my father in Canada also had it. I hope he will be okay long term but just wanted to make sure they keep a check on him. Better to be safe than sorry.
I hope you enjoy your trip to see the lights in London. Its a good few years since I last saw them. Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned so doesnt look like you will be getting much rest or time for book reading this weekend. I know you love meeting up with your family and that you will greatly enjoy your time with them all.
Have almost completed another two short stories so still keeping busy. Have found a site where they show a list of companies who are looking for short stories of about 1000 words so will be trying them after Christmas. Hope your knee doesnt give you problems. Have found the timber to make Mrs B's bigger shelf for her magazine rack. Have just got to cut it to length and glue the two pieces together and then polish it. Hoping to do it on Sunday and finish it on Monday so she has it for Christmas.
Anyway take care and hope you have a briliant weekend. Sending hugs and kind thoughts your way to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Brian, so good to see that Mrs.B, yourself and your son all had good health results recently, that's great news. Happy gluing and take care Sue x
Hi Jules, hope you all had a lovely time yesterday and I look forward to hearing all about it.
Good news about your knee and that the support is doing the trick on your hikes. It must have been very reassuring to hear that your GP is happy with you, just be careful at work although I know what you mean about the temptation to get things done more quickly, I am always being told to slow down too! Mind you my work is not as physical as yours. Great news about your daughter and fingers crossed for January.
Well, I called the roofers yesterday morning and they assured me it was all going to be finished and the keys put through the letterbox. Got home to find that yes, it does look as though it's all done but....no keys! So, either they still have more to do or they simply forgot to post the keys. Frustrating or what but almost there and at least its weatherproof now which is just as well as it's very windy and forcast for rain tomorrow. That will be a good test.
Hoping for a relaxing day today with just a trip to the supermarket before a chinese meal tonight with my nice neighbour as he goes off next week to spend his usual month or so with his son & family.over the festive season. Unfortunately, I don't think Mrs.Yappy has similar plans!
Am starting to think about decorating the house and have my Christmas box at the ready. No tree for me (no room for one!) but I do put lights along several of the beams around the house and have various pretties scattered about. Don't bame you for keeping the breakables away from little hands but what fun to have helpers with the tree...
Take care and have a lovely weekend Sue xx
Good morning Brian
Just checking mail before heading out to local shop as having done what I thought was all my grocery shopping for this evening now find I forgot the coleslaw grrrr. Still will give me a chance to stretch my legs before family descends.
Very pleased to read that Mrs B's check up went well and that your psa is still well within acceptable limits. It must also be reassuring that your son has been checked and all is well. Keeping on top of these things is such a good idea.
Had my check with GP on Friday morning and apparently I am well 'mentally' as well as physically. Bp was very good and she was delighted to hear about my workouts at the gym. As to my knee, she is pretty sure its muscular and has advised me on support for when I am working or on long walks. I need to be a 'good girl' and use the trolley at work instead of doing too much carrying because it's quicker!! Easier said than done when obviously we give customer preference to the lift and I can be up and down the stairs with the books before it's free to use!
The trip to London was lovely and it was a wonderful way to kick of the build up to Christmas. We got to there around 4.45 and had something to eat (kids are better on a full tummy!!). We then had a wander around the Christmas fairground/stalls in Leicester Square. Beautiful old carousel and a big wheel all lit up. Usual performers to watch too. We then set off up Regent Streeet, spent around half an hour in Hamleys (not that busy!!) so eldest grandson could spend his birthday money. Carried on to Oxford Street and thought the lights very nice but pretty simple (would not want their electric bill mind you). Zack loved looking round the Disney store (one talking Frozen figure purchased as it made him giggle and he too had birthday funds). As we came out and crossed the road we were suddenly aware of getting 'wet' and were delighted to see some of the white stuff coming down. Tourists were in awe because it was so mild. No, not real, just artificial blowers on the top of the Boots store - fun whilst it lasted. The best lights of all were on New and Old Bond Street and the window displays had us stopping every couple of minutes to admire. We got back to Piccadilly (where I used to work at the age of 18-21) and stopped for hot chocolate( and cookies for the kiddies) before heading home. A very late night for the boys but they were amazingly alert and enjoyed themselves (though the tube, according to the eldest, was a 'bore').When we got back to their flat my daughter took the boys in and my son in law insisted on driving me home - sweet of him.
Yesterday their other Nanny was taking them all to the pantomime locally so will no doubt hear all about that later when they come here. Next Christmas event for me will be on the 11th when I go to grandson's school carol concert and then my work's meal on 12th. Being kept busy socially as well as visits to the gym and friends is, I think, helping me at present. This afternoon will be a little emotional as we dress the Christmas tree (once the boys have picked it up) as hubby was always a big part of this but hopefully he guided us well and we will make it a job to be proud of.
Well have definitely rambled enough so will leave you in peace and hope your and Mrs B keep well. Take care. Jules x
Good morning Jules,
So pleased everyone enjoyed the trip to London. I enjoyed reading about it and loved your grandsons comments about the tube. I agree with him for there is no nice scenery to look at. Had to laugh about Zack giggling re the frozen figure. I took Mrs B to a garden centre yesterday as she wanted a few more decorations. They have a greengrocer there SAT AND SUN and gues what, they had loads of chestnuts and much cheaper than I have been paying so I bought a few to try (only because I didnt have much cash, I might add) A couple of the decorations were faulty so took them back this morning so bought a load more nuts. They are nearly half the price I have been paying so got more for my money ha hah. I did buy some cherries for Mrs B though. Cant forget her can I????? I have also fixed her bigger shelf for her on her magazine rack just now so she is happy. I had just enough left over from the mantle shelf so its all been used now.
Hope all goes well today and bet you will all have a great time allthough I can appreciate it may at times be a bit emotional. Wouldnt mind betting your two grandsons get you playing with them at some stage. I always feel that it shows how much you are loved by them that they want to share their fun time with you. I like family gatherings but sadly, we dont have that many in this country now. It is getting very dark here as I can hardly see the keyboard at the moment and may have to put the light on.
Mrs B has over the past few days been putting out the Christmas decs and has today finnished them. She has allready put out all the goodies most on a unit next to me, including a big packet of cashews and one of peanuts and cashews mixed, plus a big box of chedder cheese bisciuits and another one of chocalates and as you can appreciat, It's tempting me something rotten. Which is probably why Mrs B has done it to get her own back on me for all the wind ups I give her over the year ha ha.She keeps inspecting the packets to make sure no one has opened them; as if I would Jules. I have been told I cant start any of them utill Christmas Eve. Help
Your not the only one rambling today Jules, I am too; it must be catching like Brianitus.
Seriously I really hope you and all your family have a great time today. Thinking of you, sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
Hi Sue
Just taking a break from the kitchen (prepping buffet for tonight's meal) to catch up with you.
So once again the builders are keeping you hanging on but I am sure you are happy to have the work completed and hope, if you have had rain (none here yet this weekend) all is well and no buckets and towels required.
Our family trip to London was very good indeed and not as crowded in the shops as we had anticipated. Best of the lights were along New and Old Bond Street (we did them last!). Boys were so good and kept going despite not getting home until three hours after their usual bed-time!!. Pizza meal in Leicester Square followed by walk up Regent Street, along Oxford Street back via Bond Streets and hot chocolate in Picadilly before getting back on the tube. Boys both spent some of their birthday money and I bought the meal (very helpful in that I get free travel though!). It felt quite strange walking through all the old haunts of my West End working years and was still able to get my bearings ha ha.
Had a relatively quiet day yesterday but did fit in gym visit and supermarket shop. Like you have done a bit of Xmas decorating and with a bit of luck will get the tree this afternoon when the lads play 'fetch'. Just had a text to say daughter and family will be here a little earlier than planned as the Christmas fayre they were visiting had 5 stalls!!! Thankfully mostly organised.
Have just had an e mail to say the guest house me and my daughter had booked for March weekend in Edinburgh has had to cancel booking as owner has had to close temporarily for health reasons. All being well the booking agent is going to transfer our booking to another place (gave us a choice of three all close to city centre) and am just awaiting confirmation (it will save me having to trawl the net again!!).
Well had best stop gassing for now and put on my granny hat (rest of Christmas decorating will have to be done another time but at least the housework is done. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and take care. Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Hope your evening went well and that you all had fun? Sounds like you had a great time on Friday too seeing the sights and even getting "snowed" on. How lovely to wander around your old haunts, especially as it wasn't quite as crowded as you feared it might be. Talking of Picadilly, when I chose to get the bus in rather than the tube (mainly in the summer months), I got chatting to a lady who despte being 83 at the time still went to work every day at the Ritz!
Had a rather costly trip to the opticians yesterday despite the free eye test voucher. I had anticipated needing perscription glasses as the off the shelf reading ones I have aren't doing the trick anymore so after the test and talking to one of the chaps I went for varifocals, and with new frames as well it all added up to much more than I had thought it would! I get them in two weeks time and I understand they takes a bit of getting used to but hopefully I then won't be straining so much to read all the lovely paperwork I deal with. Am certainly spoiling myself this Christmas aren't I, just hope nothing else crops up!
Hope today goes well for you and that you aren't too tired after your fun but hectic few days.
Take care Sue xx
Hi Brian
So, another new nut supplier for you to source; you must be very grateful to Mrs B for needing those extra decorations though how advantageous that you needed to go back (with extra cash) because of faulty merchandise (grr) and now have extra stock (Brianitus rules or are you really a squirrel?). Whilst Mrs B can enjoy her cherries you will be happily munching through your stash (yippee).
Well my decorations are almost complete now. The lads collected the tree Sunday afternoon. Yes, they followed my instructions not to exceed 6ft high (did not want hassle of cutting it to fit!!) but imagine our surprise when the netting came off and it is almost as wide as it is tall. It was a little tricky to get it 'stable' in the new water-holding stand but eventually it was ready and everyone helped to decorate it (just added the last few bits near the top after the family had gone home. It certainly cheers up a very large corner!!
Grandchildren played quite happily too and then we all had buffet meal (had to move table to access it following putting up tree!!!). All in all a very good time and emotional for all the right reasons (though no tears shed). As hubby always put the lights on the tree before letting family loose on the rest of it, I am sure we were lost in private memories as we began the task - sometimes words are just not needed.I have also now decorated the two mantle shelves (so when the family come at Christmas it will look just a little more festive.
Back to normal yesterday with work and not a bad day as I now have one extra member of staff with me which makes a big difference. Felt more like a post office as everyone was purchasing stamps!!
Back to routine today with visit to Mum and the gym and then catch up on housework as am busy socially again this coming weekend with Work Christmas meal and 40th wedding anniversary lunch for my friends on Sunday.
Hope you and Mrs B have a good week. Take care Jules x