My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules, as a nail biter anyway, I have even less now after the tennis but what a match and a great result.

    Sorry to hear you knee is giving you gip, I hope your GP can help when you go next week.

    Having looked at the roof in daylight I am hoping that they will be back on Monday to finish off, hence why they did not return the keys. The new lead flashing has been cut into the stone wall ok but the bottom edges are very ragged so I assume they will tidy it up a bit.

    I did go shopping this morning but rather defeated the object by only getting stuff for myself. Not quite the idea I know but I did write out some Christmas cards this afternoon so a little progress I suppose!

    Have a lovely day tomorrow  Take care Sue x


  •  Morning Jules,

    The wind is blowing quite strongly here and the rain has just started. Beter put a couple of bricks in your pocket if you decide to go for your usual Sunday walk.

    I am very annoyed with myself. On Friday evening I was using my new tablet when a message poped up on the screen to say my Android operating system needed updating. So I clicked on the button and yes it has changed it but somehow it has also added a lot of programs I didnt want including a couple of adult sites, if you know what I mean. At the moment I cant find a way of deleting them and it will cost more than I paid for the tablet if I take it to a shop to sort out. I have managed to remove one or two programs and will just have to keep trying. I also keep getting pop up notices asking if I want to install other programs, it just makes me so mad. 

    Our elderly next door neighbour has told me someone has been ringing her backdoor bell at one o clock at night which has worried her. Her security light also come on when this happens so I think she is having it taken off. As I went past the market stool yesterday, I was pleased to see he had stocked up on the chestnuts for I had virtually cleaned him out on Wednedsay. I was tempted to ask if he had a black Fridat deal going on the nuts ha ha. Sorry to hear your knee is causing you problems. I had to laugh about hiding your grandsons presents. My son was telling us he found my youngest grandson in his room looking under the bed where he had hidden some of the presents. His excuse was he had seen their kitten enter the room and he was just looking for him.  Crafty or what????

    I have just completed two more 1000+ word stories on my laptop. Sorry to hear about your mothers fall and hope she is fully recovered now.

    Well hope you have a good time with your grandsons, sending kind thoughts as always, Brian

  • Hi Sue

    Hope your roof still okay with the high winds we are experiencing!!  Not much rain here but extremely gusty now.  I am sure your roofers will finish off properly if they want their money ha ha and then return your key.

    As was going to daughter's for lunch did not have my usual stroll but popped to the gym anyway. Spent three hours with the birthday boy (still on a high from his reptile party yesterday!) and was nice to be there to watch him open his present and have buffet lunch and cake. Floor was covered in balloons so great time had by all (grown ups still kids at heart ha ha).  My son popped in too and gave me a lift home (might have been doing a Mary Poppins impression otherwise). Got a support on the knee and feels so much better so no painkillers required. Maybe a few days with support will be enough to sort it out. Does not hurt when I am doing gym excercises so fingers crossed something pretty minor.

    Glad you managed to shop for yourself and hope it was something nice!  I have ordered a few bits on line (lazy but easier than carrying them home)  for the kitchen (replacing old stuff which has seen better days!!).  Would have put washing out on the line but had a feeling it would have blown away so its stuck indoors (that's what I hate most about this time of year!!)

    Daughter has her heart check up later this week so hoping for good feedback from the 24hr monitoring she had a while back. Meeting friends for lunch after I finish work tomorrow and then babysitting in the evening for a couple of hours - keeping me out of mischief though do need to get housework up to scratch before decorations go up.

    Take it easy and have a peaceful evening (Mrs Yappy permitting if she is back home). Hugs  Jules x


  • Good afternoon Brian

    Well decided against a morning stroll as was due at my daughters for 11ish.  In the end went to the gym instead and though breezy very little rain so far.  Had a heavy shower whilst n gym but had stopped by the time I came out so walk to see the family was 'wind assisted' ha ha.  As I said to Sue, was given a lift back home by my son and it is now very very windy but still dry.  It will probably rain tomorrow when I have to go to work but have good waterproofs.

    I feel very sorry for your elderly neighbour being disturbed late at night but maybe it is the security light which is stopping them being more of a nuisance.  Fingers crossed it does not happen any more.

    Our local supermarket had plenty of chestnuts yesterday but no walnut which is what I was after.  I nipped to the high street and they did not have walnuts either grr.  (Just want them for my son who is a fan and prefers to get them in their shells rather than the 'ready to eat' variety.  My son in law says Tesco local has them so may pop there on my way home from work tomorrow. 

    Cannot believe that despite it being so overcast today my three solar garden lights are sparkling in the garden.

    Glad you still have the writing bug but a nuisance that your tablet is giving you programs you do not need. Hope you get that sorted soon. I have a book by the side of me (Linda La Plante) and will try and get back to it (seem to keep finding reasons to do other things -weird).

    Had a call yesterday from Mum's care home to say they had her 'checked out'  by the doctor and apart from a bit of bruising all seems to be okay.  Always a shock when you take a tumble. Will be in to see her on Tuesday all being well.  Have a support on my knee (courtesy of well known chemist) and no painkillers required today so fingers crossed soon be okay again.  Will wear support for work tomorrow and see how it goes as am out for lunch with friends afterwards and then babysittting for a couple of hours in the evening.

    Hope you and Mrs B are keeping okay, take care. Jules x

  • Hi Jules, just back from dinner at my Mum's, very nice it was too!

    Glad you had such a lovely time with the Birthday Boy, it is lovely to watch little ones opening present isn't it? (and to eat cake too, musn't forget that!!) Nice that your son took you home so you didn't have to do your Mary Poppins impression after all. It got pretty breezy here as well but has now calmed down again. Rain for tomorrow though so will see if the roofers come to finish things off or not. Luckily that part of the roof is very sheltered so should be ok now.

    Hope you knee withstands work tomorrow and that the day goes ok for you. Enjoy your lunch and then the babysitting later and I have my fingers crossed for your daughters check up.

    My shopping wasn't terribly exiting, a pair of trousers and a calendar but today I at least managed to get our work Secret Santa pressie. We have a limit of £5 each and do a lucky dip, 11 of us this year..

    So another week looms but only three more full weeks to go so can't complain too much.

    Take care  Sue xx




  • Hi Sue

    Am sure you enjoyed your Mum's home cooking as much as she enjoys seeing you.

    Hope the weather has not delayed your roofers finishing off though would not be surprised given the blustery weather.  Not too much rain here but very mild and dull. Give me chilly and bright any day!!

    Like the idea of  the secret santa.  We just have a work meal out for those who want to go (all told there will be 15 of us there this year but some of those are now ex workers coming for a social catch up). Local Pub the venue  and will not be a late one as some staff will be working next day.

    Babysitting went smoothly, both boys tucked up by 7 with a story and lights out!  Fast asleep when my son in law got back from the dentist. Will see them all on Friday when we take the boys to see the London Christmas lights and the eldest gets to spend some of his birthday money at Hamleys (can still remember taking my own kids there and love the atmosphere).

    Whilst it is good to be kept occupied I think I need time to be reflective and am trying to get some 'balance' if that makes sense.

    How long to you get off for Christmas.  I will just have my normal 3 days off(as Christmas falls on those days anyway!!) but because my son and fiancee both work at the University they are off until after New Year.  am hoping I do not have to work extra hours on Christmas Eve (have done in the past) as would like to get to the butchers on the way home!!!

    Take care Jules x


  • Hi Jules, it must be so difficult for you as the festive season hurtles towards us and I can totally understand your desire for a healthy balance between keeping busy and wanting some "you" time. While running around keeps things at bay, as it were, perhaps some quiet time will also help to ease you into this new life that has been forced upon you. I think we all go through various different stages during the grieving process and only by enduring each one can we learn to accept our new lives for what they have become... not easy by any means and I am thinking of you and send lots of hugs.

    Hamleys and the Christmas Lights sounds great fun. My Dad always used to take us there too and for little ones it was so exciting so have a lovely day on Friday and say hello to Regent Street for me!

    The roof saga continues, they didn't show up yesterday (clearly Mondays are not their cup of tea) but they have been today and (I keep saying it) from what I can see they should finish tomorrow.!

    As well as the Secret Santa which is only for our little team, we also have a Department Christmas meal  (40+ of us) which this year is being held at the Kent County Cricket ground. We all pay for ourselves but our " management" supply the equivalent of half a bottle of wine each to go with the meal and also a round of drinks at the pub beforehand if we time it right! I will be driving though so won't be able to take advatage but a nice gesture nonetheless.

    Like your son & fiancee, I am off from end of the day on 23rd right though to 4th Jan so a nice long break for us. Sorry to rub it in when you have so little time off and fingers crossed you don't have to work extra time on the 24th.

    Take care of yourself   Sue xx


  • Morning Sue

    Here's hoping that your 'roofing journey' will soon be complete and it can be signed off.  I sometimes think they work several jobs at once and depending on the weather turn up as and when!! I must say the weather has not been too helpful with the high winds and periodic showers.  It was nice to get a glimpse of the sun yesterday as I came out of the gym.

    Mum now has her new glasses and seemss to have recovered ok from her tumble.  She even got a book out from the mobile library - now just have to see if you reads it as last time it went back untouched!!!

    I am sure you will enjoy the festive break to recharge your batteries.  Working in retail you get used to 'minimum breaks' and as I only work 16hrs a week anyway cannot really complain ha ha. When I first started where I am now I was doing 27hrs and we had a bigger staff.  In those days too the company paid for our Christmas meal but that ended a long time ago.  Our manager always stands a round of drinks on arrival so that's very nice. Normally I travel by public transport to these events but where we are going is a bit awkward from where I live so one of the girls is giving me a lift (well her partner is!!).  I am one of the few staff that travels any distance to work with most living very local to the store (at least I get free travel at my age!).  All the hard work of the staff last week resulted in above average sales so one very happy Manager (at least for a few days).

    Like you, my parents used to take me into London (we were only a short bus ride from the centre back then) and there was a time when I was taken to Selfridges just for a haircut and can remember being promised a ride on the rocking horse if I sat still;mad!!!  I then worked in the West End for nearly 11 years so  it was easy for me knowing my way around.  I suspect there will be more of a crowd issue this coming Friday but we are going up as soon as school finishes so will not be too late back hopefully though Zack can always drop off in his pushchair.

    Thanks for the hugs; much appreciated. Understanding and accepting the grieving process is definitely something of a learning curve and its the 'not knowing' what will set you off at any given time that is somewhat disconcerting or maybe that'sjust 'hormones' ha ha. However it goes it's important to give the family new memories for their future and beyond and take the old memories along for the ride.

    Have a good day and will keep fingers crossed to a completed roof.  Hugs back  too. Jules xx

  • Hi Jules,

    I hope your knees is feeling better now. Glad to hear your mother is okay; I know all to well how a fall shakes you up after the time I had the fall and broke my pubic bone a few years ago. It was so painful and for a long time afterwards, I was wary when walking on any wet surface. Hope she gets to read the book this time. 

    We have a busy week this week; Mrs B had to see the nurse for a check yesterday and all was well. Friday she has to go to the hospital for another one, then on Saturday I have another cancer committee meeting. It's completely upset Mrs B's routine, something she really hates I might add. Hope you have been able to get you walnuts. They have had plenty locally, including loads on the local market stall when I replinished my chestnuts today. Made the guy laugh as I told him my sone had also bought some from him. Guess he's getting Brianitus now ha ha.

    Will be seeing my grandson tonight for his usual stories as I havent seen him for a couple of weeks. I am also going to make Mrs B a bigger top for her magazine rack shortly as the one she has at the moment is not big enough.

    Take care, sending best wishes and kind thought you way, Brian.

  • Hi Jules, you are right about the roofer doing several jobs at once - yes, you've guessed it, they were a no show again today! Tomorrow will be Day 9 of the supposed 3 day job! Still, the longer they take, the later the bill will arrive, just in time for Christmas at this rate!!

    Glad to hear your Mum has recovered from her fall. One of my work colleagues has a screen saver on her computer which says "I didn't trip, I was just giving the floor a hug" !!

    I have an eye test booked for Sunday morning so am hoping that whilst in town I can do rather better than last weekends dismal attempt at Christmas shopping (I might actually get something for other people this time, ha ha) I ended up with two pairs of trousers for work last week, both different sizes. Why do the sizes differ depending on the make, I've never understood that? Anyway they both fit so I can have a ritual burning of the old ones now.

    How nice that you will be chauffeured to your Christmas do, a great excuse for the odd sip or two and why not after all your hard, hard work? Hope your manager's good mood lasts until then!

    Hope tomorrow goes well, take care  Sue xx