My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules & Brian, thank you both for your messages and sorry for the delay. After trying to repy several times last night and again this morning I kept getting the message that I was "not authoirsed to access the page". Have now changed my password and here I am!

    The shoulder has recovered so much better than I had dared hoped. Though still a little sore, I am doing my exercises like a good girl (!) and am back to normal work mode, yippee.

    Not so good news on the therapy front but will not bore you with all that now and will just enjoy the good result instead.

    Hope you are both well and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Take care  Sue x


  • Hi Brian

    Glad you have completed the shelf for Mrs B and had to smile when you said the owls are in residence! Sadly though the picture does not seem to have loaded.

    Not a bad visit to Mum (in the dry) and my daughter and grandson decided to join me so 'safety in numbers' ha ha. Unfortunately she had decided to take her frame for the walk (unattended when she knows she should always have her carer with her) a couple of days previously and took a tumble, so is sporting a nasty bruise on her derriere but had been checked over and not too bad thankfully.  We even saw pictures of her attending another resident's 100th birthday party last week (not something she would normally go to) and she had had a manicure and was sporting bright nail varnish!!  Nice to see her having a few good days.

    I am glad you have new photos to cherish of your Dad and I do find having pictures around is a good reminder of happy times.  Making new memories now to take the family forward is also an important part of life continuing and just accept the emotional times as part of that process.  I have just received a letter from the funeral directors that looked after hubby so well and they have sent silver star tags to all their 'bereaved families' so that, if we wish, we can write a message and hang it on their memorial Christmas tree for those passed in the last year.   My grandson is to decorate one with my daughter and I will do another and drop them in soon.  We also had to raise a smile when my grandson asked if we could go to the crematorium at night and see if there were decorations/lights/stars on all the memorial trees - another lengthy explanation about 'opening hours' followed!  I just love children's innocence and it is somewhat comforting.

    Well, time moves on so will sign off and send you,Mrs B a nut friendly day. Take care. Jules x

  • Good morning Sue

    Delighted to read you are both 'back with us' and also enjoying a good recovery. Am shortly off to work so will message you later and you could never bore us, though by the 'tone' of your message suspect there is more to be told that may not be quite so good news on the therapy front grr.  Good idea to concentrate on the better news.  Have a good day, chat later.  Take care Jules x

  • Hi Jules,

    Photo now available in previous post, sorry about that; my fault

    take care Brian.

  • Thanks Brian, both the new shelf and its embellishments look great and I am sure both you and Mrs B are very happy.  I wonder what the next project will be to keep you busy?  Technical glitches are part of today's frustrations but you always manage to sort them out; well done. Take care. Jules x

  • Great stuff Brian, it all looks great, no wonder Mrs.B was so pleased! Sue x


  • Hi Jules, I hope work wasn't tooo bad for you today...have you any nice plans for the weekend other than the garden tidy you mentioned?

    My roof work is taking shape at last. After a no show on Monday and a quick visit to put up the scaffolding on Tuesday, they finally started on it yesterday and the flat roof portion is in place. Still lots more to do yet though so I suspect it be will the middle of next before they complete but at least they've started so they'll finish!

    Take care  Sue xx



  • Hi Sue,

    Well as far as the garden goes I was out the front  before I left for work (yes I know it was a bit dark!!) and managed to sort the tubers out so one less job to do.  Weekend weather is looking a bit iffy so will see what else can be managed.

    Work was busy, busy and busier. Thankfully got away on time and will not have to face the mahem of the town centre for Friday. Just my weekly shop and the gym tomorrow. No plans for Saturday and then on Sunday will head to my daughters (after gym session) for lunch as eldest grandson turns 7. Monday after work am meeting friends for lunch  and then babysitting in the evening. Life is rather busy all round at the moment so am savouring a quiet evening just now in front of the tv whilst the washing machine does its stuff.

    Great news that your roof work is under way and no doubt you will be relieved when its done and dusted and  you can rest easy that you will not need a brolly or buckets indoors. 

    Hope work has not been too tiring for you after your week off and that you have some relaxation planned for the weekend.  Take care Jules x

  • Hi Jules,  what a lovely idea to leave stars on a memorial tree and I hope that, with the tears,  it brought you all some comfort as well? Like you though, not sure about your gandson's nightime visting plan... 

    Hope you didn't get too soggy today while shopping and gyming, drizzled most of the day here.

    Had a pleasant surprise when I came home today. Yes, they have finished the roof! I won't really see the result until it's light tomorrow but those towels are in the washing machine as we speak. Not sure what they have done with the keys at the moment as they weren't put through the door or left with my neighbour but it's good to know it's all done. Just the bill to come!

    Had a busy but ok week. Shoulder aching more now that it was but bearably so and I am still chuffed from the op so all good. Am trying to talk myself into going Christmas shopping tomorrow but will no doubt come up with a list of excuses for not doing so! I am not a shopper at the best of times but don't really have that many to get so it would nice to get started at least.

    Have a good day tomorrow and a lovely time on Sunday with the BIrthday Boy.  Take care  Sue xx

  • Hi Sue

    Delighted to read that the roofers had completed the work and hope 'daylight' showed good workmanship. Still waiting for that lottery win to make things easier all round?!! Expect they will pop back with key and the bill!!

    Not sure my nerves can stand the tennis at the moment and Hamilton lost out to pole to his team mate --- again  grrrr.

    Will talk again when recovered from time with the boys tomorrow ha ha.  Have just finished wrapping up their Xmas gifts just in case the older one decides to be a little too nosy when they are here next weekend (has always been pretty good in previous years - so much so that my daughter and son in law store their gifts for them here!!).

    Have a peaceful evening and no rain reached us yet!.  Take care Jules x