My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Brian

    Am pleased you had such a nice experience with your  neighbour's little girl- would leave a nice warm glow on the inside and, as you say, a good start to your day.

    Good news too that you now have an extra reason for all those nutty moments as they are iron rich. Get my iron mainly from liver but I am the only member of the family who likes it!!! Thankfully dark green veg also on my likes list so doubt I would ever be deficient in iron (though they still insisted that I had supplements when  was expecting way back when - played havoc with the bowel which then led to more pills to counteract the side effects ha  ha).

    Mum was her usual downbeat self but did agree to have her hair done in the afternoon after a little gentle persuasion by me and the hairdresser. Gym visit was fine and then I spent a few hours in the afternoon with hubby's own buddy and his wife.  Difficult days ahead for both of them as they are both in poorer health these days but were happy to see me carrying  chocolate tea cakes and some mint chocs.  They have carers for his wife three times a day and lots of gadgets to help her move around but he is now undergoing test himself and can see how worried he is so will be keeping an eye on how things go for them both in the coming days.  Their daughter works full time but always pops in at the weekend and they have a very good GP so hopefully the various appointments he now has (heart and neurology) now set up will throw some light on things.

    Am busy delivering goodies from last week's at home party and will enjoy seeing daughter and grandchildren tomorrow when I do a short stint of babysitting whilst they are at a parents evening.  Busy social life Fri- Sun but need to get through work tomorrow first.

    All the best to your, Mrs B and the family.  Jules x

  • Hi Jules, just had a chocolate bar myself, a Caramac, which brought back memories of raiding the local sweet shop during my school days. Also had a small packet of Brazil nuts (that Brian, he's a bad/good influence!)

    Glad to hear work today wasn't too bad for you and that you enjoyed your chat with your friends. Lucky you having cuddles tomorrow, long time since I had one of those!

    I called today for the results of the test but all my notes say is that I had already been given the anitbiotics so I will assume all is ok unless I am told otherwise. Have been shattered this week, last night was in bed at 6.30 and am currently waiting for the washing machine to finish so I can curl up for the night again now, it's rediculous! Still, two more days to go and then it's the weekend and a chance to relax a bit before Monday. I will probably only stay with my Mum for a couple of nights as she is struggling herself at the moment and I don't want to add to her load. The pain block is good yes but when it wears off, it sure wears off!

    Sorry, you really don't need me having such a moan so will leave you to your nice quiet evening and catch up again soon.  Take care and have fun babysitting.  Sue xx

  • Sue,

    Do not beat yourself up about moaning here - listening is what the forum does best.  You sound 'wiped out' just now and the extra work load is not helping on top of dealing with your water infection and thinking about next week all playing its part.  Sounds from your test results as though the antibiotics they gave you are enough to clear things up (they would have given different prescription otherwise) but do not hesitate to go back if symptoms persist ( now I sound like your Mother sorry).

     Glad I am not the only one who finds comfort in choc bars.  Have not had caramac for years and so loved it when I was a girl (can just about remember that!!). May have to re-visit sweetie shop now.

    Sorry to hear that your Mum has her own struggles just now but sure a mutual hug will do you both good though if you are numb from the op you may have to return for more when the feeling comes back.  Be kind to yourself and will send a virtual cuddle which you may now have to wake up to tomorrow. Jules x

    Hope another early night will help and have a good rant on here any time buddy

  • Hi Jules, thank you for your kind words and the hug this morning, a lovely start to the day... Sue xx

  • Hi Sue,

    What's this about me being a bad/good influence?? Ha ha. That gave me quite a laugh. Pleased you like Brazil nuts.

    Hope you have a pleasant evening, take care, Brian

  • It's all your fault  Brian, I saw them, thought of you and suddenly they were in my hand, just like that. I did pay for them I hasten to add, and very nice they were too! I do hope Mrs.B's low turns have settled down again now and that you are both ok?  Take care  Sue x

  • Hi Sue

    Snoopy deliverying lovely message, thank you; no cartoon but hugs returned.  Short spell of babysitting last  night whilst daughter and son in law attended parents evening. It went well with the only negative being grandson's need to curb his chatter (not sure who he get's that from ha ha).

    Hope you are feeling the benefit of the antibiotics and that you will be able to relax and unwind over the weekend and in case I do not get a moment to say it again, all the best for your op on Monday which I hope will be trouble free and achieved earlier enough for  you to get to your Mum's for some post op tlc.

    Beautiful start here this morning so am off to do supermarket sweep in a moment.  Am just hoping that a mishap during breakfast (swallowed a prune stone!!) does not cause me a problem later on!!!

    Take care. Jules x

  • Hi Jules, Ooops, really hope the prune stone didn't have any repercussions for you today?!

    Glad you enjoyed the cuddles last night. One of my colleagues aso had the "lots of chatter" comment from her daughter's teacher but rather that than being too quiet at that age I would have thought.

    Much better now thank you and, although busy, the week went well with nothing held over to leave for my colleagues so that's good. Need to do a bit of a spring clean but other than that no plans for the weekend except to relax and sleep. I have lost a fair bit of weight over the last couple of weeks but no doubt my Mum will feed me up again next week!

    Hope to catch up again over the weekend but enjoy whatever you get up to and take care  Sue xx



  • Hi Jules, I want to apologise for not answering you on my post about radiation and its' possible effect on small chldren. Actually, I did respond to your post, but as what has sometimes happened to me in the past, when I clicked on "Post now" it took me right out of the forum and I couldn't get back on. This post is actually a trial run, so I am making it short. (Thanks to you and Brian for responding to that post. I couldn't answer his either.) I sent an e-mail to the moderators and they can't explain what's happening and told me to try again, so here I am. The other one though, was long and very appropriate to both yours and Brian's, but alas, it didn't go. We'll see if this one does.

    Take care and sending hugs.
