Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Sue
Hope you are feeling a little less fragile and did not war yourself out with those chores.
I was totally lucky yesterday as no rain and was out for nearly four hours in the end. Once my gym session ended I walked through our local high street and joined the crowd which had gathered for a remembrance service at the war memorial. Remembrance Day was always an important time for my Dad (Second World War veteran) when he was alive and it is always time for refection of memories made.
I then walked to the garden centre (round trip about 3+ miles) so earned my coffee and cake!! Also spent my voucher (and more ha ha) on a couple of indoor plants plus a few Xmas decorations. Am lucky this year as Boxing Day falls on my normal day off so will get a four day break. Though not expecting it to be too easy emotionally for me and the family as first without hubby, I know he would want us to enjoy it as he loved this family time of year and we have the grandchildren who should be our focus, with new memories to make.
A lovely sunrise when I opened the curtains this morning so very much wish it was not Monday!!! Hope things not too hectic for you with the boss away but suppose at least it keeps the mind occupied. What date is your op? Right I had better get 'into gear' myself and face the new working week. Have tomorrow's day off to enjoy as after visit to Mum and gym I am meeting up with one of John's old workmates (co driver from his 750cc car racing club days too) for a chat and cuppa. He is in his 70's and full time carer for his wife (she has had MS since age 21) who now has dementia.
Take care of yourself and hope the magpies are behaving themselves> Jules x
Hi Jules,
Good news at the Doctors. My vitamin B12 level is now okay and my iron levels were reasonable but I need to keep taking the tablets. Made my doc laugh when he asked am I vegetarian and I explained my diet to him. I told him you've never met anyone like me before and probably never will again. He laughed even more when I told him if they did away with potatoes and nuts I would just waste away. He said that explains why you have both of these problems. It's Mrs B's birthday today so on my way back I bought her two bunches of flowers which pleased her. I had allready bought her two skirts. Like that advert says, "Because she's worth it".
Still very mild for the time of year and when I got back, the two collerd doves, a pidgeon and three magpies flew out of the small back garden, one of them so low I instinctivly ducked. Luckily his aim was not on target ha ha. Where I used to work one of the guys was boasting about this new shirt he'd just bought when this pidgen decided it was too good a target to resist. It's aim was spot on and hit his back and spread and spread. We all fell about laughing and the poor guy had to go home to change. Whenever he was about after that, he alway kept a eye out for any dive bombers ha ha.
Hope today is not too manic. Sending best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian
Hi Brian
Sent a long reply only for intenet to 'fail' grr. Please pass my best wishes on to Mrs B for her birthday. I can understand that she would be very pleased with her flowers (and skirts). I love to receive flowers and am still 'treating'myself every couple of weeks with a bunch or a plant to bright the inside space. Not too much to bring in from the garden now and what colour there is would rather leave in situ.
Very pleased that you visit to the doctor went well. Whilst you prefer a fairly restrictive choice of diet, you do seem to be bucking the trend and managing it well. Saves Mrs B having to work out menus for you too. Does it mean that you have to take extra vitamins in addition to the tablets you already have?
Monday did not get off to a great start. When I reached the underground station was informed no trains due to power/signal failure. Legged it to the bus station and squeezed onto a bus but with so much traffic was about ten minutes late for work grr. We are, of course, busy and I spent much of my shift finishing off jobs started last week as the weekend staff do not have the time to do the admin side of the job. A bit of a case of could not see the wood for the trees!!! Will have a relaxing evening (dinner in the oven cooking slowly) and visit Mum and gym tomorrow a.m. and then visiting an old friend of hubby's. As he cares for his wife (who has MS and now suffering with dementia) I will take him some shortbread and enjoy a cuppa whilst he offloads as it will do him good to talk it out.
Have a pleasant evening and all the best to you both and the family. Take care. Jules
Hi Brian, just butting in to wish Mrs.B Happy Birthday. I know I am a bit late but I hope you both had a good day and that the flowers are enjoyed for a good few days to come.
Good news about your doctors visit and although my diet is a tad more varied than yours (!), I too am partial to the odd nut, particularly Brazil Nuts, yumm!
Take care Sue x
Hi Jules,
Glad you liked the Monday cartoon, I could have done with another Sunday! Things are calming down, especially the backache so that's that sorted out. Will call for my sample results in a couple of days but am happy that the antibiotics are doing the trick. My op is next Monday afternoon (the 16th). I've to be there at 12.00 but as usual won't know where I am on the list til I get there. My only concern is that it is done early enough to ensure I can go back to my Mum's that same evening. Really don't fancy a night courtesy of the NHS! Should be ok though as they will give me a 24 hour pain block at the end of the op so my whole shoulder,arm & hand will be completely numb, and therefore painfree, for the first day at least.
Busy busy today with four more days to go but, with only four more days to go, at least it's only a short spurt of really hectic stuff and I actually quite like the hustle & bustle of it. Although we have deadlines and timetables to stick to, unlike you, we don't have endless queues of real people to placate which makes things a lot easier. Ours are at the other end of the phone or email.
Nice to hear you will be having a "longer" break over Christmas although of course it will not be at all easy for any of you. The little ones will always find a way to make you laugh and smile though and hubby will no doubt be joining in the fun as you raise a glass or two.
So gad you didn't have to do a drowned rat impression yesterday and managed such a lovely long time out and about.
Hope your Mum's visit goes ok tomorrow and that you have a good chat with John's workmate too. Am sorry to hear his wife has such troubles, it must be very difficult for both of them. Hope you get to relax a bit yourself in between all that ready for the next workday.?
Magpies all quiet tonight, probably still sticking their lost feathers back on!
Take care Sue xx
Hi Jules,
Day started off very well for after getting back from shopping, our nextdoor neighbour was just taking her children off to school and her youngest daughter who is about three wanted to show me her small teddy bear. As I was saying goodby she smiled and waved and then blew me a kiss. Made me smile I can tell you. Thanks for wishing Mrs B a happy birthday.
No I dont need to take any extra tablets thank goodness but one good thing; on the leaflet the doc gave me it says nuts are a good source of iron, Yippee, I now have an added excuse to take them, not that I really needed one ha ha. I used to eat virtually anything when quite young but it all changed when my father went back to Canada. Doctor arranged for Mum to take me to see this psycologist but he had never seen anything like me before and I think the poor guy ended up having a nervous breakdown ha ha. He gave up on me very quick.
Sister in law came to visit us this morning and she seems outwardly to be coping but she did admit it's when she is on her own, particulary at night when she feels it most. We are going to pop down to see her in a few days time.
Hope your weekly visit to see your mum went okay and that you have a good meeting later with your friend. Also hope your visit to the gym went off okay. One of our younger woodclub member often goes to a gym and he says he needs it not just for the excercise but also for the social side as he lives on his own and doesnt meet very many people.
Just remembered I have got to send the usual reminder e-mails to all our club member about our meeting tommorow evening. Enjoy your day off today and sending kind thoughts your way, Brian.
Hi Sue,
Thanks for that, especially as I have just bought a load more chestnuts this morning so thats spot on. Everyday is a nutty day with me ha ha.
Many thanks , Brian.
Hi Sue
Hope by now the antibiotics have done their trick and that when you get your results they show you were on the right ones! Always found bladder infections quite lowering abnd it sounds as though you will be kept busy at work before you have time off for your op. Will keep my fingers crossed that your procedure is earlier rather than later and that you can benefit from some of your Mum's TLC. Having 24hr pain block after the op sounds a good idea and lets hope when it wears off you are not too sore, Here for you to rant about it if needs be.
Have enjoyed the cartoon selections you have added to my thread especially that one for Brian - very appropriate as I see he has been nut buying again.
Visit to Mum was pretty much as it usually is but I did top up her personal account and she was going to have her hair done after lunch so that was an improvement on last week when she refused. Next week one of the residents celebrates her 100th birthday so plans are afoot (including local press coverage and the home are arranging her hair do for free on the day).
Have just been very naughty and polished off a bar of dark chocolate (knew I should not have bought it ha ha). Will have to run up and down stairs a few times to counteract the calories!!! Work was steady today so a bit more manageable and even managed to get some stock ready for the change round tomorrow. Maybe having had a good chat with hubby's old friends helped too as they are good company and made a lovely cuppa. The journey only took 45mins too which was great. Quiet evening tonight and then babysitting for a while tomorrow evening so hoping for some cuddles and storytelling time.
Take care. Jules x